Level. 13+

Step 1. Accept the quest [8th Anniversary] Maple Tree Seedling Quest, you will obtain a Maple Tree Seedling,
Step 2. Forfiet the quest
Step 3. Repeat from start 1-2.
In order to get things you must feed the imps, you're able to feed it manually, or w/ this packet below,

F2 00 [Item iD] 00 01 00 00 00 [Imp Slot] 00 00 00

F2 00 BC 0A 3D 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 <- E.g. Green Cloth from memory monks @ tots

`What can you get from this,
`8 Anniversary Maple Coin,
`7 Day Mounts,
`Level Key Bypasses,
`Quote Bubble Ring,
`50 Maple Leaves
`Anniversary Scrolls