So, previously I gave all you folks a glimpse of unlimited view distance, therefore I come here before you today to reveal this "hack", its all simple really all you need to do is fiddle around with "Video.con" located within your "Documents/Battlefield Play4free". Open the file with Notepad and its the second line we are interested in;
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 2
The number at the end represents your video setting;
0= Super Low
1= Low
2= Medium
3= High


And so I decided to change the number to "-1", and voilą!
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme -1
That's it! Bloody Simple!

You can go on trying other attributes such as "4,5,-2,-3,-4 etc." but the game will begin to look incredibly weird for instance the ground dissapearing or everything except your gun and so on...

Enjoy, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!