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  1. #1
    PapaHarlem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Cool INVITE LIST SCRIPT! - No more /party!

    This script allows you to save and invite everyone in your list! Very good for hosting fivefarms or ships/towers <3

    Here's the AHK code -- Just copy it and paste into a text file then rename the .txt file extension to .ahk (Make sure you have AutoHotKey installed):
    SendMode Input
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
    SetKeyDelay, 100, 100
    Global IniFile := "List.ini"
    Global UserList
    IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%
        IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    IniRead, UserList, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    UserListEx := StrSplit(UserList, ";")
    UsernameCount := UserListEx.MaxIndex() - 1
    Gui, Main:-MaximizeBox +MinimizeBox -Disabled +AlwaysOnTop
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x10 y5 w150 h12 , Count:
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x40 y5 w50 h12 vUsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    Gui, Main:Add, ListView, x10 y21 w150 h220 vUsernameList gUsernameList Grid NoSortHdr -Multi -LV0x10 -LV0x8000, Username List
    Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x10 y241 w100 h20 vUsernameEdit, 
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x120 y241 w40 h20 gAddUsername, Add
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y261 w150 h20 gRemoveSelectedName, Remove Selected
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y281 w150 h20 gInviteSelectedName, Invite Selected
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y301 w150 h20 gSave, Save
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y321 w150 h20 gSaveAndCopy, Save and Copy
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x10 y341 w150 h50 , Add each username above. Then go in-game and hit F1 to mass invite. Hit F4 to reload the list.
    Loop, % UserListEx.MaxIndex()
        If (UserListEx[a_index] <> "") {
            Gui, Main:Default
            Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
            UserToAdd := UserListEx[a_index]
            lv_add("", UserToAdd)
    Loop, % LV_GetCount()
    	UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    Gui, Main:Show, x568 y387 h403 w176, Ship List
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    UserList = 
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
    IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    UserList = 
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
    IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    #IfWinActive, Ship List
    	Gosub, AddUsername
    #IfWinActive, ahk_exe Trove.exe
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        BuildJoin := "/joinme " ClientByNumber
        SendRaw %BuildJoin%
        Sleep 50
        Send {enter}
        Sleep 500
        Gui, Main:Default
        Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
        UserList =
        PartyList := "/party "
        FirstName := true
        Loop % LV_GetCount()
            LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
            UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
            if(not FirstName) {
                PartyList .= ";"
            PartyList .= ClientByNumber
            FirstName := false
        IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
        Clipboard := "**__List:__**`n/party`n``````" PartyList "```````nlist.ini`n``````[ShipList]`nJoinMeUserList=" UserList "``````"
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:Submit, Nohide
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    lv_add("", UsernameEdit)
    UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    GuiControl, , UsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    GuiControl, , UsernameEdit
    FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
    UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    GuiControl, , UsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    GuiControl, , UsernameEdit
    if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
        Gosub, InviteSelectedName
    else if (A_GuiEvent = "D")
            ;GuiControl, Focus, %A_GuiControl%
            if (drop_location := LV_DragDrop(A_GuiControl))
                LV_ParseDDResults(drop_location, ins_before_after, drop_position)
    			if (ins_before_after)
                row_found := 0
                   row_found := LV_GetNext(row_found)
                   if row_found=0 ;no selection there
                   if row_found_last
                      row_found_last = %row_found%|%row_found_last%
                      row_found_last = %row_found%
                   if (row_found<drop_position)
                   LV_GetText(row_text, row_found)
                if row_found_last
                   if (drop_position<1)
                   if (drop_position>LV_GetCount())
                   Loop, parse, row_found_last, |
                   Loop, %get_line_count%
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    User := GetSelectedClient()
    If (User <> "0") {
        BuildJoin := "/joinme " . User
        WinActivate, ahk_exe Trove.exe
        SendRaw %BuildJoin%
        Sleep 86
        Send {enter}
        Sleep 86
        Gui, Main:Default
        Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
        FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
        If not FocusedRowNumber
            Return 0
        LV_GetText(Text, LV_GetNext(RowNumber))
        Return Text
    RandSleep(x, y)
        Random, rand, %x%, %y%
        Sleep %rand%
            ;add check to verify that CurrentWindow is the GUI's window??
            ;not really needed, minor optimization
            ;LVM_FIRST = 0x1000
            static ScrollBarWidth, ScrollBarHeight, BorderX, BorderY, LV_DragDrop
           ; Return drag&drop state
           If Not ControlID
              Return LV_DragDrop
            LV_DragDrop := true
            if (!ScrollBarWidth)
                SysGet, ScrollBarWidth, 2
                SysGet, ScrollBarHeight, 3
                ;not really sure where these comes from
                ;but it is used to have the X and Y values mimic that of MouseMove
                BorderX := 2
                BorderY := 2
            ;Initialize structures
        ;     iItem := A_EventInfo
            MouseGetPos, , , ThisWindow, ThisControl, 2
            Used_HWND := ThisControl
            hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "uint", ThisWindow)
            ControlGetPos, ControlX, ControlY, ControlW, ControlH, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            GuiControlGet, ControlPos, Pos, %ControlID%
            ;Get Gui cordinates (used to convert from Screen to Gui relative coords)
            WinGetPos, GuiX, GuiY, , , ahk_id %ThisWindow%
            ;Orgin for Control (relative to Gui window)
            ControlOriginX := ControlX + BorderX
            ControlOriginY := ControlY + BorderY
            ;Origin for ControlPos (relative to Gui area)
            ControlPosOriginX := ControlPosX + BorderX
            ControlPosOriginY := ControlPosY + BorderY
            ;Get mouse position relative to the control (regardless of CoordMode setting)
            DllCall("GetCursorPos", "uint", &Point)
            X := Point_getX(Point) - GuiX - ControlOriginX
            Y := Point_getY(Point) - GuiY - ControlOriginY
            VarSetCapacity(HScrollBar, 60), NumPut(60, HScrollBar)
            DllCall("GetScrollBarInfo", "uint", Used_HWND, "int", -6, "uint", &HScrollBar)
            hasHScrollBar := !(NumGet(HScrollBar, 36) & 0x8000)
            if (hasHScrollBar)
                ControlPosH -= ScrollBarHeight + 2
            VarSetCapacity(VScrollBar, 60), NumPut(60, VScrollBar)
            DllCall("GetScrollBarInfo", "uint", Used_HWND, "int", -5, "uint", &VScrollBar)
            hasVScrollBar := !(NumGet(VScrollBar, 36) & 0x8000)
            if (hasVScrollBar)
                ControlPosW -= ScrollBarWidth + 2
            SendMessage, 0x101F, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            ListViewHeader := ErrorLevel
            SendMessage, 0x1028, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            NumberOfVisibleItems := ErrorLevel
            SendMessage, 0x1004, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            ItemCount := ErrorLevel
            if (NumberOfVisibleItems > ItemCount)
                NumberOfVisibleItems := ItemCount
            StartX := ControlPosX
            EndX := ControlPosX + ControlPosW
            LastX := X
            LastY := Y
            InsertAfter := false
            InsertPosition := 0
            VarSetCapacity(InsertMarks, 4 * (NumberOfVisibleItems + 1))
            SendMessage, 0x1027, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            TopIndex := ErrorLevel
            CurrentIndex := 0
            Loop, % NumberOfVisibleItems - 1
                SendMessage, 0x1010, CurrentIndex + TopIndex, &Point, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                StartY := ControlPosY + Point_getY(Point) + BorderY
                NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex, "int")
            SendMessage, 0x100E, CurrentIndex + TopIndex, &ItemBounds, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            StartY := ControlPosY + Rectangle_getTop(ItemBounds) + BorderY
            NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex, "int")
            StartY := ControlPosY + Rectangle_getBottom(ItemBounds) + BorderY
            NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * (CurrentIndex + 1), "int")
            ItemWidth := Rectangle_getRight(ItemBounds) - Rectangle_getLeft(ItemBounds)
            BelowLastItem := Rectangle_getBottom(ItemBounds)
            ;LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE = LVM_FIRST + 33 = 0x1021
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
        ;     SendMessage, 0x1021, iItem - 1, &Point, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
        ;     MsgBox, % Point_getX(Point) . " " . Point_getY(Point)
        ;     MsgBox, % ErrorLevel
                if !GetKeyState("LButton")
                if GetKeyState("Escape")
                    DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "uint", false)
                    InsertPosition := 0
                MouseGetPos, , , CurrentWindow, CurrentControl, 2
                ;Get Mouse Position relative to the Gui (regardless of CoordMode setting)
                DllCall("GetCursorPos", "uint", &Point)
                X := Point_getX(Point) - GuiX - ControlOriginX
                Y := Point_getY(Point) - GuiY - ControlOriginY
                ;CurrentControl = "" if not over a control
        ;         if (CurrentControl != "")
        ;             ControlGet, CurrentControl_HWND, HWND, , %CurrentControl%, ahk_id %CurrentWindow%
        ;         else
        ;             CurrentControl_HWND := 0
                if (CurrentControl = ThisControl || CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                    ;LVM_GETTOPINDEX = LVM_FIRST + 39 = 0x1027
                    SendMessage, 0x1027, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                    ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
                    TopIndex := ErrorLevel + 1
                    ;-1 to get last visible item
                    BottomIndex := TopIndex + NumberOfVisibleItems - 1
                    Point_setPoint(Point, X, Y)
                    LV_InsertMarkHitTest(Used_HWND, Point, After, iItem, iSubItem)
                    if (CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                        ;On header
                        After := 0
                        iItem := TopIndex
        ;                 iItem = 0
                        onHScrollBar := false
                    else if (Y <= BelowLastItem)
                        ;In ListView
                        onHScrollBar := false
                        ;Below last item
                        After := 1
                        iItem := BottomIndex
                        ;+BorderY to compensate for earlier subtraction
                        onHScrollBar := hasHScrollBar && Y + BorderY >= ControlPosH
                    ;+BorderX to compensate for earlier subtraction
                    onVScrollBar := hasVScrollBar && X + BorderX >= ControlPosW
        ;             ToolTip, % (onVScrollBar ? "On VBar" : "Not on VBar") . hasVScrollBar
        ;                 . "`n" . (OnHScrollBar ? "On HBar" : "Not on HBar") . hasHScrollBar
        ;                 . "`n" . X . "," . Y
        ;                 . "`n" . ControlPosW . "," . ControlPosH
        ;                 . "`n" . After . " " . iItem . " " . iSubItem
                    ItemInBounds := iItem >= TopIndex && After + iItem <= BottomIndex + 1
                    if (ItemInBounds)
                        ;change return values
                        InsertAfter := After
                        InsertPosition := iItem
                        ;clear previous InsertMark
                        if (LastAfter + LastPosition != After + iItem)
                            LastItemInBounds := LastPosition >= TopIndex
                                && LastAfter + LastPosition <= BottomIndex + 1
                            if (LastItemInBounds)
                                CurrentIndex := LastAfter + LastPosition - TopIndex
                                StartY := NumGet(InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex)
                                ;A rectangle of height 2
                                Rectangle_setPoints(InsertMark, StartX, StartY, EndX, StartY + 2)
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow
                                    , "uint", &InsertMark, "uint", false)
                            LastAfter := After
                            LastPosition := iItem
                        CurrentIndex := After + iItem - TopIndex
                        StartY := NumGet(InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex)
                        ;A rectangle of height 2
                        Rectangle_setPoints(InsertMark, StartX, StartY, EndX, StartY + 2)
                        ;A rectangle of height 2
                        DllCall("Rectangle", "uint", hDC, "int", StartX, "int", StartY
                            , "int", EndX, "int", StartY + 2)
                        Sleep, 1
                    else if (InsertPosition)
                        ;clear InsertMark (item not in bounds)
                        DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                        InsertPosition := 0
                else if (InsertPosition)
                    ;clear InsertMark (mouse not in "active" control)
                    DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                    InsertPosition := 0
                if (LastX = X && LastY = Y)
                    if (CurrentControl = ThisControl || CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                        ;checks "Hover" time
                        if (Last && (A_TickCount - Last) >= 400)
                            ;scroll on bounds
                            if (iItem <= TopIndex && TopIndex != 1)
                                ;clear previous InsertMark
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                                InsertPosition := 0
                                Sleep, 1
                                ;LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE = LVM_FIRST + 19
                                ;-1 converts form one-based to zero-based index
                                ;fPartialOK = false
                                SendMessage, 0x1013, (TopIndex - 1) - 1, false, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                            if (iItem >= BottomIndex && BottomIndex != ItemCount)
                                ;clear previous InsertMark
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                                InsertPosition := 0
                                Sleep, 1
                                ;LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE = LVM_FIRST + 19
                                ;-1 converts form one-based to zero-based index
                                ;fPartialOK = false
                                SendMessage, 0x1013, (BottomIndex - 1) + 1, false, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                            Last := A_TickCount
                        if (!Last)
                            Last := A_TickCount
                Last := 0
                LastX := X
                LastY := Y
            ;clean up
            VarSetCapacity(InsertMarks, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(HScrollBar, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(VScrollBar, 0)
        ;     ToolTip
            DllCall("ReleaseDC", "uint", 0, "uint", hDC)
            if (!InsertPosition)
                LV_DragDrop := false
                return 0
            ;clear previous InsertMark
            DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
            Sleep, 1
            LV_DragDrop := false
            return InsertAfter . " " . InsertPosition
        LV_ParseDDResults(DragDropResults, ByRef InsertAfter, ByRef Position)
            StringSplit, DragDropResults, DragDropResults, %A_Space%
            InsertAfter := DragDropResults1
            Position := DragDropResults2
        Drag/drop utility functions
        LV_InsertMarkHitTest(ThisControl, ByRef Point, ByRef After, ByRef iItem, ByRef iSubItem = 0)
            LV_HitTestInfo_create(LV_HitTestInfo, Point_getX(Point), Point_getY(Point))
            ;LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST = LVM_FIRST + 57 = 0x1039
            SendMessage, 0x1039, 0, &LV_HitTestInfo, , ahk_id %ThisControl%
            flags := LV_HitTestInfo_getFlags(LV_HitTestInfo)
            iItem := LV_HitTestInfo_getItem(LV_HitTestInfo)
            iSubItem := LV_HitTestInfo_getSubItem(LV_HitTestInfo)
            if (ErrorLevel = -1 || iItem <= 0)
                ;not on an item
                After := 0
                iItem = 0
            ;LVM_GETITEMRECT = LVM_FIRST + 14 = 0x100E
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            ;LVIR_BOUNDS = 0 (set as the LEFT member)
            SendMessage, 0x100E, iItem - 1, &Rectangle, , ahk_id %ThisControl%
            X := Point_getX(Point)
            Y := Point_getY(Point)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
            Height := Bottom - Top
            if (Y - Top < (Height >> 1))
                After := false
                After := true
        Structures Used
        Point_create(ByRef Point, X = 0, Y = 0)
            VarSetCapacity(Point, 8), Point_setPoint(Point, X, Y)
        Point_getPoint(ByRef Point, ByRef X, ByRef Y)
            X := Point_getX(Point)
            Y := Point_getY(Point)
        Point_setPoint(ByRef Point, X, Y)
            Point_setX(Point, X)
            Point_setY(Point, Y)
        Point_getX(ByRef Point)
            return NumGet(Point, 0, "int")
        Point_setX(ByRef Point, X)
            NumPut(X, Point, 0, "int")
        Point_getY(ByRef Point)
            return NumGet(Point, 4, "int")
        Point_setY(ByRef Point, Y)
            NumPut(Y, Point, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_create(ByRef Rectangle, Left = 0, Top = 0, Right = 0, Bottom = 0)
            VarSetCapacity(Rectangle, 16)
                , Rectangle_setTopLeft(Rectangle, Left, Top)
                , Rectangle_setBottomRight(Rectangle, Right, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getPoints(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Left, ByRef Top, ByRef Right, ByRef Bottom)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setPoints(ByRef Rectangle, Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Left)
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Top)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Right)
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getTopLeft(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Left, ByRef Top)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setTopLeft(ByRef Rectangle, Left, Top)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Left)
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Top)
        Rectangle_getTopLeftPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef TopLeft)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Point_create(TopLeft, Left, Top)
        Rectangle_setTopLeftPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef TopLeft)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Point_getX(TopLeft))
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Point_getY(TopLeft))
        Rectangle_getBottomRight(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Right, ByRef Bottom)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setBottomRight(ByRef Rectangle, Right, Bottom)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Right)
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getBottomRightPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef BottomRight)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
            Point_create(BottomRight, Right, Bottom)
        Rectangle_setBottomRightPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef BottomRight)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Point_getX(BottomRightt))
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Point_getY(BottomRight))
        Rectangle_getLeft(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 0, "int")
        Rectangle_setLeft(ByRef Rectangle, Left)
            NumPut(Left, Rectangle, 0, "int")
        Rectangle_getTop(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_setTop(ByRef Rectangle, Top)
            NumPut(Top, Rectangle, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_getRight(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 8, "int")
        Rectangle_setRight(ByRef Rectangle, Right)
            NumPut(Right, Rectangle, 8, "int")
        Rectangle_getBottom(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 12, "int")
        Rectangle_setBottom(ByRef Rectangle, Bottom)
            NumPut(Bottom, Rectangle, 12, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_create(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y, flags = 0xE)
        ;     flags = LVHT_ONITEM (default)
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMICON := 0x2
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMLABEL := 0x4
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON := 0x8
            VarSetCapacity(LV_HitTestInfo, 20, 0)
                , LV_HitTestInfo_setPoint(LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y)
                , LV_HitTestInfo_setFlags(LV_HitTestInfo, flags)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getPoint(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, ByRef X, ByRef Y)
            X := LV_HitTestInfo_getX(LV_HitTestInfo)
            Y := LV_HitTestInfo_getY(LV_HitTestInfo)
        LV_HitTestInfo_setPoint(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y)
            LV_HitTestInfo_setX(LV_HitTestInfo, X)
            LV_HitTestInfo_setY(LV_HitTestInfo, Y)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getX(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 0, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_setX(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X)
            NumPut(X, LV_HitTestInfo, 0, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getY(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 4, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_setY(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, Y)
            NumPut(Y, LV_HitTestInfo, 4, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getFlags(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 8)
        LV_HitTestInfo_setFlags(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, flags)
            NumPut(flags, LV_HitTestInfo, 8)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 12, "int") + 1
        LV_HitTestInfo_setItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, iItem)
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            NumPut(iItem - 1, LV_HitTestInfo, 12, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getSubItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 16, "int") + 1
        LV_HitTestInfo_setSubItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, iSubItem)
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            NumPut(iSubItem - 1, LV_HitTestInfo, 16, "int")
    Last edited by PapaHarlem; 09-30-2023 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Yumo_'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    My Mood

    hey mars

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaHarlem View Post
    This script allows you to save and invite everyone in your list! Very good for hosting fivefarms or ships/towers <3

    Here's the AHK code -- Just copy it and paste into a text file then rename the .txt file extension to .ahk (Make sure you have AutoHotKey installed):
    SendMode Input
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
    SetKeyDelay, 100, 100
    Global IniFile := "List.ini"
    Global UserList
    IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%
        IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    IniRead, UserList, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    UserListEx := StrSplit(UserList, ";")
    UsernameCount := UserListEx.MaxIndex() - 1
    Gui, Main:-MaximizeBox +MinimizeBox -Disabled +AlwaysOnTop
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x10 y5 w150 h12 , Count:
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x40 y5 w50 h12 vUsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    Gui, Main:Add, ListView, x10 y21 w150 h220 vUsernameList gUsernameList Grid NoSortHdr -Multi -LV0x10 -LV0x8000, Username List
    Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x10 y241 w100 h20 vUsernameEdit, 
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x120 y241 w40 h20 gAddUsername, Add
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y261 w150 h20 gRemoveSelectedName, Remove Selected
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y281 w150 h20 gInviteSelectedName, Invite Selected
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y301 w150 h20 gSave, Save
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y321 w150 h20 gSaveAndCopy, Save and Copy
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x10 y341 w150 h50 , Add each username above. Then go in-game and hit F1 to mass invite. Hit F4 to reload the list.
    Loop, % UserListEx.MaxIndex()
        If (UserListEx[a_index] <> "") {
            Gui, Main:Default
            Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
            UserToAdd := UserListEx[a_index]
            lv_add("", UserToAdd)
    Loop, % LV_GetCount()
    	UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    Gui, Main:Show, x568 y387 h403 w176, Ship List
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    UserList = 
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
    IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    UserList = 
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
    IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    #IfWinActive, Ship List
    	Gosub, AddUsername
    #IfWinActive, ahk_exe Trove.exe
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        BuildJoin := "/joinme " ClientByNumber
        SendRaw %BuildJoin%
        Sleep 50
        Send {enter}
        Sleep 500
        Gui, Main:Default
        Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
        UserList =
        PartyList := "/party "
        FirstName := true
        Loop % LV_GetCount()
            LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
            UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
            if(not FirstName) {
                PartyList .= ";"
            PartyList .= ClientByNumber
            FirstName := false
        IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
        Clipboard := "**__List:__**`n/party`n``````" PartyList "```````nlist.ini`n``````[ShipList]`nJoinMeUserList=" UserList "``````"
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:Submit, Nohide
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    lv_add("", UsernameEdit)
    UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    GuiControl, , UsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    GuiControl, , UsernameEdit
    FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
    UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    GuiControl, , UsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    GuiControl, , UsernameEdit
    if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
        Gosub, InviteSelectedName
    else if (A_GuiEvent = "D")
            ;GuiControl, Focus, %A_GuiControl%
            if (drop_location := LV_DragDrop(A_GuiControl))
                LV_ParseDDResults(drop_location, ins_before_after, drop_position)
    			if (ins_before_after)
                row_found := 0
                   row_found := LV_GetNext(row_found)
                   if row_found=0 ;no selection there
                   if row_found_last
                      row_found_last = %row_found%|%row_found_last%
                      row_found_last = %row_found%
                   if (row_found<drop_position)
                   LV_GetText(row_text, row_found)
                if row_found_last
                   if (drop_position<1)
                   if (drop_position>LV_GetCount())
                   Loop, parse, row_found_last, |
                   Loop, %get_line_count%
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    User := GetSelectedClient()
    If (User <> "0") {
        BuildJoin := "/joinme " . User
        WinActivate, ahk_exe Trove.exe
        SendRaw %BuildJoin%
        Sleep 86
        Send {enter}
        Sleep 86
        Gui, Main:Default
        Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
        FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
        If not FocusedRowNumber
            Return 0
        LV_GetText(Text, LV_GetNext(RowNumber))
        Return Text
    RandSleep(x, y)
        Random, rand, %x%, %y%
        Sleep %rand%
            ;add check to verify that CurrentWindow is the GUI's window??
            ;not really needed, minor optimization
            ;LVM_FIRST = 0x1000
            static ScrollBarWidth, ScrollBarHeight, BorderX, BorderY, LV_DragDrop
           ; Return drag&drop state
           If Not ControlID
              Return LV_DragDrop
            LV_DragDrop := true
            if (!ScrollBarWidth)
                SysGet, ScrollBarWidth, 2
                SysGet, ScrollBarHeight, 3
                ;not really sure where these comes from
                ;but it is used to have the X and Y values mimic that of MouseMove
                BorderX := 2
                BorderY := 2
            ;Initialize structures
        ;     iItem := A_EventInfo
            MouseGetPos, , , ThisWindow, ThisControl, 2
            Used_HWND := ThisControl
            hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "uint", ThisWindow)
            ControlGetPos, ControlX, ControlY, ControlW, ControlH, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            GuiControlGet, ControlPos, Pos, %ControlID%
            ;Get Gui cordinates (used to convert from Screen to Gui relative coords)
            WinGetPos, GuiX, GuiY, , , ahk_id %ThisWindow%
            ;Orgin for Control (relative to Gui window)
            ControlOriginX := ControlX + BorderX
            ControlOriginY := ControlY + BorderY
            ;Origin for ControlPos (relative to Gui area)
            ControlPosOriginX := ControlPosX + BorderX
            ControlPosOriginY := ControlPosY + BorderY
            ;Get mouse position relative to the control (regardless of CoordMode setting)
            DllCall("GetCursorPos", "uint", &Point)
            X := Point_getX(Point) - GuiX - ControlOriginX
            Y := Point_getY(Point) - GuiY - ControlOriginY
            VarSetCapacity(HScrollBar, 60), NumPut(60, HScrollBar)
            DllCall("GetScrollBarInfo", "uint", Used_HWND, "int", -6, "uint", &HScrollBar)
            hasHScrollBar := !(NumGet(HScrollBar, 36) & 0x8000)
            if (hasHScrollBar)
                ControlPosH -= ScrollBarHeight + 2
            VarSetCapacity(VScrollBar, 60), NumPut(60, VScrollBar)
            DllCall("GetScrollBarInfo", "uint", Used_HWND, "int", -5, "uint", &VScrollBar)
            hasVScrollBar := !(NumGet(VScrollBar, 36) & 0x8000)
            if (hasVScrollBar)
                ControlPosW -= ScrollBarWidth + 2
            SendMessage, 0x101F, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            ListViewHeader := ErrorLevel
            SendMessage, 0x1028, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            NumberOfVisibleItems := ErrorLevel
            SendMessage, 0x1004, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            ItemCount := ErrorLevel
            if (NumberOfVisibleItems > ItemCount)
                NumberOfVisibleItems := ItemCount
            StartX := ControlPosX
            EndX := ControlPosX + ControlPosW
            LastX := X
            LastY := Y
            InsertAfter := false
            InsertPosition := 0
            VarSetCapacity(InsertMarks, 4 * (NumberOfVisibleItems + 1))
            SendMessage, 0x1027, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            TopIndex := ErrorLevel
            CurrentIndex := 0
            Loop, % NumberOfVisibleItems - 1
                SendMessage, 0x1010, CurrentIndex + TopIndex, &Point, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                StartY := ControlPosY + Point_getY(Point) + BorderY
                NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex, "int")
            SendMessage, 0x100E, CurrentIndex + TopIndex, &ItemBounds, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            StartY := ControlPosY + Rectangle_getTop(ItemBounds) + BorderY
            NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex, "int")
            StartY := ControlPosY + Rectangle_getBottom(ItemBounds) + BorderY
            NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * (CurrentIndex + 1), "int")
            ItemWidth := Rectangle_getRight(ItemBounds) - Rectangle_getLeft(ItemBounds)
            BelowLastItem := Rectangle_getBottom(ItemBounds)
            ;LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE = LVM_FIRST + 33 = 0x1021
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
        ;     SendMessage, 0x1021, iItem - 1, &Point, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
        ;     MsgBox, % Point_getX(Point) . " " . Point_getY(Point)
        ;     MsgBox, % ErrorLevel
                if !GetKeyState("LButton")
                if GetKeyState("Escape")
                    DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "uint", false)
                    InsertPosition := 0
                MouseGetPos, , , CurrentWindow, CurrentControl, 2
                ;Get Mouse Position relative to the Gui (regardless of CoordMode setting)
                DllCall("GetCursorPos", "uint", &Point)
                X := Point_getX(Point) - GuiX - ControlOriginX
                Y := Point_getY(Point) - GuiY - ControlOriginY
                ;CurrentControl = "" if not over a control
        ;         if (CurrentControl != "")
        ;             ControlGet, CurrentControl_HWND, HWND, , %CurrentControl%, ahk_id %CurrentWindow%
        ;         else
        ;             CurrentControl_HWND := 0
                if (CurrentControl = ThisControl || CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                    ;LVM_GETTOPINDEX = LVM_FIRST + 39 = 0x1027
                    SendMessage, 0x1027, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                    ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
                    TopIndex := ErrorLevel + 1
                    ;-1 to get last visible item
                    BottomIndex := TopIndex + NumberOfVisibleItems - 1
                    Point_setPoint(Point, X, Y)
                    LV_InsertMarkHitTest(Used_HWND, Point, After, iItem, iSubItem)
                    if (CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                        ;On header
                        After := 0
                        iItem := TopIndex
        ;                 iItem = 0
                        onHScrollBar := false
                    else if (Y <= BelowLastItem)
                        ;In ListView
                        onHScrollBar := false
                        ;Below last item
                        After := 1
                        iItem := BottomIndex
                        ;+BorderY to compensate for earlier subtraction
                        onHScrollBar := hasHScrollBar && Y + BorderY >= ControlPosH
                    ;+BorderX to compensate for earlier subtraction
                    onVScrollBar := hasVScrollBar && X + BorderX >= ControlPosW
        ;             ToolTip, % (onVScrollBar ? "On VBar" : "Not on VBar") . hasVScrollBar
        ;                 . "`n" . (OnHScrollBar ? "On HBar" : "Not on HBar") . hasHScrollBar
        ;                 . "`n" . X . "," . Y
        ;                 . "`n" . ControlPosW . "," . ControlPosH
        ;                 . "`n" . After . " " . iItem . " " . iSubItem
                    ItemInBounds := iItem >= TopIndex && After + iItem <= BottomIndex + 1
                    if (ItemInBounds)
                        ;change return values
                        InsertAfter := After
                        InsertPosition := iItem
                        ;clear previous InsertMark
                        if (LastAfter + LastPosition != After + iItem)
                            LastItemInBounds := LastPosition >= TopIndex
                                && LastAfter + LastPosition <= BottomIndex + 1
                            if (LastItemInBounds)
                                CurrentIndex := LastAfter + LastPosition - TopIndex
                                StartY := NumGet(InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex)
                                ;A rectangle of height 2
                                Rectangle_setPoints(InsertMark, StartX, StartY, EndX, StartY + 2)
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow
                                    , "uint", &InsertMark, "uint", false)
                            LastAfter := After
                            LastPosition := iItem
                        CurrentIndex := After + iItem - TopIndex
                        StartY := NumGet(InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex)
                        ;A rectangle of height 2
                        Rectangle_setPoints(InsertMark, StartX, StartY, EndX, StartY + 2)
                        ;A rectangle of height 2
                        DllCall("Rectangle", "uint", hDC, "int", StartX, "int", StartY
                            , "int", EndX, "int", StartY + 2)
                        Sleep, 1
                    else if (InsertPosition)
                        ;clear InsertMark (item not in bounds)
                        DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                        InsertPosition := 0
                else if (InsertPosition)
                    ;clear InsertMark (mouse not in "active" control)
                    DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                    InsertPosition := 0
                if (LastX = X && LastY = Y)
                    if (CurrentControl = ThisControl || CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                        ;checks "Hover" time
                        if (Last && (A_TickCount - Last) >= 400)
                            ;scroll on bounds
                            if (iItem <= TopIndex && TopIndex != 1)
                                ;clear previous InsertMark
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                                InsertPosition := 0
                                Sleep, 1
                                ;LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE = LVM_FIRST + 19
                                ;-1 converts form one-based to zero-based index
                                ;fPartialOK = false
                                SendMessage, 0x1013, (TopIndex - 1) - 1, false, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                            if (iItem >= BottomIndex && BottomIndex != ItemCount)
                                ;clear previous InsertMark
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                                InsertPosition := 0
                                Sleep, 1
                                ;LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE = LVM_FIRST + 19
                                ;-1 converts form one-based to zero-based index
                                ;fPartialOK = false
                                SendMessage, 0x1013, (BottomIndex - 1) + 1, false, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                            Last := A_TickCount
                        if (!Last)
                            Last := A_TickCount
                Last := 0
                LastX := X
                LastY := Y
            ;clean up
            VarSetCapacity(InsertMarks, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(HScrollBar, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(VScrollBar, 0)
        ;     ToolTip
            DllCall("ReleaseDC", "uint", 0, "uint", hDC)
            if (!InsertPosition)
                LV_DragDrop := false
                return 0
            ;clear previous InsertMark
            DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
            Sleep, 1
            LV_DragDrop := false
            return InsertAfter . " " . InsertPosition
        LV_ParseDDResults(DragDropResults, ByRef InsertAfter, ByRef Position)
            StringSplit, DragDropResults, DragDropResults, %A_Space%
            InsertAfter := DragDropResults1
            Position := DragDropResults2
        Drag/drop utility functions
        LV_InsertMarkHitTest(ThisControl, ByRef Point, ByRef After, ByRef iItem, ByRef iSubItem = 0)
            LV_HitTestInfo_create(LV_HitTestInfo, Point_getX(Point), Point_getY(Point))
            ;LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST = LVM_FIRST + 57 = 0x1039
            SendMessage, 0x1039, 0, &LV_HitTestInfo, , ahk_id %ThisControl%
            flags := LV_HitTestInfo_getFlags(LV_HitTestInfo)
            iItem := LV_HitTestInfo_getItem(LV_HitTestInfo)
            iSubItem := LV_HitTestInfo_getSubItem(LV_HitTestInfo)
            if (ErrorLevel = -1 || iItem <= 0)
                ;not on an item
                After := 0
                iItem = 0
            ;LVM_GETITEMRECT = LVM_FIRST + 14 = 0x100E
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            ;LVIR_BOUNDS = 0 (set as the LEFT member)
            SendMessage, 0x100E, iItem - 1, &Rectangle, , ahk_id %ThisControl%
            X := Point_getX(Point)
            Y := Point_getY(Point)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
            Height := Bottom - Top
            if (Y - Top < (Height >> 1))
                After := false
                After := true
        Structures Used
        Point_create(ByRef Point, X = 0, Y = 0)
            VarSetCapacity(Point, 8), Point_setPoint(Point, X, Y)
        Point_getPoint(ByRef Point, ByRef X, ByRef Y)
            X := Point_getX(Point)
            Y := Point_getY(Point)
        Point_setPoint(ByRef Point, X, Y)
            Point_setX(Point, X)
            Point_setY(Point, Y)
        Point_getX(ByRef Point)
            return NumGet(Point, 0, "int")
        Point_setX(ByRef Point, X)
            NumPut(X, Point, 0, "int")
        Point_getY(ByRef Point)
            return NumGet(Point, 4, "int")
        Point_setY(ByRef Point, Y)
            NumPut(Y, Point, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_create(ByRef Rectangle, Left = 0, Top = 0, Right = 0, Bottom = 0)
            VarSetCapacity(Rectangle, 16)
                , Rectangle_setTopLeft(Rectangle, Left, Top)
                , Rectangle_setBottomRight(Rectangle, Right, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getPoints(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Left, ByRef Top, ByRef Right, ByRef Bottom)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setPoints(ByRef Rectangle, Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Left)
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Top)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Right)
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getTopLeft(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Left, ByRef Top)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setTopLeft(ByRef Rectangle, Left, Top)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Left)
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Top)
        Rectangle_getTopLeftPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef TopLeft)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Point_create(TopLeft, Left, Top)
        Rectangle_setTopLeftPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef TopLeft)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Point_getX(TopLeft))
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Point_getY(TopLeft))
        Rectangle_getBottomRight(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Right, ByRef Bottom)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setBottomRight(ByRef Rectangle, Right, Bottom)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Right)
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getBottomRightPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef BottomRight)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
            Point_create(BottomRight, Right, Bottom)
        Rectangle_setBottomRightPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef BottomRight)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Point_getX(BottomRightt))
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Point_getY(BottomRight))
        Rectangle_getLeft(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 0, "int")
        Rectangle_setLeft(ByRef Rectangle, Left)
            NumPut(Left, Rectangle, 0, "int")
        Rectangle_getTop(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_setTop(ByRef Rectangle, Top)
            NumPut(Top, Rectangle, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_getRight(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 8, "int")
        Rectangle_setRight(ByRef Rectangle, Right)
            NumPut(Right, Rectangle, 8, "int")
        Rectangle_getBottom(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 12, "int")
        Rectangle_setBottom(ByRef Rectangle, Bottom)
            NumPut(Bottom, Rectangle, 12, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_create(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y, flags = 0xE)
        ;     flags = LVHT_ONITEM (default)
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMICON := 0x2
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMLABEL := 0x4
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON := 0x8
            VarSetCapacity(LV_HitTestInfo, 20, 0)
                , LV_HitTestInfo_setPoint(LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y)
                , LV_HitTestInfo_setFlags(LV_HitTestInfo, flags)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getPoint(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, ByRef X, ByRef Y)
            X := LV_HitTestInfo_getX(LV_HitTestInfo)
            Y := LV_HitTestInfo_getY(LV_HitTestInfo)
        LV_HitTestInfo_setPoint(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y)
            LV_HitTestInfo_setX(LV_HitTestInfo, X)
            LV_HitTestInfo_setY(LV_HitTestInfo, Y)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getX(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 0, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_setX(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X)
            NumPut(X, LV_HitTestInfo, 0, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getY(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 4, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_setY(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, Y)
            NumPut(Y, LV_HitTestInfo, 4, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getFlags(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 8)
        LV_HitTestInfo_setFlags(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, flags)
            NumPut(flags, LV_HitTestInfo, 8)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 12, "int") + 1
        LV_HitTestInfo_setItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, iItem)
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            NumPut(iItem - 1, LV_HitTestInfo, 12, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getSubItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 16, "int") + 1
        LV_HitTestInfo_setSubItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, iSubItem)
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            NumPut(iSubItem - 1, LV_HitTestInfo, 16, "int")
    Hey mars

  3. #3
    caster2071's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    There is a special mod in the game for this, that’s all, well done for that, the script was well done)

  4. #4
    PapaHarlem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by caster2071 View Post
    There is a special mod in the game for this, that’s all, well done for that, the script was well done)
    no problem

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