There used to be a quicker way for people to create accounts, don't know if there's still a need but this may help.

If you do some very minor web-crawling you'll find all the rest in the


$.post("", {
                UU: UU, PP: PP, EE: EE, Gender: Gender, ClassID: ClassID,
                ColorSkin: ColorSkin, ColorHair: ColorHair, ColorEye: ColorEye,
                HairID: HairID, DOB: dobUserString, OptIn: intOptin,
                BitConfirm: bitConfirm, RefID: refId, 
                Source: source, XSource: xsource,  XToken: xtoken, Captcha: captcharesp, End: true

This should help for example: ....and so on to complete
can't confirm not trying to get it to work myself at the moment, busy.