Welcome To Project Clan 2012!
We offer many features in our clan, But our main 3 features are Trickshotting, Quickscopes, And S&D (AKA Search And Destroy)

Our Current Members:

Project Mite - Main Leader & Founder
Project Memories - Co-Leader

- Baby Mongoloid (He said he will change his GT when he gets MSP)

-Project Forever
(List will be updated every time a member is added)

We are currently working on a Youtube channel and a twitter.
We'll give you more on that when were finished. This clan is for xbox 360 only!

My GT: Project Mite

If you would like to try out, Send me a message on Xbox or post your GT below.

People that are allowed to try you out (IMPORTANT!)
(If anyone else tells you that they can try you out, Report them to me if they're not on this list!)

Project Mite
Project Memories

Another Note: I mentioned project memories a couple times, His real GT at the moment is: Cyber Memories.

He is getting MSP as soon as possible to change it. That was just a heads up to notify you in-case you add him.

I have basically described everything. Remember to add me or post your GT if you want to try out.

As project mite says, "Take no prisoners".