Hey guyz idk if this is allready posted or not but anyway It's another nop wa,
1, Define your addy like so
#Define noreload 0x374A7A54
So u define it and name the hack whatever you want,
bool Memoria( void * pDest, char * szPatch, size_t sSize ) 
DWORD dwOrgProtect = NULL; 
if ( !VirtualProtect ( pDest, sSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOrgProtect )) 
return FALSE; 
memcpy( pDest, szPatch, sSize ); 
VirtualProtect( pDest, sSize, dwOrgProtect, NULL ); 
return TRUE; 
Next you wanna turn your hack on,
3, Seeing as you have defined your addy you dont need to type it again so..
Memoria((LPVOID) noreload ,"\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90", 6);
Sorry if it's mesy im on my mum's comp that cant even run tetris.