1-st account
Games: prikachi.com/images/878/7550878r.png
VAC Status: prikachi.com/images/884/7550884F.png
Link to the account: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116768435/
Price:cs 1.6,cs:s or cs:go gift,or one minecraft gift code

2-nd account
Games: prikachi.com/images/892/7550892R.png
VAC Status: prikachi.com/images/896/7550896a.png
Link to the account: steamcommunity.com/id/rahimughal/
Price:cs 1.6,cs:s or cs:go gift,or one minecraft gift code

Skype: danydany2813
My steam account: steamcommunity.com/id/danyaz2014

*Sorry for my bad english*