First of all.. download NFV 2, its on the forum
At the end of the NFV2 post theres a file named ohara.rar, download it
replace the NFV 2 Bypass with your warrock.exe and go to C:\Program Files\WarRock\Maps\Ohara\ and extract the rar, overwrite anything

Now you have installed the airplane
Start up warrock, if u did it right u wont get any errors
Go to vechicle combat and do training (just cuz u dont want to be banned yet )
Spawn as engineer and go get a tank or shud i say airplane.
get in it and press w.. ull begin driving, to go op put ur mouse down and to go down put ur mouse up

WARNING: Don't steer with ur mouse unless your very fast and good in controlling pc vechicles

Control List:

Right mouse button: Drop bomb
Left mouse button: shoot
D: Right
A: Left
W: Forward
S: Backwards (I dont know if it works)
Mouse down: Vechicle up
Mouse up: Vechicle down