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    How to reduce lag in WarRock

    Here's a few things that may help you with reducing lag in WarRock.

    Step 1

    The first thing we want to improve with WarRock is loading times, in-game stuttering, pausing, freezing, and sound glitches. If you have Warrock installed, you'll need to uninstall it.

    Step 2

    Once you have WarRock ready to install, you need to know a few things about your system. Check to see how many hard drives you have. If you have only one, skip to Step 3.
    If you have multiple hard drives, we'll install WarRock on the hard drive that your Operating system is not on.

    Step 3

    Windows Disk Defragmenter.

    At this point you have determined which hard drive you are going to install WarRock to. If you only have one hard drive you don't have much choice. What we want to do before installing WarRock, is to run a system defrag on the drive we are installing to.

    If you don't know how to run a defrag:

    1. Go to start menu
    2. Click All programs
    3. Click Accessories
    4. Click System Tools
    5. Click Disk Defragmenter

    The disk defragmenter will move all of the files to the front of the drive. So, that when you install WarRock it will be put in a consecutive block with the rest of the files instead of being put amongst a bunch of scattered files.

    This will improve load times and overall smoothness of the game.

    Step 4

    After your hard drive has been defragmented, you may go ahead and install WarRock on your hard drive. Obviously, when you get to this point you are going to want to point the WarRock installer to the drive you chose in Step 2.

    Even if you have one drive, you need to install it to the front of the directory. Meaning, if you are installing WarRock on drive C, select the install path destination to be just C:\WarRock or D:\WarRock.

    By default WarRock goes to C:/Program Files/GamersFirst/WarRock

    Step 5

    After Warrock has installed, launch the game and it will go through several updates. As soon as those updates have finished, defrag your computer once again.

    Step 6

    WarRock is now optimally installed. The next few steps will involve tweaking both WarRock and your computer for performance. In the WarRock options screen you can turn up every single setting in the graphics controls to their maximum settings so long as you have a reasonably decent graphics card. The graphics settings themselves are not the culprit for WarRock's slow speeds.

    If you have an older or onboard graphics card, go ahead and leave the settings as they're, finish this guide and if you still seem to be experiencing slow speeds, you will know for certain that it's not anything else in your PC and you may need to turn down several settings to low.

    This article isn't going to cover every single WarRock setting as again this is not the reason for WarRock running slow. However, the two most effective settings for improving performance:
    Color- 16 bit
    Texture Quality - Low

    Step 7

    The settings on the FX - Shaders tab should all be set to off. These settings not only make the game look ridiculous they will bring the game down to a crawl.

    Step 8

    After you have set-up your settings, controls, etc. for WarRock. You can go ahead and close the game. The game itself is now installed at the end of the drive and you have it set up the way you like for when you are ready to play.

    Step 9

    Now it's time to improve WarRock's speed from your computers end. One of the most annoying aspects of WarRock is the fact that the display refresh rate defaults to 60Hz no matter what you have your monitor set at.

    Copy and paste this link into your browser:

    EnTech Taiwan | Utilities | Multires

    Download the program.

    Step 10

    Once you've downloaded and installed the program, open it. The program will appear in your task bar by the clock. Right click the icon and select the largest refresh rate that is listed.

    Step 11

    Next while still on the right click menu for the program. Click on "About Multires". You will be brought to a dialog box. Put a check in the box that says "Lock refresh rates" and in the box "Auto-load with Windows".

    WarRock will now consistently run at the highest refresh rate. You will notice an immediate improvement in graphics speed. Depending on other things your guns may fire a bit faster as well.

    Step 12

    WarRock has some slow down issues with low end Sound Blaster cards. If you do not own a Sound Blaster Live, Audigy SE, Audigy LE, or Audigy 1 skip to step #13.

    Obviously, the first thing you want to do is make sure your Creative Sound Card drivers are up to date by visiting their website. If drivers are fully updated, read on.

    Unlike most games, WarRock does not pass-through audio samples.

    Most WarRock sounds are recorded at either 22Hz or 44Hz. A larger majority of the weapons are recorded at 22Hz and a relative few are at 44Hz.

    By default: Creative sets the Sound drivers sampling rate to 48Hz. So every time your in-game character fires a bullet, your soundcard(or your CPU if its a very low end sound blaster) has to up-sample or down-sample accordingly.

    A setting of 44Hz is optimal. As you will not continually down-sample the 44Hz sounds, and you will only have to up-sample the 22Hz sound to 44Hz instead of 48Hz.

    To change your Sound Blaster sampling rate:

    Go into Windows Control Panel and click on Device Control.

    Set the sampling rate to 44.1Hz and the bit depth to 16. This will consume less CPU cyles when there are lots of sounds going on in the game and this setting may lower the frequency of gun lag in firefights.

    Step 13

    Audio Latency.

    This tweak will not boost your frame rate. It can however make WarRock run faster. If there are too many sounds at once, you could hear crackling and popping and or you you may skip a frame or two while your CPU gets hung getting out those PCI cycles.

    Copy and paste this link into your browser:

    PCI Latency Tool 3.1 v2 download from

    Download the PCI-Latency Tool V3. Once installed set the latency to the PCI bus your sound card is on to 0.

    After setting it to 0, go into the settings and put a check next to: Apply on Startup.

    Step 14

    Network Card Latency.

    Using the same program and guidelines as in Step 13. Set the latency of your network card to a value of 0, as well.

    Step 15

    After Changing the network card value to 0, you may close the PCI-latency tool.

    The next thing we want to do is further tweak our internet settings. WarRock is a Peer 2 Peer game. This means there is no central server that everyone connects to. A Peer 2 Peer game works much like a Peer 2 Peer file sharing program.

    To tweak our internet settings, you need to know what type of connection you have.

    Copy and paste this link into your browser:

    Speakeasy - Speed Test

    Run the speed test to various locations a few times. Note the highest download speed that you obtained we will need this in a moment.

    Copy and paste this in your browser: :: TCP Optimizer / Downloads

    Download the TCP Optimizer and install,then open the program.

    Once the program is loaded; you will want to put a check in the box that says "Optimal Settings"

    Slide the connection speed slider to the download speed that you obtained.

    Then put a check in the box marked "Modify all network adapters"

    If you are on cable, leave the box PPOE unchecked

    If you are on ADSL, put a check in the PPOE box.

    Click Apply Changes.

    It will ask if you would like to make a backup, click OK button.

    After it changes your settings it will ask if you want to reboot, click "No".

    Step 16

    If you do not have a dual core AMD processor, skip to Step 17.

    If you have a dual core AMD processor and are on Windows XP, follow the following step. Make sure you have the Dual core optimizer by AMD. We have found it to be absolutely essential for Warrock.

    Copy and paste this link into your browser:

    Global Provider of Innovative Graphics, Processors and Media Solutions | AMD

    Download the "AMD Dual-Core Optimizer Version 1.1.4" and install it.

    Step 17

    Tweaking your page file has been known to improve WarRock's performance as well. In particular a properly tuned page file helps combat the dreaded gun lag. Again, if you have multiple hard drives put the page file on the drive that your operating system is not installed on.

    To tweak your page file:

    1. Go to Control Panel
    2. Click system
    3. Click advanced tab
    4. Click on settings
    5. Click on Change at the bottom of page

    For optimal page file usage. We want to do like we did when installing WarRock. We want to defrag our hard drive. However, you cannot defrag the page file while it is in use. So select, "No Paging File" and click apply changes. Reboot when prompted and come back to this step.

    After computer has rebooted, defrag your hard drive as shown in earlier steps. Once the computer has finished defragmenting, go back to the Paging File options page.

    This time click custom size. Here are the settings:

    If you have 512 ******** of RAM:
    Minimum: 4096
    Maximum: 4096

    If you have 1 gigabyte of RAM:
    Minimum: 2048
    Maximum: 2048

    If you have 2 or more gigabytes of RAM:
    Minimum: 1024
    Maximum: 1024

    Click the 'Set' button, apply changes and reboot.

    Step 18

    You have finished tweaking your computer to make WarRock faster. This article certainly did not cover every possible tweak.

    If you are still experiencing slow downs on WarRock try this options:

    • Close all programs that have an access to the internet connection. Those are usually uTorrent, Skype, MSN and others.
    • Run WarRock as administrator
    • Play less populated servers (like EU_East/EU_West)
    • Run Ccleaner
    • Run SmartClose or GameBooster.

    You may take a look to this thread as well:

    Former Middleman
    07-07-2011 - 09-13-2011


    Skype: mpgh.flash

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    - Eminem

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