Hello, I am selling a bronze 1 account, fresh out of placements matches. It has a total of 50 skins listed below. Selling cheap to get rid of it.

Void Fizz, Artic Ops Varus, Battlecast Vel'Koz, Warrior King Tryndamere, Popstar Ahri, Officier Vi,
Poolparty Renekton, Debonair Jayce, Phoenix Quinn, Jade Fang Casseopia, Deep Terror Thresh, Mecha Kha Zix,
Astro Nautilus, Battlecast Prime Cho Gath, HeadHunter Rengar, Full Metal Jayce, PULSEFIRE EZREAL, battle Bunny Riven,
Jurassic Kog' Maw, Royal Guard Fiora, Madd scientist Ziggs, Headhunter Master yi, Gugin Sona, Sandstorm Katarina, Superb Villian Veigar,
Thudnerlord Volibear, Hired Gun Graves, Super Teemo, Officer Caitlyn, Full Metal Pantheon, Sewn Chaos Orianna, High Command Katarina,
Dreadknight Garen, Surfer Singed, Astronaut Teemo, Woad Ashe, Freljord Ashe, Exiled Morgana, Chosen Master yi,
Tundra hunter Warwick, Mercenary Katariana, French Maid nidalee, Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, Royal Shaco, Corporate Mundo

Owns all champs excluding 30 or so. Message me for details. Either here but preferably on Skype - Carlo.la.civitaq
Through PayPal.