Hello, im currently looking for some help adding features to my script. Its written in cpp and has a super unique menu, it�s just missing some things. What im looking to add is more weapons, barrel attachments, Anti afk, X control slider, Y control slider, and a �legit�/�humanization� slider, as well as cleaning up the script as the sprays of some weapons are a little off, and auto detect fov/sens. Looking for a dev to hop on and take up this task for me, or just looking to purchase source for these features. Before you ask, no, im not trying to resell a paste. I had this made and then the dev fell off the face of the earth, and im not super familiar with what im doing.

Willing to pay whatevers reasonable for the job. Please come with proof of previous experience and projects you've worked on as im not gonna throw my money at anyone who just says they can do it.

Get in contact with me at Lowerz#0001