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  1. #61
    CrypticMods's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JokerKing9903 View Post
    Someone got the Address for VSAT? Don't wanna search
    I have a private one thats better than the public one. But I'm not gonna post sorry. The public one is:

    VSAT - 0x2E4911D4 - Integer Freeze at a value > 0

  2. #62
    JokerKing9903's Avatar
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    Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrypticMods View Post
    I have a private one thats better than the public one. But I'm not gonna post sorry. The public one is:

    VSAT - 0x2E4911D4 - Integer Freeze at a value > 0
    Thank you m8. Yeah I got the private one but got it on my Laptop and I can't find it. Mhh these Address was good.. Cheat was undetected for 2 Months..
    The Life of Free Cheat Resellers and pasters

  3. #63
    lindra's Avatar
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    Apr 2016
    DVAR : &H18

    cg_fov : &H114227C [default : 65-90]
    cg_fovScale : &H1140880 [default : 1.0 - 1.XXX]

    cg_gun_x : &H1153184 [default : [ X< 0 > X]]
    cg_gun_y : &H1153160 [default : [ X< 0 > X]]
    cg_gun_z : &H115316C [default : [ X< 0 > X]]

    com_FPS : &H25E45B0 [default : [ 60 - 90 - 125 - 250]
    cg_names : &H113F158 [default : on = 1, off = 0]
    cg_ranks : &H113F188 [default : on = 1, off = 0]
    cg_cheatheight :&H2A1AC3C [default : 4 off = 0 and you can change it with what ever you wants (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 )]

    exemple :
    a.WriteFloat(a.ReadInteger(cg_fov) + DVAR, 100)
    this.Proc.WriteFloat(this.Proc.ReadInteger(cg_fov) + DVAR, int.Parse(Fov.Text));

  4. #64
    CrypticMods's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silent View Post
    TAC ScreenShot: 0x3A458F4 Set to 1
    Wouldn't it be better to just byte patch:
    to 0x01?

    This way, you wouldn't have to have a loop setting 0x3A458F4.

  5. #65
    i4mTh3Fr34kPr0's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    using System;
    namespace p0x1337
        class offsets
            public struct Player
                //Add Hex 0x31C to get the next Player Base.
                public static int hName = 0x0234BFD4;
                public static int hRecoil = 0x006F8754;
                public static int hHealth = 0x021C5868;
                public static int hP_Ammo = 0x02346ECC;
                public static int hP_WeaponID = 0x02346D04;
                public static int hS_Ammo = 0x02346ED4;
                public static int hS_WeaponID = 0x02346D3C;
                public static int hLethals = 0x02346ED0;
                public static int hGrenades = 0x02346ED8;
                public static int hMoney = 0x0234C068;
                public static int hFoV = 0x02A18A20;
                public static int hRapidFire = 0x02346AEC;
                public static int hSpeed = 0x029F6E20;
                public static int hPlayer_CorY = 0x02346AD0;
                public static int hPlayer_CorZ = 0x02346ACC;
                public static int hPlayer_CorX = 0x02346AC8;
            public struct Zombies
                //Add Hex 0x31C to get the next Zombies Base.
                public static int hZ_Health = 0x021C9CD0;
                public static int hZ_CorY = 0x021C9C64;
                public static int hZ_CorZ = 0x021C9C60;
                public static int hZ_CorX = 0x021C9C5C;
            public struct Miscellaneous
                public static int hZombieCount = 0x02334688;
                public static int hRound = 0x0233FA10;
            public struct WeaponID
                public static int AK74U = 2;
                public static int MP5 = 3;
                public static int Chicom_CQB = 4;
                public static int AK74FU2 = 5;
                public static int MP115_Kollider = 6;
                public static int Chicom_Cataclysmic_Quadruple_Burst = 7;
                public static int Olympia_Standard = 8;
                public static int M14 = 9;
                public static int Colt_M16A1 = 10;
                public static int SMR = 11;
                public static int M8A1 = 12;
                public static int Type_25 = 13;
                public static int MTAR = 14;
                public static int Mnesia = 15;
                public static int Skullcrusher = 16;
                public static int SM1L3R = 18;
                public static int Micro_Aerator = 20;
                public static int Strain_25 = 22;
                public static int Malevolent_Taxonomic_Anodized_Redeemer = 24;
                public static int S12 = 28;
                public static int M1216 = 29;
                public static int Refitted_870_Mechanical_Cranium_Sequencer = 30;
                public static int Hades = 31;
                public static int Synthetic_Dozen = 32;
                public static int Mesmerizer = 33;
                public static int Galil = 34;
                public static int FAL = 35;
                public static int RPD = 36;
                public static int HAMR = 37;
                public static int Lamentation = 38;
                public static int WN = 39;
                public static int Relativicstic_Punishment_Devize = 40;
                public static int SLDG_HAMR = 41;
                public static int DSR_50 = 42;
                public static int Barret_M82A1 = 43;
                public static int Dead_Specimen_Reactor_5000 = 44;
                public static int Macro_Annihilator = 45;
                public static int M1911 = 47;
                public static int Python = 48;
                public static int Executioner = 49;
                public static int KAP_40 = 50;
                public static int Five_Seven = 51;
                public static int B23R = 52;
                public static int Knife = 54;
                public static int Cobra = 57;
                public static int Voice_of_Justice = 58;
                public static int Karmic_Atom_Perforator_4000 = 59;
                public static int Ultra = 60;
                public static int B34R = 61;
                public static int RPG = 64;
                public static int War_Machine = 65;
                public static int Rocket_Propelled_Grievance = 66;
                public static int Dystopic_Demolisher = 67;
                public static int Ray_Gun = 68;
                public static int Ballistic_Knife = 72;
                public static int The_Krauss_Refribrillator = 73;
                public static int Ballistic_Knife_DifferentSkin = 74;
                public static int The_Krauss_Refribrillator_DifferentSkin = 75;
                public static int Ray_Gun_MKII = 76;
                public static int Porters_MKII_Ray_Gun = 77;
                public static int Porters_XII_Ray_Gun = 78;
            public struct WeaponID_DualWield
                //may cause crash
                public static int Five_Seven_Dual_Wield = 53;
                public static int Mustang_and_Sally = 55;
                public static int Ultra_and_Violet = 62;
            public struct WeaponID_GrenadesLethal
                public static int Semtex = 80;
                public static int Monkey = 81;
                public static int Flashbang = 82;
                public static int Grenades = 88;

  6. #66
    lindra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Don't judge me I wrote everything in a class.vb 2 months ago (i'm coding in c# now)

    MultiPlayer :
    Dim Cbuf_addtext As Integer = &H5C6F10
    Dim SV_GameSendServerCommand As Integer = &H5C6F10
       Dim Tdisabler As Integer = &H3A458F4
        Dim map_name As Integer = &H1149FE0
        Dim gametype As Integer = &H114A020
        Dim number_player As Integer = &H1149ECC
        Dim DVAR As Integer = &H18
        Dim cg_hue As Integer = &H10A7EA4
        Dim cg_saturation As Integer = &H10A7E1C
        Dim cg_temp As Integer = &H10A7E30
        Dim cg_coloro_on As Integer = &H10A7EAC
        Dim cg_fov As Integer = &H114227C
        Dim cg_fovscale As Integer = &H1140880
        Dim com_fps As Integer = &H25E45B0
        Dim detailcamo As Integer = &H10A7E64
        Dim cg_overheadnamessize As Integer = &H113F158
        Dim cg_overheadiconsize As Integer = &H11422B8
        Dim cg_overheadranksize As Integer = &H113F188
        Dim cg_gun_x As Integer = &H1153184  '2A4B340 1153184 
        Dim cg_gun_y As Integer = &H1153160
        Dim cg_gun_z As Integer = &H115316C
        Dim cg_crosshaire As Integer = &H10AA244
        Dim cg_names As Integer = &H113F158
        Dim cg_ranks As Integer = &H113F188
        Dim cg_radar As Integer = &H11423C8
        Dim cg_chatheight As Integer = &H2A1AC3C
        Dim cg_crosshaire_name As Integer = &H11409C8
        Dim r_aaalpha As Integer = &H34559B4
        Dim cg_gun As Integer = &H10AC1A8
        Dim cg_draw2D As Integer = &H10AC164
        Dim night_sky As Integer = &H345595C
        Dim night_sky2 As Integer = &H3455910
        Dim red_sky As Integer = &H3455A74
        Dim sun_direction As Integer = &H34558EC
        Dim sky_transition As Integer = &H3455B24
        Dim sky_rortation As Integer = &H3455888
        Dim sunlight_dir As Integer = &H34558EC
        Dim bloomTweaks As Integer = &H3455698
        Dim heroLightScale As Integer = &H3455B3C
        Dim HLSR As Integer = &H2A3E200
        Dim HLSG As Integer = &H2A3E204
        Dim HLSB As Integer = &H2A3E208
        Dim dobjLimit As Integer = &H3455A6C
        'light color
        Dim sun_light_on As Integer = &H345560C
        Dim sun_light_color As Integer = &H34559A8
        Dim z_on As Integer = &H3455954
        Dim z_nblur As Integer = &H2A3C940 '2A3C950 '34559CC  
        Dim z_fblur As Integer = &H2A3C9A0 '2A3C9B0 '3455B0C  
        Dim z_fstart As Integer = &H2A3CB80 '2A3CB90 '3455640 
        Dim z_fend As Integer = &H2A3CBE0 '2A3CBF0 ' 3455B04 ' 
        Dim z_nstart As Integer = &H2A3CAC0 '2A3CAD0 '3455A34 ' 
        Dim z_nend As Integer = &H2A3CB20 '2A3CB30 '34555D8 ' 
        Dim SS_bias As Integer = &H34556AC
        Dim SS_Scale As Integer = &H3455B4C
        Dim SS_Radius As Integer = &H3455AAC
        Dim SS_Intensity As Integer = &H3455A60
        Dim f_start As Integer = &H36434B8
        Dim f_distance As Integer = &H36434BC
        Dim f_height As Integer = &H36434C4
        Dim f_bias As Integer = &H36434C8
        Dim f_baseExp As Integer = &H36434E4
        Dim f_farExp As Integer = &H3634F4
        Dim f_FBR As Integer = &H36434D8
        Dim f_FBG As Integer = &H36434DC
        Dim f_FBB As Integer = &H36434E0
        Dim f_FFR As Integer = &H36434E8
        Dim f_FFG As Integer = &H36434EC
        Dim f_FFB As Integer = &H36434F0
        Dim sunX1 As Integer = &H2A391C0
        Dim sunX2 As Integer = &H2A391D0
        Dim sunY1 As Integer = &H2A391C4
        Dim sunY2 As Integer = &H2A391D4
        Dim zz_nblur As Integer = &H2A3C940  '2A3C950
        Dim zz_fblur As Integer = &H2A3C9A0  '2A3C9B0
        Dim zz_fstart As Integer = &H2A3CB80  '2A3CB90
        Dim zz_fend As Integer = &H2A3CBE0    '2A3CBF0
        Dim zz_nstart As Integer = &H2A3CAC0  '2A3CAD0
        Dim zz_nend As Integer = &H2A3CB20  '2A3CB30
        Dim zz_nblur2 As Integer = &H2A3C950
        Dim zz_fblur2 As Integer = &H2A3C9B0
        Dim zz_fstart2 As Integer = &H2A3CB90
        Dim zz_fend2 As Integer = &H2A3CBF0
        Dim zz_nstart2 As Integer = &H2A3CAD0
        Dim zz_nend2 As Integer = &H2A3CB30
        Dim light_color_R1 As Integer = &H2A39110
        Dim light_color_G1 As Integer = &H2A39114
        Dim light_color_B1 As Integer = &H2A39118
        Dim light_color_R2 As Integer = &H2A39100
        Dim light_color_G2 As Integer = &H2A39104
        Dim light_color_B2 As Integer = &H2A39108
        Dim my_team As Integer = &H2376094
        Dim health1 As Integer = &H23737E0
        Dim health2 As Integer = &H21EF968
        Dim health_size As Integer = &H31C
        Dim main_size As Integer = &H57F8
        Dim Arc1 As Integer = &H237B938
        Dim Arc2 As Integer = &H2381130
        Dim Arc3 As Integer = &H2386928
        Dim Arc4 As Integer = &H238C120
        Dim Arc5 As Integer = &H2391918
        Dim Arc6 As Integer = &H2397110
        Dim Arc7 As Integer = &H239C908
        Dim Arc8 As Integer = &H23A2100
        Dim Arc9 As Integer = &H23A78F8
        Dim Arc10 As Integer = &H23AD0F0
        Dim Arc11 As Integer = &H23B28E8
        Dim Arc0 As Integer = &H2376140
        Dim bot_name1 As Integer = &H237B8CC
        Dim bot_name2 As Integer = &H23810C4
        Dim bot_name3 As Integer = &H23868BC
        Dim bot_name4 As Integer = &H238C0B4
        Dim bot_name5 As Integer = &H23918AC
        Dim bot_name6 As Integer = &H23970A4
        Dim bot_name7 As Integer = &H239C89C
        Dim bot_name8 As Integer = &H23A2094
        Dim bot_name9 As Integer = &H23A788C
        Dim bot_name10 As Integer = &H23AD084
        Dim bot_name11 As Integer = &H23B287C
        Dim bot_name0 As Integer = &H23760D4
        Dim Camo1 As Integer = &H2370E78
        Dim Camo2 As Integer = &H2370E5C
        Dim weapon_P As Integer = &H2370E74
        Dim weapon_S As Integer = &H2370E58
        Dim no_spread As Integer = &H2A2F200
        Dim no_reload As Integer = &H2A2F260
        Dim no_FireRate As Integer = &H2A2F2C0
        Dim no_scopeFast As Integer = &H2A2F320
        Dim perk1 As Integer = &H23710E8
        Dim perk2 As Integer = &H23710EC
        Dim perk3 As Integer = &H2373AF0
        Dim perk4 As Integer = &H2373AF4
        Dim perk5 As Integer = &H2376134
        Dim perk6 As Integer = &H2376138
        Dim my_vsat As Integer = &H2E4911D4
        Dim my_recoil As Integer = &H56EC09
        Dim re_on As Byte() = {116}
        Dim re_off As Byte() = {235}
        Dim compass As Integer = &H1079D58
    Zombie :

        Dim a As New WriterClass
        Dim Dvar_size As Integer = &H18
        Dim Main_size As Integer = &H31C
        Dim cg_fov As Integer = &H111810C
        Dim cg_fovscale As Integer = &H1116710
        Dim cg_gun_x As Integer = &H1129014
        Dim cg_gun_y As Integer = &H1128FF0
        Dim cg_gun_z As Integer = &H1128FFC
        Dim party_minplayer As Integer = &H127CD9C
        ' CE Stuff'
        Dim map_name As String = &H12BD218
        Dim party_maxplayer As Integer = &H2A28FE0
        Dim first_gun_ammo As Integer = &H2346ECC
        Dim second_gun_ammo As Integer = &H2346ED4
        Dim third_gun_ammo As Integer = &H2346EC8
        Dim first_gun_loader As Integer = &H2346E90
        Dim second_gun_loader As Integer = &H2346E98
        Dim nades As Integer = &H2346ED0
        Dim secondary_nades As Integer = &H2346ED8
        Dim Current_weapon_ID As Integer = &H2346C58
        Dim number_zombie As Integer = &H2334688
        Dim money As Integer = &H234C068
        Dim number_rounds As Integer = &H233FA10
        Dim zombie_health As Integer = &H21C9CD0
        Dim No_recoil As Integer = &H6F8754
        Dim health As Integer = &H21C5868
        Dim player_X As Integer = &H2346AC8
        Dim player_Y As Integer = &H2346AD0
        Dim player_Z As Integer = &H2346ACC
        Dim primary_ID As Integer = &H2346D04
        Dim secondary_ID As Integer = &H2346D3C

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