-Colonel 4th class S/D 2.9
-50 RT Almost bought whole red ticket guns F1/F2/F3
-30 items in mailbox includes timed guns/booster/pistols and some stuff
-300h+ play time
-Account is known aswell in pervious CCS made when aeria was publisher.
-RP 2050 ( SILVER STAR )
-38** wins - 11** loses
-Payment Method: Paypal
-Requested Middleman from MPGH don't ever ask me to go first because i won't risk in case service middleman is offline I will talk with SellingAccountIsWork as MM and recieve 10$ for his work.
Price: 150$
inventory: h ttps ://imgur . com / a / Zho00 (remove spaces)
character skins-nades: h ttps:// imgur . com / a / s8yWB (remove spaces)
Contact through skype: Dustin J Kartavil