Quote Originally Posted by sakamotosan159 View Post
Guys, please note

Starbucks Cards can also be used interchangeably at most stores in Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Mexico, and the United Kingdom.
the rest won't work

The participating countries are; UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Mexico, and the Republic of Ireland.
Very true! I would put this in my original post if I could.

Quote Originally Posted by dearestdivine View Post
How do these GC's work? Are they someone's card? So for someone who would use the $50 throughout the month, is there a big risk of having it disappear by the original owner of the card then? Since they will notice that their card balance is disappearing?
Contact me on skype: check.shire - You need to use these cards in a special way to preserve balance- they are not carded.