My old thread was locked due to "failure to provide proof" despite clear undeniable (within the limits of reason) proof of flash51 in the act of scamming being provided. It was not linked directly due to the fact that MPGH rules are preventing me from posting links due to not meeting the post requirement, however anybody with a laptop and fingers could go to the extra effort of searching the title on youtube and having it come up first. There was no Skype conversation as I've been scammed by someone through Skype before, so I didn't ask for a faux security measure. Especially because the scammer knew that they were providing video evidence of themselves in the act. flash51 was recommended to me by someone in game and I bought from him around 2 months after I was originally referred to him, with him having been on my friends list that entire time.

Type this into your YouTube search bar and see for yourselves: Scammer: flash51 Video for MPGH