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  1. #1
    rush.them's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    <<Cheap Coaching 3.5€/hr>> BronzeV-PlatV, Coaching for low elo players.

    Cheap Coaching 3.5€/hr
    About me:
    I play LoL since season 1, highest rank i reached were D1 at EUNE, right now i'm at D2 EUNE. I play lol for a long time but some times i do breakes for half of the year, for example.

    How does it work?
    We will review your gameplay and focus on the things you want me for. I'll tell you about your mistakes and how can you do better in your future games. What should you do about your team mates, how can you help them etc.

    What can i do for you?
    My strongest side is macro, so i won't teach you how to be the best yasuo in the world mechanicly. I can explain you game basic and macro gaming. How to make decisions and what calls should you do for your team mates.
    Midlane from A to B, explained.
    Laning phase explained.
    Trading explained.
    Snowballing and stalling.
    How not to throw.
    And any question you are interested in!

    If you want coach specificly for TOP/JUNGLE/ADC/SUPPORT you are in wrong place.

    I coach MID + Talon/Cait.
    So you ask me: "Wait, im toplane teemo main, you can't do anything for me?" "I'm vayne only player, you can't help me?"
    I mean i won't explain you how to play Teemo or Vayne like a god. I can help you with laning, trading, overall macro, decision making.

    If you are Bronze-Low Plat player you are welcome. Cheap coaching is here! You'll enjoy it and improve yourself i can guarantee!

    Also do free coaches for some vouches.

    Skype - cheaplolboost1337

  2. #2
    rush.them's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Bump, online!

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