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  1. #1
    [implicit]'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    My Mood
    Shit's dead as fuck :\

    Fasm snippet to fade a window in, called either in WM_CREATE or after window creation:
    fade_time = 1000
    ; start fading
            invoke GetWindowLong,[hWnd],GWL_EXSTYLE
            or eax, WS_EX_LAYERED
            invoke SetWindowLong,[hWnd],GWL_EXSTYLE,eax
            invoke GetTickCount
            mov ebx, eax
            invoke GetTickCount
            sub eax, ebx
            cmp eax, fade_time
            jge .efade
            shl eax, 8
            mov ecx, fade_time
            div ecx
            invoke SetLayeredWindowAttributes,[hWnd],0,eax,LWA_ALPHA
       ; check for window messages so it can still be controlled while we fade
            xor eax, eax
            invoke PeekMessage,msg,eax,eax,eax,PM_REMOVE
            test eax, eax
            jz @f
            invoke TranslateMessage, msg
            invoke DispatchMessage, msg
            jmp @b
            invoke Sleep, 10
            jmp .sfade
            invoke GetWindowLong,[hWnd],GWL_EXSTYLE
            mov edx, WS_EX_LAYERED
            not edx
            and eax, edx
            invoke SetWindowLong,[hWnd],GWL_EXSTYLE,eax
       ; end fading
    and for fading the window out just put "xor eax, 00FFh" after the div ecx.
    Last edited by [implicit]; 11-05-2012 at 01:22 AM.

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