WTF?!?!?! that has to be the MOST moronic post ive ever heard in my 13 years on the net.. The whole idea is NOT to test people its to HELP THEM!!!! unless your STATING at the start of the tutorial that there are obvious mistakes that the user should be aware of and THEN have a section where they are revealed, its just extremely BAD tutorial writing.. how could you possibly say its copy and paste when none of the examples are THAT specific?? and even if it is.. THATS WHAT A TUTORIAL IS FOR!!! you dont want noobs to do that.. or think they wont learn.. DONT WRITE THEM!!! its like someone asking you for directions and you giving them the COMPLETE wrong way AND THEN putting a sack of coal on their backs.. and then after they have slogged that far you suddenly say.. OH!! btw.. im full of shit and even though i didnt indicate this you should always google assholes like myself on the off chance i might be misleading you on purpose.. absolute dribble..