This script is when you click your LMB it drags your mouse cursor down but I want to know how can I set it so it can drag my mouse cursor up.Thanks
Heres the script:

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

; iloveesl
NRA := 1

; SS

; NR
while GetKeyState("LButton") & NRA
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 3, uint, 0, int, 0)
Sleep, 15
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 4, uint, 0, int, 0)
Sleep, 5

; Nades
if GetKeyState("LButton")
NRA := 0
Sleep, 3000
MouseClick, Left,,,,, U
NRA := 1
