Quote Originally Posted by Riddick's Sheep View Post
I dout becouse we never have had contact with life out of our planet.You have proofs that Nazi's created flying saucers..
On the chance that there is life somewhere else in the universe (which I believe), the chance that that life existed in our time frame is so very small, and even if that were true, the chance that that life is even capable of traveling however far it takes just to reach us, and contact us, is so very small. We humans have only been around ~100,000 years, and it would take 2.5 million lightyears just to reach the nearest galaxy. The chance that aliens travelled to earth and made contact in these past 100k years (or even 1000 years) is so small I find it improbable. Maybe aliens have found earth, 4 billion years ago, when it was still a molten rock and deemed it uninhabitable and have since died out. Who knows. Maybe there's plenty of life, but none of it has space travel.

To rely on contact for evidence of alien life is not wise. I think the chance we have at contacting alien life (in our lifetime) would have to exist in our solar system. I'm hoping they find something on the moon of saturn moon which had water. It's also possible mars had life but it died out long ago.

Anyways, that's my take on aliens.