so iv seen alot of this imvu ad all over the forum so i thought i'd try and look @ this. i couldnt help laughing rofl

Guest_sakuraharuno1987 has joined the chat
Guest_TridaggerX: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Guest_TridaggerX: big naruto fan aye?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: yeah so.
Guest_TridaggerX: nothing lol..
Guest_TridaggerX: hi
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: hi.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: you know look better with wing is flying
Guest_TridaggerX: the wings wont fly
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: in here you cna watch
Guest_TridaggerX: woah
Guest_TridaggerX: that's cool haha
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: lol.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: but there always hard time stopping
Guest_TridaggerX: haha
Guest_TridaggerX: how do you stop lol
Guest_TridaggerX: just click back on the floor?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: oh chick on yello dots
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: lol.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: ow my head
Guest_TridaggerX: haha
Guest_TridaggerX: how much did u spend on ur naruto avatar ?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: that moment am at 132crds
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: xD
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: first.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: 2nd
Guest_TridaggerX: lol
Guest_TridaggerX: ic ic
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: 3rd
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: 4th other one si ap.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: and am far being done.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: this is 6th one
Guest_TridaggerX: haha
Guest_TridaggerX: u got alot
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: lol, i have to if i going be skaura lol.
Guest_TridaggerX: yeah
Guest_TridaggerX: do you dress up like that in real life too?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: yeah frist time yea i was going sexy no justu of sasuke but my dad going surgey on his hand.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: i need sword but real one cost lot more i ahve
Guest_TridaggerX: ah ic
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: lol.real one
Guest_TridaggerX: how much does that cost lol
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: if last i saw it $150
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: hunder*
Guest_TridaggerX: wow
Guest_TridaggerX: what you mean by surgery on ur dad's hand?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: -.-" am not pay that much only use it once.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: one hsi hands try put back in place but didn't work so have get surgery
Guest_TridaggerX: ah ic
Guest_TridaggerX: sorry but your english is kind of hard to understand, i notice ur canadian, do you speak french?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: lol, i don't speak french nor i understand it.
Guest_TridaggerX: Parlez-vous français?
Guest_TridaggerX: ah ic
Guest_TridaggerX: what's ur main language lol
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: french lol.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: xD
Guest_TridaggerX: 0,o?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: yeah well alll my life i spoek english i only how say hi in french goodbye and count that it.
Guest_TridaggerX: ah ic
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: i know my grammar and my typing is bad my stupid teacher never learn this in high school.
Guest_TridaggerX: lol ic
Guest_TridaggerX: how old are you?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: 22
Guest_TridaggerX: cool.
Guest_TridaggerX: you watch alot of anime aye?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: yea.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: don't ask many i watched i lost teack lol.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: tack*
Guest_TridaggerX: track!
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: gah! i ahte my typing
Guest_TridaggerX: Lol.
Guest_TridaggerX: do you work or still studying?
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: oy.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: hm i can't get collage in i was in speical ed work uh no dice i injur my back was kid.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: put this way my life sucks.
Guest_TridaggerX: oh that sucks
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: yeah but it cool i get money that end mouth.
Guest_TridaggerX: easy life for you i guess
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: i can go out everyday.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: i wish i have pay my own my rent.
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: i still live my family but thye teach on use my money.
Guest_TridaggerX: ouch
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: k mite as well add me i need some sleep and my back satrting to hurt.
Guest_TridaggerX: okay
Guest_TridaggerX: ill add u
Guest_sakuraharuno1987: k
Guest_sakuraharuno1987 has left the chat
I Know its pretty long, but u have gotta lol @ the way she speaks

i dont know to feel bad or sad for her