Quote Originally Posted by Dab1996426 View Post
Faith Is A Null Argument... I'm Glad You Can See That.
I'm not arguing that faith proves God's existence. Don't strawman, buddy. I'm arguing that it's not "anti-scientific" to believe in a God.

You just write incoherently and don't follow a train of thought, so of course people aren't going to understand you...
Seems like everyone else I've debated on here and on other forums have no issue understanding me. You are an exception because of your idiocy.

how much evidence do you need? I realize a scientific argument would be over your head but this is physical evidence.
Again, I simply ask for evidence so that your argument is not worthless. You can't say something without any supporting evidence and expect the person you are debating to just except it. It's simple really.

With that said, again, I'm not denying that global warming or climate change is non-existent, only that it is not as large or immediate threat as the liberal media makes it out to be.