Hey everyone I'm tired of League of Legend and with some hit games coming this year I figured im not going to use this anymore so why not make some money out of it? Once I have the money in my paypal account I will give the information to you or if you can organise a middle man im willing to do so. Only payment method is paypal. I will take the best offer which can be sent on skype (eeverlastin) or PM me or email (nathanrulz_67@hotmail.com)

Account information:
72 Champions
Kog maw legendary skin , Vlad legendary skin , Riot Squad Singed , Hex tech Sion , Blacksmith Poppy , Toxic Mundo. (All legendary , Limited and Legacy skins) Plus multiple skins for other champions and 2+ skins on Annie and Amumu I also have Goth Annie. I have a truck load of skins :P
1141 Elo which isnt absolute shit but not the best either.

Anymore information you want to know just contact me and tell me I will take the highest offer and all pictures are attached ( limited and legacy and legendary skins , general idea of champs , elo)
