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  1. #1
    G4T3K33P3R's Avatar
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    Utilizing CreateInterface Properly

    Good evening gentlemen,

    I am having some troubles with using CreateInterface for the engine.dll in CSGO. It is functioning with client.dll, and I am able to operate through CreateInterface in this case, but when attempting with engine.dll, I only get junk in return. Here is the function that I am using to get control of the interface:

    void* GetInterface(const char* dllname, const char* interfacename) {
    	tCreateInterface CreateInterface = (tCreateInterface)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(dllname), "CreateInterface");
    	int returnCode = 0;
    	void* interface = CreateInterface(interfacename, &returnCode);
    	return interface;
    I think that this may not work because the engine.dll does not take arguments immediately in its CreateInterface function whereas client.dll does. I have attached the client and engine DLLs to help visualize my concern. FUN_102e8bf0 takes the same form as client.dlls CreateInterface, but I am not sure how to make use of it if it is possible at all. Thank you for taking the time to observe and consider my posting here and for any help you provide.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails


  2. #2
    Extreme@@'s Avatar
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    how are you using it?

  3. #3
    G4T3K33P3R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Extreme@@ View Post
    how are you using it?
    	client = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandle("client.dll");
    	engine = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandle("engine.dll");
    	entList = (EntityList*)(client + dwEntityList);
    	clientEntityList = (IClientEntityList*)GetInterface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003");
    	engineClient = (IVEngineClient013*)GetInterface("engine.dll", "VEngineClient014");
    	if (engineClient) {
    		localEntID = engineClient->GetLocalPlayer();
    		localEnt = (Entity*)clientEntityList->GetClientEntity(localEntID);
    Here is how I use the function within my DLL. Again, this method works for the entity list, but not the engine client. As a result, the local entity ID (localEntID) is incorrect when the code executes. The IClientEntityList and IVEngineClient013 classes are from the SDK directly.
    Last edited by G4T3K33P3R; 03-09-2021 at 03:25 PM. Reason: providing additional information

  4. #4
    Extreme@@'s Avatar
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    what is "engineClient"

  5. #5
    G4T3K33P3R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Extreme@@ View Post
    what is "engineClient"
    A pointer to an instance of the IVEngineClient013 class. You can find this class below. I fear the engineClient assignment may be where the error is because the get interface function may not be made correctly for this. Thank you for your continued interest.

    class IVEngineClient013
    	// Get the lighting intensivty for a specified point
    	// If bClamp is specified, the resulting Vector is restricted to the 0.0 to 1.0 for each element
    	virtual Vector				GetLightForPoint(const Vector& pos, bool bClamp) = 0;
    	// Traces the line and reports the material impacted as well as the lighting information for the impact point
    	virtual void* TraceLineMaterialAndLighting(const Vector& start, const Vector& end,
    									Vector& diffuseLightColor, Vector& baseColor) = 0;
    	// Given an input text buffer data pointer, parses a single token into the variable token and returns the new
    	//  reading position
    	virtual const char* ParseFile(const char* data, char* token, int maxlen) = 0;
    	virtual bool				CopyLocalFile(const char* source, const char* destination) = 0;
    	// Gets the dimensions of the game window
    	virtual void				GetScreenSize(int& width, int& height) = 0;
    	// Forwards szCmdString to the server, sent reliably if bReliable is set
    	virtual void				ServerCmd(const char* szCmdString, bool bReliable = true) = 0;
    	// Inserts szCmdString into the command buffer as if it was typed by the client to his/her console.
    	// Note: Calls to this are checked against FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE (if that bit is not set, then this function can't change it).
    	//       Call ClientCmd_Unrestricted to have access to FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE vars.
    	virtual void				ClientCmd(const char* szCmdString) = 0;
    	// Fill in the player info structure for the specified player index (name, model, etc.)
    	virtual bool				GetPlayerInfo(int ent_num, void* pinfo) = 0;
    	// Retrieve the player entity number for a specified userID
    	virtual int					GetPlayerForUserID(int userID) = 0;
    	// Retrieves text message system information for the specified message by name
    	virtual void* TextMessageGet(const char* pName) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the console is visible
    	virtual bool				Con_IsVisible(void) = 0;
    	// Get the entity index of the local player
    	virtual int					GetLocalPlayer(void) = 0;
    	// Client DLL is hooking a model, loads the model into memory and returns  pointer to the model_t
    	virtual const void* LoadModel(const char* pName, bool bProp = false) = 0;
    	// Get accurate, sub-frame clock ( profiling use )
    	virtual float				Time(void) = 0;
    	// Get the exact server timesstamp ( server time ) from the last message received from the server
    	virtual float				GetLastTimeStamp(void) = 0;
    	// Retrieve the current game's maxclients setting
    	virtual int					GetMaxClients(void) = 0;
    	// Given the string pBinding which may be bound to a key, 
    	//  returns the string name of the key to which this string is bound. Returns NULL if no such binding exists
    	virtual	const char* Key_LookupBinding(const char* pBinding) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the player is fully connected and active in game (i.e, not still loading)
    	virtual bool				IsInGame(void) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the player is connected, but not necessarily active in game (could still be loading)
    	virtual bool				IsConnected(void) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the loading plaque should be drawn
    	virtual bool				IsDrawingLoadingImage(void) = 0;
    	// Is the specified world-space bounding box inside the view frustum?
    	virtual int					IsBoxVisible(const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs) = 0;
    	// Is the specified world-space boudning box in the same PVS cluster as the view origin?
    	virtual int					IsBoxInViewCluster(const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the specified box is outside of the view frustum and should be culled
    	virtual bool				CullBox(const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs) = 0;
    	// Allow the sound system to paint additional data (during lengthy rendering operations) to prevent stuttering sound.
    	virtual void				Sound_ExtraUpdate(void) = 0;
    	// Get the current game directory ( e.g., hl2, tf2, cstrike, hl1 )
    	virtual const char* GetGameDirectory(void) = 0;
    	// The .bsp file can have mod-specified data lumps. These APIs are for working with such game lumps.
    	// Get mod-specified lump version id for the specified game data lump
    	virtual int					GameLumpVersion(int lumpId) const = 0;
    	// Get the raw size of the specified game data lump.
    	virtual int					GameLumpSize(int lumpId) const = 0;
    	// Loads a game lump off disk, writing the data into the buffer pointed to bye pBuffer
    	// Returns false if the data can't be read or the destination buffer is too small
    	virtual bool				LoadGameLump(int lumpId, void* pBuffer, int size) = 0;
    	// Returns the number of leaves in the level
    	virtual int					LevelLeafCount() const = 0;
    	// Gets a way to perform spatial queries on the BSP tree
    	virtual void* GetBSPTreeQuery() = 0;
    	// Convert texlight to gamma...
    	virtual void		LinearToGamma(float* linear, float* gamma) = 0;
    	// Get the lightstyle value
    	virtual float		LightStyleValue(int style) = 0;
    	// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
    	// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
    	virtual void		ComputeDynamicLighting(const Vector& pt, const Vector* pNormal, Vector& color) = 0;
    	// Returns the dx support level
    	virtual int			GetDXSupportLevel() = 0;
    	// GR - returns the HDR support status
    	virtual bool        SupportsHDR() = 0;
    	// Get the name of the current map
    	virtual void GetChapterName(char* pchBuff, int iMaxLength) = 0;
    	virtual char const* GetLevelName(void) = 0;
    	virtual int	GetLevelVersion(void) = 0;
    #if !defined( NO_VOICE )
    	// Obtain access to the voice tweaking API
    	virtual struct IVoiceTweak_s* GetVoiceTweakAPI(void) = 0;
    	// Tell engine stats gathering system that the rendering frame is beginning/ending
    	virtual void		EngineStats_BeginFrame(void) = 0;
    	virtual void		EngineStats_EndFrame(void) = 0;
    	// This tells the engine to fire any events (temp entity messages) that it has queued up this frame. 
    	// It should only be called once per frame.
    	virtual void		FireEvents() = 0;
    	// Returns an area index if all the leaves are in the same area. If they span multple areas, then it returns -1.
    	virtual int			GetLeavesArea(int* pLeaves, int nLeaves) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the box touches the specified area's frustum.
    	virtual bool		DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum(const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, int iArea) = 0;
    	// Sets the hearing origin (i.e., the origin and orientation of the listener so that the sound system can spatialize 
    	//  sound appropriately ).
    	virtual void		SetAudioState(const int& state) = 0;
    	// Sentences / sentence groups
    	virtual int			SentenceGroupPick(int groupIndex, char* name, int nameBufLen) = 0;
    	virtual int			SentenceGroupPickSequential(int groupIndex, char* name, int nameBufLen, int sentenceIndex, int reset) = 0;
    	virtual int			SentenceIndexFromName(const char* pSentenceName) = 0;
    	virtual const char* SentenceNameFromIndex(int sentenceIndex) = 0;
    	virtual int			SentenceGroupIndexFromName(const char* pGroupName) = 0;
    	virtual const char* SentenceGroupNameFromIndex(int groupIndex) = 0;
    	virtual float		SentenceLength(int sentenceIndex) = 0;
    	// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
    	// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
    	// If pBoxColors is specified (it's an array of 6), then it'll copy the light contribution at each box side.
    	virtual void		ComputeLighting(const Vector& pt, const Vector* pNormal, bool bClamp, Vector& color, Vector* pBoxColors = NULL) = 0;
    	// Activates/deactivates an occluder...
    	virtual void		ActivateOccluder(int nOccluderIndex, bool bActive) = 0;
    	virtual bool		IsOccluded(const Vector& vecAbsMins, const Vector& vecAbsMaxs) = 0;
    	// The save restore system allocates memory from a shared memory pool, use this allocator to allocate/free saverestore 
    	//  memory.
    	virtual void* SaveAllocMemory(size_t num, size_t size) = 0;
    	virtual void		SaveFreeMemory(void* pSaveMem) = 0;
    	// returns info interface for client netchannel
    	virtual void* GetNetChannelInfo(void) = 0;
    	// This can be used to notify test scripts that we're at a particular spot in the code.
    	virtual void		CheckPoint(const char* pName) = 0;
    	// Draw portals if r_DrawPortals is set (Debugging only)
    	virtual void		DrawPortals() = 0;
    	// Determine whether the client is playing back or recording a demo
    	virtual bool		IsPlayingDemo(void) = 0;
    	virtual bool		IsRecordingDemo(void) = 0;
    	virtual bool		IsPlayingTimeDemo(void) = 0;
    	virtual int			GetDemoRecordingTick(void) = 0;
    	virtual int			GetDemoPlaybackTick(void) = 0;
    	virtual int			GetDemoPlaybackStartTick(void) = 0;
    	virtual float		GetDemoPlaybackTimeScale(void) = 0;
    	virtual int			GetDemoPlaybackTotalTicks(void) = 0;
    	// Is the game paused?
    	virtual bool		IsPaused(void) = 0;
    	// Is the game currently taking a screenshot?
    	virtual bool		IsTakingScreenshot(void) = 0;
    	// Is this a HLTV broadcast ?
    	virtual bool		IsHLTV(void) = 0;
    	// is this level loaded as just the background to the main menu? (active, but unplayable)
    	virtual bool		IsLevelMainMenuBackground(void) = 0;
    	// returns the name of the background level
    	virtual void		GetMainMenuBackgroundName(char* dest, int destlen) = 0;
    	// Occlusion system control
    	virtual void		SetOcclusionParameters(const int& params) = 0;
    	// What language is the user expecting to hear .wavs in, "english" or another...
    	virtual void		GetUILanguage(char* dest, int destlen) = 0;
    	// Get the pristine map entity lump string.  (e.g., used by CS to reload the map entities when restarting a round.)
    	virtual const char* GetMapEntitiesString() = 0;
    	// Is the engine in map edit mode ?
    	virtual bool		IsInEditMode(void) = 0;
    	// current screen aspect ratio (eg. 4.0f/3.0f, 16.0f/9.0f)
    	virtual float		GetScreenAspectRatio() = 0;
    	// allow the game UI to login a user
    	virtual bool		REMOVED_SteamRefreshLogin(const char* password, bool isSecure) = 0;
    	virtual bool		REMOVED_SteamProcessCall(bool& finished) = 0;
    	// allow other modules to know about engine versioning (one use is a proxy for network compatability)
    	virtual unsigned int	GetEngineBuildNumber() = 0; // engines build
    	virtual const char* GetProductVersionString() = 0; // mods version number (steam.inf)
    	// Communicates to the color correction editor that it's time to grab the pre-color corrected frame
    	// Passes in the actual size of the viewport
    	virtual void			GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame(int x, int y, int width, int height) = 0;
    	virtual bool			IsHammerRunning() const = 0;
    	// Inserts szCmdString into the command buffer as if it was typed by the client to his/her console.
    	// And then executes the command string immediately (vs ClientCmd() which executes in the next frame)
    	// Note: this is NOT checked against the FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE vars.
    	virtual void			ExecuteClientCmd(const char* szCmdString) = 0;
    	// returns if the loaded map was processed with HDR info. This will be set regardless
    	// of what HDR mode the player is in.
    	virtual bool MapHasHDRLighting(void) = 0;
    	virtual int	GetAppID() = 0;
    	// Just get the leaf ambient light - no caching, no samples
    	virtual Vector			GetLightForPointFast(const Vector& pos, bool bClamp) = 0;
    	// This version does NOT check against FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE.
    	virtual void			ClientCmd_Unrestricted(const char* szCmdString) = 0;
    	// This used to be accessible through the cl_restrict_server_commands cvar.
    	// By default, Valve games restrict the server to only being able to execute commands marked with FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE.
    	// By default, mods are allowed to execute any server commands, and they can restrict the server's ability to execute client
    	// commands with this function.
    	virtual void			SetRestrictServerCommands(bool bRestrict) = 0;
    	// If set to true (defaults to true for Valve games and false for others), then IVEngineClient::ClientCmd
    	// can only execute things marked with FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE.
    	virtual void			SetRestrictClientCommands(bool bRestrict) = 0;
    	// Sets the client renderable for an overlay's material proxy to bind to
    	virtual void			SetOverlayBindProxy(int iOverlayID, void* pBindProxy) = 0;
    	virtual bool			CopyFrameBufferToMaterial(const char* pMaterialName) = 0;
    	// Matchmaking
    	virtual void			ChangeTeam(const char* pTeamName) = 0;
    	// Causes the engine to read in the user's configuration on disk
    	virtual void			ReadConfiguration(const bool readDefault = false) = 0;
    	virtual void SetAchievementMgr(void* pAchievementMgr) = 0;
    	virtual void* GetAchievementMgr() = 0;
    	virtual bool			MapLoadFailed(void) = 0;
    	virtual void			SetMapLoadFailed(bool bState) = 0;
    	virtual bool			IsLowViolence() = 0;
    	virtual const char* GetMostRecentSaveGame(void) = 0;
    	virtual void			SetMostRecentSaveGame(const char* lpszFilename) = 0;
    	virtual void			StartXboxExitingProcess() = 0;
    	virtual bool			IsSaveInProgress() = 0;
    	virtual uintptr_t			OnStorageDeviceAttached(void) = 0;
    	virtual void			OnStorageDeviceDetached(void) = 0;
    	virtual void			ResetDemoInterpolation(void) = 0;
    	// Methods to set/get a gamestats data container so client & server running in same process can send combined data
    	virtual void SetGamestatsData(void* pGamestatsData) = 0;
    	virtual void* GetGamestatsData() = 0;
    #if defined( USE_SDL )
    	// we need to pull delta's from the cocoa mgr, the engine vectors this for us
    	virtual void GetMouseDelta(int& x, int& y, bool bIgnoreNextMouseDelta = false) = 0;
    	// Sends a key values server command, not allowed from scripts execution
    	// Params:
    	//	pKeyValues	- key values to be serialized and sent to server
    	//				  the pointer is deleted inside the function: pKeyValues->deleteThis()
    	virtual void ServerCmdKeyValues(void* pKeyValues) = 0;
    	virtual bool IsSkippingPlayback(void) = 0;
    	virtual bool IsLoadingDemo(void) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the engine is playing back a "locally recorded" demo, which includes
    	// both SourceTV and replay demos, since they're recorded locally (on servers), as opposed
    	// to a client recording a demo while connected to a remote server.
    	virtual bool IsPlayingDemoALocallyRecordedDemo() = 0;
    	// Given the string pBinding which may be bound to a key, 
    	//  returns the string name of the key to which this string is bound. Returns NULL if no such binding exists
    	// Unlike Key_LookupBinding, leading '+' characters are not stripped from bindings.
    	virtual	const char* Key_LookupBindingExact(const char* pBinding) = 0;

  6. #6
    Extreme@@'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4T3K33P3R View Post
    A pointer to an instance of the IVEngineClient013 class. You can find this class below. I fear the engineClient assignment may be where the error is because the get interface function may not be made correctly for this. Thank you for your continued interest.

    class IVEngineClient013
    	// Get the lighting intensivty for a specified point
    	// If bClamp is specified, the resulting Vector is restricted to the 0.0 to 1.0 for each element
    	virtual Vector				GetLightForPoint(const Vector& pos, bool bClamp) = 0;
    	// Traces the line and reports the material impacted as well as the lighting information for the impact point
    	virtual void* TraceLineMaterialAndLighting(const Vector& start, const Vector& end,
    									Vector& diffuseLightColor, Vector& baseColor) = 0;
    	// Given an input text buffer data pointer, parses a single token into the variable token and returns the new
    	//  reading position
    	virtual const char* ParseFile(const char* data, char* token, int maxlen) = 0;
    	virtual bool				CopyLocalFile(const char* source, const char* destination) = 0;
    	// Gets the dimensions of the game window
    	virtual void				GetScreenSize(int& width, int& height) = 0;
    	// Forwards szCmdString to the server, sent reliably if bReliable is set
    	virtual void				ServerCmd(const char* szCmdString, bool bReliable = true) = 0;
    	// Inserts szCmdString into the command buffer as if it was typed by the client to his/her console.
    	// Note: Calls to this are checked against FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE (if that bit is not set, then this function can't change it).
    	//       Call ClientCmd_Unrestricted to have access to FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE vars.
    	virtual void				ClientCmd(const char* szCmdString) = 0;
    	// Fill in the player info structure for the specified player index (name, model, etc.)
    	virtual bool				GetPlayerInfo(int ent_num, void* pinfo) = 0;
    	// Retrieve the player entity number for a specified userID
    	virtual int					GetPlayerForUserID(int userID) = 0;
    	// Retrieves text message system information for the specified message by name
    	virtual void* TextMessageGet(const char* pName) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the console is visible
    	virtual bool				Con_IsVisible(void) = 0;
    	// Get the entity index of the local player
    	virtual int					GetLocalPlayer(void) = 0;
    	// Client DLL is hooking a model, loads the model into memory and returns  pointer to the model_t
    	virtual const void* LoadModel(const char* pName, bool bProp = false) = 0;
    	// Get accurate, sub-frame clock ( profiling use )
    	virtual float				Time(void) = 0;
    	// Get the exact server timesstamp ( server time ) from the last message received from the server
    	virtual float				GetLastTimeStamp(void) = 0;
    	// Retrieve the current game's maxclients setting
    	virtual int					GetMaxClients(void) = 0;
    	// Given the string pBinding which may be bound to a key, 
    	//  returns the string name of the key to which this string is bound. Returns NULL if no such binding exists
    	virtual	const char* Key_LookupBinding(const char* pBinding) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the player is fully connected and active in game (i.e, not still loading)
    	virtual bool				IsInGame(void) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the player is connected, but not necessarily active in game (could still be loading)
    	virtual bool				IsConnected(void) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the loading plaque should be drawn
    	virtual bool				IsDrawingLoadingImage(void) = 0;
    	// Is the specified world-space bounding box inside the view frustum?
    	virtual int					IsBoxVisible(const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs) = 0;
    	// Is the specified world-space boudning box in the same PVS cluster as the view origin?
    	virtual int					IsBoxInViewCluster(const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the specified box is outside of the view frustum and should be culled
    	virtual bool				CullBox(const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs) = 0;
    	// Allow the sound system to paint additional data (during lengthy rendering operations) to prevent stuttering sound.
    	virtual void				Sound_ExtraUpdate(void) = 0;
    	// Get the current game directory ( e.g., hl2, tf2, cstrike, hl1 )
    	virtual const char* GetGameDirectory(void) = 0;
    	// The .bsp file can have mod-specified data lumps. These APIs are for working with such game lumps.
    	// Get mod-specified lump version id for the specified game data lump
    	virtual int					GameLumpVersion(int lumpId) const = 0;
    	// Get the raw size of the specified game data lump.
    	virtual int					GameLumpSize(int lumpId) const = 0;
    	// Loads a game lump off disk, writing the data into the buffer pointed to bye pBuffer
    	// Returns false if the data can't be read or the destination buffer is too small
    	virtual bool				LoadGameLump(int lumpId, void* pBuffer, int size) = 0;
    	// Returns the number of leaves in the level
    	virtual int					LevelLeafCount() const = 0;
    	// Gets a way to perform spatial queries on the BSP tree
    	virtual void* GetBSPTreeQuery() = 0;
    	// Convert texlight to gamma...
    	virtual void		LinearToGamma(float* linear, float* gamma) = 0;
    	// Get the lightstyle value
    	virtual float		LightStyleValue(int style) = 0;
    	// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
    	// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
    	virtual void		ComputeDynamicLighting(const Vector& pt, const Vector* pNormal, Vector& color) = 0;
    	// Returns the dx support level
    	virtual int			GetDXSupportLevel() = 0;
    	// GR - returns the HDR support status
    	virtual bool        SupportsHDR() = 0;
    	// Get the name of the current map
    	virtual void GetChapterName(char* pchBuff, int iMaxLength) = 0;
    	virtual char const* GetLevelName(void) = 0;
    	virtual int	GetLevelVersion(void) = 0;
    #if !defined( NO_VOICE )
    	// Obtain access to the voice tweaking API
    	virtual struct IVoiceTweak_s* GetVoiceTweakAPI(void) = 0;
    	// Tell engine stats gathering system that the rendering frame is beginning/ending
    	virtual void		EngineStats_BeginFrame(void) = 0;
    	virtual void		EngineStats_EndFrame(void) = 0;
    	// This tells the engine to fire any events (temp entity messages) that it has queued up this frame. 
    	// It should only be called once per frame.
    	virtual void		FireEvents() = 0;
    	// Returns an area index if all the leaves are in the same area. If they span multple areas, then it returns -1.
    	virtual int			GetLeavesArea(int* pLeaves, int nLeaves) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the box touches the specified area's frustum.
    	virtual bool		DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum(const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, int iArea) = 0;
    	// Sets the hearing origin (i.e., the origin and orientation of the listener so that the sound system can spatialize 
    	//  sound appropriately ).
    	virtual void		SetAudioState(const int& state) = 0;
    	// Sentences / sentence groups
    	virtual int			SentenceGroupPick(int groupIndex, char* name, int nameBufLen) = 0;
    	virtual int			SentenceGroupPickSequential(int groupIndex, char* name, int nameBufLen, int sentenceIndex, int reset) = 0;
    	virtual int			SentenceIndexFromName(const char* pSentenceName) = 0;
    	virtual const char* SentenceNameFromIndex(int sentenceIndex) = 0;
    	virtual int			SentenceGroupIndexFromName(const char* pGroupName) = 0;
    	virtual const char* SentenceGroupNameFromIndex(int groupIndex) = 0;
    	virtual float		SentenceLength(int sentenceIndex) = 0;
    	// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
    	// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
    	// If pBoxColors is specified (it's an array of 6), then it'll copy the light contribution at each box side.
    	virtual void		ComputeLighting(const Vector& pt, const Vector* pNormal, bool bClamp, Vector& color, Vector* pBoxColors = NULL) = 0;
    	// Activates/deactivates an occluder...
    	virtual void		ActivateOccluder(int nOccluderIndex, bool bActive) = 0;
    	virtual bool		IsOccluded(const Vector& vecAbsMins, const Vector& vecAbsMaxs) = 0;
    	// The save restore system allocates memory from a shared memory pool, use this allocator to allocate/free saverestore 
    	//  memory.
    	virtual void* SaveAllocMemory(size_t num, size_t size) = 0;
    	virtual void		SaveFreeMemory(void* pSaveMem) = 0;
    	// returns info interface for client netchannel
    	virtual void* GetNetChannelInfo(void) = 0;
    	// This can be used to notify test scripts that we're at a particular spot in the code.
    	virtual void		CheckPoint(const char* pName) = 0;
    	// Draw portals if r_DrawPortals is set (Debugging only)
    	virtual void		DrawPortals() = 0;
    	// Determine whether the client is playing back or recording a demo
    	virtual bool		IsPlayingDemo(void) = 0;
    	virtual bool		IsRecordingDemo(void) = 0;
    	virtual bool		IsPlayingTimeDemo(void) = 0;
    	virtual int			GetDemoRecordingTick(void) = 0;
    	virtual int			GetDemoPlaybackTick(void) = 0;
    	virtual int			GetDemoPlaybackStartTick(void) = 0;
    	virtual float		GetDemoPlaybackTimeScale(void) = 0;
    	virtual int			GetDemoPlaybackTotalTicks(void) = 0;
    	// Is the game paused?
    	virtual bool		IsPaused(void) = 0;
    	// Is the game currently taking a screenshot?
    	virtual bool		IsTakingScreenshot(void) = 0;
    	// Is this a HLTV broadcast ?
    	virtual bool		IsHLTV(void) = 0;
    	// is this level loaded as just the background to the main menu? (active, but unplayable)
    	virtual bool		IsLevelMainMenuBackground(void) = 0;
    	// returns the name of the background level
    	virtual void		GetMainMenuBackgroundName(char* dest, int destlen) = 0;
    	// Occlusion system control
    	virtual void		SetOcclusionParameters(const int& params) = 0;
    	// What language is the user expecting to hear .wavs in, "english" or another...
    	virtual void		GetUILanguage(char* dest, int destlen) = 0;
    	// Get the pristine map entity lump string.  (e.g., used by CS to reload the map entities when restarting a round.)
    	virtual const char* GetMapEntitiesString() = 0;
    	// Is the engine in map edit mode ?
    	virtual bool		IsInEditMode(void) = 0;
    	// current screen aspect ratio (eg. 4.0f/3.0f, 16.0f/9.0f)
    	virtual float		GetScreenAspectRatio() = 0;
    	// allow the game UI to login a user
    	virtual bool		REMOVED_SteamRefreshLogin(const char* password, bool isSecure) = 0;
    	virtual bool		REMOVED_SteamProcessCall(bool& finished) = 0;
    	// allow other modules to know about engine versioning (one use is a proxy for network compatability)
    	virtual unsigned int	GetEngineBuildNumber() = 0; // engines build
    	virtual const char* GetProductVersionString() = 0; // mods version number (steam.inf)
    	// Communicates to the color correction editor that it's time to grab the pre-color corrected frame
    	// Passes in the actual size of the viewport
    	virtual void			GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame(int x, int y, int width, int height) = 0;
    	virtual bool			IsHammerRunning() const = 0;
    	// Inserts szCmdString into the command buffer as if it was typed by the client to his/her console.
    	// And then executes the command string immediately (vs ClientCmd() which executes in the next frame)
    	// Note: this is NOT checked against the FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE vars.
    	virtual void			ExecuteClientCmd(const char* szCmdString) = 0;
    	// returns if the loaded map was processed with HDR info. This will be set regardless
    	// of what HDR mode the player is in.
    	virtual bool MapHasHDRLighting(void) = 0;
    	virtual int	GetAppID() = 0;
    	// Just get the leaf ambient light - no caching, no samples
    	virtual Vector			GetLightForPointFast(const Vector& pos, bool bClamp) = 0;
    	// This version does NOT check against FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE.
    	virtual void			ClientCmd_Unrestricted(const char* szCmdString) = 0;
    	// This used to be accessible through the cl_restrict_server_commands cvar.
    	// By default, Valve games restrict the server to only being able to execute commands marked with FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE.
    	// By default, mods are allowed to execute any server commands, and they can restrict the server's ability to execute client
    	// commands with this function.
    	virtual void			SetRestrictServerCommands(bool bRestrict) = 0;
    	// If set to true (defaults to true for Valve games and false for others), then IVEngineClient::ClientCmd
    	// can only execute things marked with FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE.
    	virtual void			SetRestrictClientCommands(bool bRestrict) = 0;
    	// Sets the client renderable for an overlay's material proxy to bind to
    	virtual void			SetOverlayBindProxy(int iOverlayID, void* pBindProxy) = 0;
    	virtual bool			CopyFrameBufferToMaterial(const char* pMaterialName) = 0;
    	// Matchmaking
    	virtual void			ChangeTeam(const char* pTeamName) = 0;
    	// Causes the engine to read in the user's configuration on disk
    	virtual void			ReadConfiguration(const bool readDefault = false) = 0;
    	virtual void SetAchievementMgr(void* pAchievementMgr) = 0;
    	virtual void* GetAchievementMgr() = 0;
    	virtual bool			MapLoadFailed(void) = 0;
    	virtual void			SetMapLoadFailed(bool bState) = 0;
    	virtual bool			IsLowViolence() = 0;
    	virtual const char* GetMostRecentSaveGame(void) = 0;
    	virtual void			SetMostRecentSaveGame(const char* lpszFilename) = 0;
    	virtual void			StartXboxExitingProcess() = 0;
    	virtual bool			IsSaveInProgress() = 0;
    	virtual uintptr_t			OnStorageDeviceAttached(void) = 0;
    	virtual void			OnStorageDeviceDetached(void) = 0;
    	virtual void			ResetDemoInterpolation(void) = 0;
    	// Methods to set/get a gamestats data container so client & server running in same process can send combined data
    	virtual void SetGamestatsData(void* pGamestatsData) = 0;
    	virtual void* GetGamestatsData() = 0;
    #if defined( USE_SDL )
    	// we need to pull delta's from the cocoa mgr, the engine vectors this for us
    	virtual void GetMouseDelta(int& x, int& y, bool bIgnoreNextMouseDelta = false) = 0;
    	// Sends a key values server command, not allowed from scripts execution
    	// Params:
    	//	pKeyValues	- key values to be serialized and sent to server
    	//				  the pointer is deleted inside the function: pKeyValues->deleteThis()
    	virtual void ServerCmdKeyValues(void* pKeyValues) = 0;
    	virtual bool IsSkippingPlayback(void) = 0;
    	virtual bool IsLoadingDemo(void) = 0;
    	// Returns true if the engine is playing back a "locally recorded" demo, which includes
    	// both SourceTV and replay demos, since they're recorded locally (on servers), as opposed
    	// to a client recording a demo while connected to a remote server.
    	virtual bool IsPlayingDemoALocallyRecordedDemo() = 0;
    	// Given the string pBinding which may be bound to a key, 
    	//  returns the string name of the key to which this string is bound. Returns NULL if no such binding exists
    	// Unlike Key_LookupBinding, leading '+' characters are not stripped from bindings.
    	virtual	const char* Key_LookupBindingExact(const char* pBinding) = 0;
    try with


    Last edited by Extreme@@; 03-11-2021 at 02:42 AM.

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