Thread says "Best anime of All Time" yet everyone is just talking about their favorite anime?!? you guys realize there's a difference between the two. Unless of course all of you really believe Naruto to be the BEST ANIME OF ALL TIME and it happens to be your favorite as well - OR Naruto happens to be the only anime you've seen. I love Naruto but I would never consider it to be one of the "best anime of all time" considering the very obvious surface-level flaws the anime has throughout (filler, animation problems) surely the "Best Anime of All Time" wouldn't have such blatant problems right? or am I just a crazy asshole?

Based on all the anime I've seen, I'd consider these to be some of the best (not necessarily my favorites, although some are):
- Serial Experiments Lain (TV) (1998) My nomination for Best of All Time.
- Cowboy Bebop (TV) (1998)
- Ghost in the Shell (Movie) (1995)
- Monster (TV) (2004)
- Perfect Blue (Movie) (1998)
- Gurren Lagann (TV) (2007)
- Ping Pong the Animation (TV) (2014)