Name - Severed
Main color - Black (some silver would be nice)
Picture - included
Motto - "Go hard or go home !"

Hmm, what would I like done...

My current sig is my clan from an MMO I played....3 years ago? It's gotta go nao.


I'd like as much of my character as possible visible and placed on the lefthand side, with Severed at the top right and the motto along the bottom, probably from center to right. I don't know the dimensions, but can you make it match the xfire size? Thanks a lot.

Also, I want one done for my alt, very simple. Three pics included, one as background and two as character. No leet design necessary, teh background says enough. This one can be small. One char on each side, and "Data Drain" in teh middle if teh background is no longer visible.


aaaaaand background:


Or this, depending on size constraints:


Thanks guys.