Go to china and you tell me. I spent 6 months in that god forsaken land, all their history and culture has been demolished and they uphold literally the worst traits for their history while shunning all the good and innovation. They have strong censorship and violations of basic liberties, yet condone and promote stealing (piracy, copyright). They have poor work conditions and groups fighting for the rights of workers and their conditions, as a result they have a large workforce that has little to no safety regulations. Their culture is very rude and politically incorrect, people will often times insult you without warning or reason. They will speak loudly in public without concern for those around them, they will spit on the streets all the time, and they have unsanitary food in many areas. You can often find restaurants using the same meat you find laying out in the sun all day down some alley where everyone sells food and produce. Often times they will just slaughter the animal right there in front of you, as fresh and natural as this may seem, it creates quite a hazard for the streets and sanitary conditions of other food. Their society is also known for just doing shady or illegal things such as scamming which is a big problem there. If someone is laying down or fallen in the streets, or even dying/bleeding people will just walk right past them and offer no help. This is because often times people do this, then turn around and say it was the person who tried to help them's fault. In america if someone is literally bleeding out on the streets most of the time someone will call the cops or help them. Also in china natives try to take advantage of tourists in all sorts of ways. The country is just filled with scammers, that doesnt make it any easier that everything is negotiated. You can pay 2 dollars for something that someone else negotiated down to 2 cent. In some ways it's a good thing but in most ways it's bad especially for people who haven't lived there their entire life.

So, America #1. Largest Economy, Largest Military, and we're not as bad socially as the chinese, you're just more likely to get shot in the face here is all.