here's the link to the intro of the game


The alleged thief sold several of the copies of the game to associates... one of which who was a member of an underground hacking forum. The purchaser, who goes by the name of 'Ungodly Leaker' posted a thread on this forum showing the disc in his hands and making a few comments about the game. Ungodly Leaker had previously leaked Halo: Reach far ahead of its release and it is assumed intending to do the same with Black Ops."

Treyarch and Activision are doing everything in their powers to not make the leak spread, but we all know how very hard this can be (the ********* is quite large, you know?). It was to be expected though, as all popular games are illegally released days and sometimes weeks before release. When the game is finished and off to the presses, it's out of the developers hands and that's exactly what happened here.

We at Black Ops 24/7 are not amused about it either... It will spoil the story for so many gamers, something Black Ops 24/7 will not participate in. We will not cover any leaked material that will spoil the singleplayer or zombies campaign. So fear not!

We all know the consequences that can be dealt when people are caught playing a pirated version of the game. Last year Microsoft permanently banned up to a million consoles » that were playing Modern Warfare 2 unlawfully. These are console bans, so they can kiss Xbox LIVE goodbye.

Treyarch are really committed when it comes to their products too, so anyone seen playing the game early will probably have the banhammer coming their way. Remember, Treyarch can watch back every game played via the Theater Mode, so there is no hiding.

Thanks Agent-X.


if its not lowed to post links to source this way jsut delete it pls
I duno if this is alowed or no