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    gtkuba2's Avatar
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    Feb 2016

    Exclamation Playerlist not working

    Why does not the playerlist work?

    #pragma once
    #include "stdafx.h"
    extern double PlistArray[102][200];
    extern int currentplayerinplst;
    class CPlayer
    	void Add_Player(CBaseEntity* Ent)
    		Entity = Ent;
    		Team = Ent->GetTeam();
    		if (!Entity)
    			Index = -1;
    			Index = Entity->GetIndex();
    		Interfaces.pEngine->GetPlayerInfo(Index, info);
    		Name = info->m_szPlayerName;
    		Is_Empty = false;
    	void Reset_Player()
    		Is_Empty = true;
    		Last_Update = 0;
    		Name = "ERROR! UNNAMED!";
    		Selected_On_Menu = false;
    		friendly = false;
    		priority = false;
    		if (Index != -1) {
    			for (int i = 0; i < 199; i++)
    				PlistArray[Index][i] = 0;
    		Index = -1;
    	player_info_t* info = new player_info_t;
    	CBaseEntity* Entity;
    	int Last_Update = 0;
    	int Team = 0;
    	bool Is_Empty = true;
    	int Index = -1;
    	char* Name = "ERROR! UNNAMED!";
    	bool Selected_On_Menu = false;
    	bool friendly = false;
    	bool priority = false;
    	float beforexdyna = 0;
    	Vector Resolved_Angle;
    	int sanitycheck = 0;
    	int lastpelvisang = 0;
    	float difference = 0;
    	Vector Resolved_Angles = Vector(0,0,0);
    	Vector RealAng = Vector(0, 0, 0);
    	Vector FakeAng = Vector(0, 0, 0);
    	char * aa = "Unkown";
    	bool updated;
    	Vector Orig_Angle;
    	Vector reset = Vector(0, 0, 0);
    	Vector delta = Vector(0, 0, 0);
    class CPlayerList
    	void Update()
    		if (Interfaces.pEngine->IsConnected() && Interfaces.pEngine->IsInGame())
    			CBaseEntity* me = Interfaces.pEntList->GetClientEntity(Interfaces.pEngine->GetLocalPlayer());
    			for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++)
    				CBaseEntity* Ent = Interfaces.pEntList->GetClientEntity(i);
    				if (!Ent) { Playerlist_Players[i].Reset_Player(); continue; }
    				ClientClass* cClass = (ClientClass*)Ent->GetClientClass();
    				if (cClass->m_ClassID != 35)
    					Playerlist_Players[i].Reset_Player(); continue;
    				if (Ent == me) { Playerlist_Players[i].Reset_Player(); continue; }
    			if (Settings.GetSetting(Tab_Misc, Misc_ResetPlist)) {
    				for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++)
    				Settings.SetSetting(Tab_Misc, Misc_ResetPlist, 0);
    			Setup = true;
    	CPlayer* Get_Player_By_Index(int i)
    		return &Playerlist_Players[i];
    	void Menu_Playerlist_Drawing(int x, int y /* MENU POS */)
    		Interfaces.pSurface->DrawSetColor(BackgroundRed / 4, BackgroundGreen / 4, BackgroundBlue / 4, BackgroundAlpha);
    		Interfaces.pSurface->DrawOutlinedRect(x, y, x + 150, y + 300);
    		if (Interfaces.pEngine->IsConnected() && Interfaces.pEngine->IsInGame() && Setup)
    			std::vector<CPlayer*> Players_To_Draw;
    			for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++)
    				if (!Playerlist_Players[i].Is_Empty)
    			int Players = 0;
    			if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000)
    				POINT Mouse;
    				POINT mp; GetCursorPos(&mp);
    				ScreenToClient(GetForegroundWindow(), &mp);
    				Mouse.x = mp.x; Mouse.y = mp.y;
    				bool c = true;
    				for (CPlayer* Player : Players_To_Draw)
    					if (Mouse.x > x && Mouse.y > y + (Players * 20) && Mouse.x < x + 150 && Mouse.y < y + 20 + (Players * 20))
    						for (int y = 0; y < 99; y++)
    							Playerlist_Players[y].Selected_On_Menu = false;
    						Player->Selected_On_Menu = true;		
    			Players = 0;
    			int Team = Interfaces.pEntList->GetClientEntity(Interfaces.pEngine->GetLocalPlayer())->GetTeam();
    			for (CPlayer* Player : Players_To_Draw)
    				if (Player->Selected_On_Menu) {
    					if (Player->Team == Team) {
    						Interfaces.pSurface->DrawSetColor(230, 230, 0, 150);
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawSetColor(0, 91, 230, 150);
    					char * value = "";
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawT(x + 500, y + 170, CColor(TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue, TextAlpha), 11, false, value);
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawT(x + 500, y + 100, CColor(TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue, TextAlpha), 11, false, "Fake");
    					char *value2 = "";
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawT(x + 500, y + 130, CColor(TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue, TextAlpha), 11, false, value2);
    					char *AA = "";
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawT(x + 500, y + 160, CColor(TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue, TextAlpha), 11, false, "AntiAim");
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawT(x + 500, y + 190, CColor(TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue, TextAlpha), 11, false, Player->aa);
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawT(x + 500, y + 40, CColor(TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue, TextAlpha), 11, false, "Real");
    				else if (Player->Team == Team)
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawSetColor(255, 255, 0, 150);
    					Interfaces.pSurface->DrawSetColor(23, 116, 255, 150);
    				Interfaces.pSurface->DrawFilledRect(x + 1, y + 1 + (Players * 20), x + 148, y + 20 + (Players * 20));
    				Interfaces.pSurface->DrawSetColor(OutlineRed, OutlineGreen, OutlineBlue, 255);
    				Interfaces.pSurface->DrawOutlinedRect(x + 1, y + 1 + (Players * 20), x + 148, y + 20 + (Players * 20));
    				Interfaces.pSurface->DrawT(x + 20, y + (Players * 20) + 2, CColor(TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue, TextAlpha), 11, false, Player->Name); // 39 STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))
    				if (Player->Selected_On_Menu)
    					currentplayerinplst = Player->Entity->GetIndex();
    	bool Setup = false;
    	int Current_Tick = 0;
    	CPlayer Playerlist_Players[100];
    extern CPlayerList Playerlist;
    Last edited by T-800; 05-07-2017 at 07:11 AM.

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