The Gospel of Dave84311: Chapter 2

(6) And Dave said, “Let the trolls fuck off and get permabanned.” And so he devised a solution.

(7) So Fats made the upper staff and separated the upper staff from the riff-raff below it. And it was so.

(8) Dabis then called the staff "inactive peons". And there was trolling, and there was hacking—the second day.

(9) And then Davu-chan said, “Let the minions do all of the work under the upper staff, and let the global mods appear.” And it was so.

(10) Tubby called the minions “not enough,” and the banning minions he called “Minion+.” And the rest of the staff saw that it was good.

(11) Then Davinchi said, “Let the trolls stop spamming: a spamming and debate section in general that bears spam with trolls in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.

(12) The trolls produced spam: spam bearing trolls according to their kinds and retards bearing permabans with an IP ban in it according to their kinds. And Chubby saw that it was good.

(13) And there was trolling, and there was hacking—the third day.