hello po..

i have my new PC but the there is a problem Crossfire stuck/lag/freeze or something like that...
I started crossfire and log into game.I joined to server but after when i wanted join to channel i got freeze.Only Connecting to channel,please wait.

i see a thread about this problem but this is work on 1 time. i use this method which is write below.
* In the start menu search bar, type "cmd"
o "cmd.exe" should be one of the first things on the list
* Right Click "cmd.exe" and select "Run as administrator"
o The command prompt window should now appear
* Type "ipconfig /flushdns" and press "Enter" on your keyboard
* Then type "netsh winsock reset" and press "Enter" on your keyboard
* Reboot your PC.

after doing this trick i restart my pc and then i open my crossfire and it work fine no freezing in connection channel or rooms it work fine. but when i close my crossfire and then again re-open it and then again this problem create " connecting channel please wait "...
please help me pleeaase ..
can u help me with this problem.