Not in the USA and want to play Global Maplestory? Maple EU/Sea bringing you down? Preblocked Maplestory accounts available!

Preblock accounts are $25

Selling Pre-Region/IP block accounts for Global Maplestory

These accounts were made in 2006 thus allowing anyone from any part of the world to play global maplestory without any added assistance.

Price in United States Dollar

If you want the account setup on PA add $5 to the given rate below.

You need to have GMS already installed so that you may test the accounts.

After you have tested the account we can proceed to the payment process

Paypal purchases must attach this:
"I have received the virtual goods, upon this payment I have sent. I agree to
the consequences of fraud if it is my option to file a chargeback or reversal
dispute to this transaction of virtual goods, I will be pursued by the state of
law. I agree to the following terms:"

Once I have received the payment and confirmed that you are the buyer I will give you all the information on the account as well as transfer all forms of security so that you will be the 100% owner of the account.

Then all you gotta do is change the information to whatever you want and enjoy playing GMS

Just send me a PM or add me on Skype if your interested

My Skype: preblock_1