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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: m/f
You: yo mohammad
You: you got the stuff for tonight?
Stranger: fuck yeah!
You: Great, you know the plan?
Stranger: wheres it goin down
You: wal on the plane
You: walk onto the plane
You: mid flight
You: pull out the container
Stranger: vivek?
You: si
You: scream ALAH and open it.
You: people will look at you, now get a spoon
You: and eat the ice-cream out of the container
You: it's very important that you use a spoon
Stranger: i only got a fork!
Stranger: well tim told me i didnt need a spoon!
You: k, meet me at the yellow submarine at 11
Stranger: roger.
Stranger: over and out
You: kk, praise allah.
Your conversational partner has disconnected. - Picture.