Hi there. I've got 2 league of legends accounts that I barely use anymore and I would like to trade them for either CSGO items or money on PayPal.

1st account:
Server: EUW
IGN: iamslynx
Division: Gold 5
Champions: 50
Skins: 7 (Rengar, Leblanc, Lux, Katarina, Veigar, Garen, Warwick)
RP amount: 127
IP amount: 5521

2nd account:
Server: EUNE
IGN: Tavo T3vas
Division: Plat 5
Champions: 53
Skins: 11 (Yi, Ali, Ryze, Tristana, Lulu, Garen, Shaco, Taric, Champ. Thresh, Jax, Veigar,)
RP Amount: 62
IP amount: 3658

Any further information required will be discussed on Skype: slytrinity1.
The middleman I'll be using for this will be [MPGH]Symmetrical