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    TinyWeeWee's Avatar
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    Rofl... *** fags still haven't learned their lesson yet.

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    ****** said:
    ***-Chris said:
    ****** said:

    Chris says:
    ****** says:
    friggin stupid computer
    ****** says:
    Chris says:
    Chris says:
    u still coding at ***?
    ****** says:
    Chris says:
    im raping **** atm
    Chris says:
    ****** says:
    how so
    Chris says:
    hacking hyperion's account XD
    ****** says:
    they stole a lot of our hacks
    ****** says:
    Chris says:
    ****** says:
    they got ahold of our src
    Chris says:
    they hacked u guys too
    Chris says:
    wth how?
    ****** says:
    they got the src a month ago
    ****** says:
    thats why they now have aimbot + invis
    Chris says:
    wth how?
    ****** says:
    hacked s0b's account
    ****** says:
    they were trying to crash our irc earlier
    ****** says:
    ****** says:
    stupid fucking computer
    Chris says:
    ****** says:
    i need to reboot or something i dunno
    This has got to be the funniest shit about this whole charade I have ever read.

    *** - Chris is obviously a fucking script kiddie. I don't know how he even became a coder. *** must be getting really desperate...

    ****** is also a fucking dumb shit. We did not steal ***'s aimbot. They've been working on the aimbot for 2 whole months with 10+ coders and turned up with a half-assed malfunctioning aimbot that aims at dead people and aims at only half of the enemy. Why would we want to steal the shittiest aimbot made in FPS history? It makes absolutely no sense.

    Dave, on the other hand, worked on his aimbot for 15 minutes and it by far rivals that of ghoster's aimbot. It does not aim at dead bodies, it's extremely accurate, it aims at ALL the enemies, and it doesn't require you to turn on 16 hacks at once to make the aimbot function properly (***'s aimbot doesn't even work properly).

    By the way, ******, we had invisible first. Yeah, this goes for you too, ***********. We had god mode first, so don't call us the leechers.

    Also, we never had your accounts over a month ago. On December 31st, we cracked into your security. December 31st was when we first got your account infos. Stating how we always had your account for a month just shows how unaware all of *** is. You guys must be shitting bricks.

    Let me clear something up...

    We did not try to crash your irc servers. The people who tried to attack your IRC were from LatinTeamHackers. We don't do IRC attacks.


    I think D.X.T. should be our next victim. So, which holiday would seem like the best day to hack them?

    ================================================== =

    To all those who are wondering, this is the complete VIP hack list:

    Features list:

    * Aimbot
    * God Mode
    * Moon Walk
    * Superjump
    * Stair Hop
    * Zoom Modifier
    * Speed Hack
    * Invisible
    * No Fog
    * No Spread
    * No Recoil
    * No Breath
    * No Sway
    * Wall Hack
    * Chams
    * White Walls
    * Full Bright
    * Bullet Tracers
    * Display FPS
    * Crosshair
    * Boxes
    * Enemy Nametags
    * Windowed
    * Spammer - Can be turned off

    More hacks will be added later when Dave gets some free time. He has a life, unlike the coders of other sites, you know...
    Last edited by Hyperion; 01-02-2009 at 12:25 PM.

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