Okay, so as we all know our main priority right now is to attract people to this section. Thanks to dddrrr who posted this thread, because that is actually how we came up with these ideas! So thank you!

So here is our idea. This is gunnu become pretty big, so bear with us if it doesn't sound too practical, as it will form into something great. But here is what we have so far.

Basically what we want to do is create 2 different groups. If you have ever been to the Combat Arms NA Rez and Modding Section, you might be familiar with the dominant factions, or groups, FSP (Fail Sauce Productions Modding Group), and UFB (Un-Fucking Believable Modding Group). We want to do something similar. What we want is 2 groups, one for modeling, and on for animation.
Each group will have the best of the best modelers and animators, and will release something weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, whatever (depending on size and/or epic-icity of the project).

For modeling, here is what, from what I am told, is going to happen. You will be creating model and releasing them in a huge pack. Can be anything from furnature, to buildings, to props, to anything that has to do with modeling. What I was thinking is that each week the group members would submit a theme to base the models off of and whatever one got the most votes, they would each make a couple models. Give them all to Lonesome, he'd do what he needs to do and release them all into a big pack.

Also, Lonesome will be the head director of this group, so all questions or comments directly relating to this group/projects go to him.

So here is the application format. Make sure to put "Modeling" at the top, so we know what your applying for.

-Name: In real life, since we already know your MPGH name. (Only first name)
-How much time you can spend on modeling:
-Programs you use:
-How long you have been modeling for:
-2 examples of what you consider your best work: (Please use TinyPic or ImageShack. Also please don't embed the images, only post the link to them. In other words, don't use the [IMG]...[/IMG]. Takes too long to load.
Please only post applications in this thread. All other posts will be counted as spam and deleted. If you have a suggestion, request, or comment, VM/PM me or Lonesome Cowboy about it. Thanks!

For animation, here is what's gunnu happen. I'll be leading this group, and we will be doing a weekly, bi-weekly animation, 10 to 15 minutes long. This will be either a collaborative work, or each person will do an element of the animation.

Here is a breakdown, because even I am a bit confused as to what each of those means:

Collaborative work:
If we end up doing collaborative work, we will each submit a story that can be condensed into a 10-15 minute animations. We'll all then vote on which one we like best, and from there I will divide it up into evenly times scenes that everyone will create. For example, if we do a 12 minutes animation, and we have 4 people in our group, each person will make about 3 minutes of it.
Then at the end of the week, everyone will send me their raw footage, I will edit it together and Lonesome might do some cool effects with AE to it. This will be done like almost every week or every couple weeks.

Elemental work:
If we end up doing this, each person will do part of the animation in the WHOLE.
These elements include:
  1. Animatics
  2. Backgrounds
  3. Sounds
  4. Effects
  5. Character Design
  6. Animation (Like the actual character movement)

I am actually at a complete standstill here, because both methods have benefits that the other doesn't. TT_TT For example, Collaborative Work is generally easier, because each person is responsible for each of the elements, and all I have to do is put it together.. lol.
If we use the Elemental Method, it would be more fluid and, IMO, would looks much better, as we don't all have different backgrounds, characters, and different looking animations. Also the fact that some people have better tools for some elements is a HUGE factor. Like how I can't use AE DigiPaint, because I'm in 32bit, and you need to have 64bit to run AE. IMO, DigiPaint is the best way to make good backgrounds. So Idk if you see what i'm saying, but yeah. If you have any questions, feel free to VM/PM me. Do NOT ask in this thread.

So here is the application format for the group. Make sure you put "Animation" at the top, so we know what your applying for.

-Name: In real life, since we already know your MPGH name. (Only first name)
-How much time you can spend on animating:
-Programs you use:
-How long you have been animating for:
-What you would be best at doing or you would be most interested in doing, if we end up using the elemental method: (Top 3 choices, in order from wanting most to least.)
-2 examples of what you consider your best work: (Please use TinyPic or ImageShack. Also please don't embed the images, only post the link to them. In other words, don't use the [IMG]...[/IMG]. Takes too long to load.
Please only post applications in this thread. All other posts will be counted as spam and deleted. If you have a suggestion, request, or comment, VM/PM me about it. Thanks!

Again, post ONLY applications here! There will not be a discussion thread, so if you have anything you wanna say, PM/VM me or Lonesome about it!