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  1. #16
    Kyouki's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    all credits goes to: CraigChrist8239.

    Could you fix that out for me? ^_^

  2. #17
    GBot!'s Avatar
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    Long Beach
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyouki View Post
    all credits goes to: CraigChrist8239.

    Could you fix that out for me? ^_^
    Without Deany95 I couldnt get the list....

  3. #18
    Kyouki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Oh really?
    There are 1337 threads here about console dvars/cvars lol.

  4. #19
    AZUMIKKEL's Avatar
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    May 2010
    My moms house... what's so funny about that?
    My Mood
    for the guys who cba downloading the txt file:

    (the few dvars marked with /kool/ are some that i found useful or interesting, don't bother bothering me)
    aim_scale_view_axis                                             Scale the influence of each input axis so that the major axis has more influence on the control
    aim_lockon_region_height                                The height of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates(0-480)
    aim_lockon_region_width                                 The width of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates(0-640)
    aim_lockon_strength                                             The amount of aim assistance given by the target lock on
    aim_lockon_deflection                                   The amount of stick deflection for the lockon to activate
    aim_lockon_debug                                                Turn on debugging info for aim lock on
    aim_lockon_enabled                                              Aim lock on helps the player to stay on target
    aim_automelee_range                                             The range of the auto melee
    aim_automelee_region_height                             The height of the auto melee region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 480)
    aim_automelee_region_width                              The width of the auto melee region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 640)
    aim_automelee_lerp                                              The rate in degrees per second that the auto melee will converge to its target
    aim_automelee_debug                                             Turn on auto melee debugging
    aim_automelee_enabled                                   Turn on auto melee
    aim_autoaim_region_height                               The height of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 480)
    aim_autoaim_region_width                                The width of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 640)
    aim_autoaim_lerp                                                The rate in degrees per second that the auto aim will converge to its target
    aim_autoaim_debug                                               Turn on auto aim debugging
    aim_autoaim_enabled                                             Turn on auto aim
    aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads                              The horizontal aim assist slowdown ratio when aiming down the sight
    aim_slowdown_yaw_scale                                  The horizontal aim assist slowdown ratio from the hip
    aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads                    The vertical aim assist slowdown ratio when aiming down the sight
    aim_slowdown_pitch_scale                                The vertical aim assist slowdown ratio from the hip
    aim_slowdown_region_height                              The screen height of the aim assist slowdown region
    aim_slowdown_region_width                               The screen width of the aim slowdown region
    aim_slowdown_debug                                              Turn on debugging info for aim slowdown
    aim_slowdown_enabled                                    Slowdown the turn rate when the cross hair passes over a target
    aim_accel_turnrate_lerp                                 The acceleration of the turnrates
    aim_accel_turnrate_debug                                Turn on debugging info for the acceleration
    aim_accel_turnrate_enabled                              Enable/disable acceleration of the turnrates
    aim_turnrate_yaw_ads                                    The horizontal turn rate for aim assist when aiming down the sight
    aim_turnrate_yaw                                                The horizontal turn rate for aim assist when firing from the hip
    aim_turnrate_pitch_ads                                  The turn rate up and down for aim assist when aiming down the sight
    aim_turnrate_pitch                                              The vertical turn rate for aim assist when firing from the hip
    aim_input_graph_index                                   Which input graph to use
    aim_input_graph_debug                                   Debug the view input graphs
    aim_input_graph_enabled                                 Use graph for adjusting view input
    aim_autoAimRangeScale                                   Scales the weapon's auto aim range
    aim_aimAssistRangeScale                                 Scales the weapon's aim assist range
    aim_target_sentient_radius                              The radius used to calculate target bounds for a sentient(actor or player)
    jump_spreadAdd                                                  The amount of spread scale to add as a side effect of jumping
    jump_ladderPushVel                                              The velocity of a jump off of a ladder
    /kool/jump_slowdownEnable                                             Slow player movement after jumping
    jump_stepSize                                                   The maximum step up to the top of a jump arc
    jump_height                                                             The maximum height of a player's jump
    mantle_max_vertical_end_velocity                The maximum allowed vertical velocity when finishing a mantle
    mantle_view_yawcap                                              The angle at which to restrict a sideways turn while mantling
    mantle_check_angle                                              The minimum angle from the player to a mantle surface to allow a mantle
    mantle_check_radius                                             The player radius to test against while mantling
    mantle_check_range                                              The minimum distance from a player to a mantle surface to allow a mantle
    mantle_debug                                                    Show debug information for mantling
    mantle_enable                                                   Enable player mantling
    missileRemoteSteerYawRate                               Remote-controlled missile left/right steering speed.
    missileRemoteSteerPitchRate                             Remote-controlled missile up/down steering speed.
    missileRemoteSteerPitchRange                    Remote-controlled missile allowed up/down range.  To keep players from steering missiles above the horizon.
    bg_shieldHitEncodeHeight                                The decoding range, in height, of a client's viewmodel shield.
    bg_shieldHitEncodeWidth                                 The decoding range, in width, of a client's viewmodel shield.
    bg_shieldHitEncodeHeightWorld                   The encoding range, in height, of a client's world shield. A hit in this range is encoded into one of 8 rows.
    bg_shieldHitEncodeWidthWorld                    The encoding range, in width, of a client's world shield. A hit in this range is encoded into one of 16 collumns.
    turret_adsTime                                                  Time (msec) to transition to ADS
    turret_adsEnabled                                               Enable/Disable ADS on turrets
    useTagFlashSilenced                                             When true, silenced weapons will use "tag_flash_silenced" instead of "tag_flash".
    bullet_penetration_enabled                              When false, disables bullet penetration completely.
    bullet_ricochetBaseChance                               The base chance a bullet has of ricocheting off of a riot shield.
    bullet_penetrationMinFxDist                             Min distance a penetrated bullet must travel before it'll trigger the effects
    bg_lowGravity                                                   Low gravity for slow or floaty objects, in inches per second per second
    g_gravity                                                               Gravity in inches per second per second
    player_burstFireCooldown                                Seconds after a burst fire before weapons can be fired again.
    /kool/player_meleeHeight                                              The height of the player's melee attack
    /kool/player_meleeWidth                                               The width of the player's melee attack
    /kool/player_meleeRange                                               The maximum range of the player's mellee attack
    player_dmgtimer_flinchTime                              Maximum time to play flinch animations
    player_dmgtimer_stumbleTime                             Maximum time to play stumble animations
    player_dmgtimer_minScale                                The minimum scale value to slow the player by when damaged
    player_dmgtimer_maxTime                                 The maximum time that the player is slowed due to damage
    player_dmgtimer_timePerPoint                    The time in milliseconds that the player is slowed down per point of damage
    player_turnAnims                                                Use animations to turn a player's model in multiplayer
    player_lastStandCrawlSpeedScale                 The scale applied to the player speed when crawling in last stand.
    player_lastStandDebug                                   Forces players into last stand for debugging purposes.
    player_sprintCameraBob                                  The speed the camera bobs while you sprint
    player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale                   The speed at which you can strafe while sprinting
    player_sprintRechargePause                              The length of time the meter will pause before starting to recharge after a player sprints
    player_sprintMinTime                                    The minimum sprint time needed in order to start sprinting
    player_sprintTime                                               The base length of time a player can sprint
    player_sprintUnlimited                                  Whether players can sprint forever or not
    player_sprintSpeedScale                                 The scale applied to the player speed when sprinting
    player_sprintForwardMinimum                             The minimum forward deflection required to maintain a sprint
    player_spectateSpeedScale                               The scale applied to the player speed when spectating
    player_strafeAnimCosAngle                               Cosine of the angle which player starts using strafe animations
    player_backSpeedScale                                   The scale applied to the player speed when moving backwards
    player_strafeSpeedScale                                 The scale applied to the player speed when strafing
    player_footstepsThreshhold                              The minimum speed at which the player makes loud footstep noises
    player_moveThreshhold                                   The speed at which the player is considered to be moving for the purposes of 
    view model bob and multiplayer model movement
    player_sprintThreshhold                                 The speed threshold before a player is considered to be sprinting
    player_runbkThreshhold                                  The speed threshold before a player is considered to be running backwards
    player_runThreshhold                                    The speed threshold before a player is considered to be running forwards
    /kool/player_sustainAmmo                                              Firing weapon will not decrease clip ammo.
    player_debugHealth                                              Turn on debugging info for player health
    player_move_factor_on_torso                             The contribution movement direction has on player torso direction(multi-player only)
    player_adsExitDelay                                             Delay before exiting aim down sight
    player_scopeExitOnDamage                                Exit the scope if the player takes damage
    player_breath_snd_delay                                 The delay before playing the breathe in sound
    player_breath_snd_lerp                                  The interpolation rate for the player hold breath sound
    player_breath_gasp_lerp                                 The interpolation rate for the target waver amplitude when gasping
    player_breath_hold_lerp                                 The interpolation rate for the target waver amplitude when holding breath
    player_breath_gasp_scale                                Scale value to apply to the target waver during a gasp
    player_breath_fire_delay                                The amount of time subtracted from the player remaining breath time when a weapon is fired
    player_breath_gasp_time                                 The amount of time a player will gasp once they can breath again
    player_breath_hold_time                                 The maximum time a player can hold his breath
    bg_maxGrenadeIndicatorSpeed                             Maximum speed of grenade that will show up in indicator and can be thrown back.
    bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold                  When player is moving faster than this speed, the aim spread will increase
    bg_bulletExplRadius                                             The radius of the bullet splash damage, where the damage gradually falls off to 0.
    bg_bulletExplDmgFactor                                  Weapon damage multiplier that will be applied at the center of the slash damage area.
    bg_forceExplosiveBullets                                When set, all bullet weapons will fire explosive rounds (Simulates Perk)
    bg_weaponBobLag                                                 The lag that will be applied the weapon bob cycle
    bg_weaponBobMax                                                 The maximum allowed weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude
    bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRoll                               The amplitude applied to the roll for weapon bobbing
    bg_weaponBobAmplitudeProne                              The multiplier to apply to the players's speed to get the weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude while prone
    bg_weaponBobAmplitudeDucked                             The multiplier to apply to the players's speed to get the weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude while ducking
    bg_weaponBobAmplitudeStanding                   The multiplier to apply to the players's speed to get the weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude while standing
    bg_weaponBobAmplitudeSprinting                  The multiplier to apply to the players's speed to get the weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude while sprinting
    bg_weaponBobAmplitudeBase                               The base speed-based weapon bob amplitude
    bg_viewBobLag                                                   The lag that will be applied the view bob cycle
    bg_viewBobMax                                                   The maximum allowed bob amplitude
    bg_viewBobAmplitudeRoll                                 The amplitude applied to the roll for view bobbing
    bg_viewBobAmplitudeProne                                The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while prone
    bg_viewBobAmplitudeDuckedAds                    The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while ducking ADS
    bg_viewBobAmplitudeDucked                               The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while ducking
    bg_viewBobAmplitudeStandingAds                  The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while standing and ADS
    bg_viewBobAmplitudeStanding                             The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while standing
    bg_viewBobAmplitudeSprinting                    The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while sprinting
    bg_viewBobAmplitudeBase                                 The base speed-based view bob amplitude
    bg_legYawTolerance                                              The amount the player's leg yaw can differ from his torso before moving ta match
    bg_swingSpeed                                                   The rate at which the player's legs swing around when strafing(multi-player only)
    stopspeed                                                               The player deceleration
    friction                                                                Player friction
    bg_softLandingMaxDamage                                 The max amount of damage (as % of max health) if soft landing is in effect
    bg_softLandingMaxHeight                                 The height that a player will start to take max damage if soft landing is in effect
    bg_softLandingMinHeight                                 The height that a player will start to take minimum damage if soft landing is in effect
    bg_fallDamageMaxHeight                                  The height that a player will take maximum damage when falling
    bg_fallDamageMinHeight                                  The height that a player will start to take minimum damage if they fall
    bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval                             The time interval before foliage sounds are reset after the player has stopped moving
    bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval                              The time between each foliage sound when moving quickly
    bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval                              The time between each foliage sound when moving slowly
    bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed                                  The speed that a player must be going to make maximum noise while moving through foliage
    bg_foliagesnd_minspeed                                  The speed that a player must be going to make minimum noise while moving through foliage
    bg_prone_yawcap                                                 The maximum angle that a player can look around quickly while prone
    bg_ladder_yawcap                                                The maximum angle that a player can look around while on a ladder
    player_lean_rotate_crouch_right                 Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning right
    player_lean_rotate_crouch_left                  Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning left
    player_lean_rotate_right                                Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when leaning right
    player_lean_rotate_left                                 Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when leaning left
    player_lean_shift_crouch_right                  Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning right
    player_lean_shift_crouch_left                   Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning left
    player_lean_shift_right                                 Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when leaning right
    player_lean_shift_left                                  Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when leaning left
    player_view_pitch_down                                  Maximum angle that the player can look down
    player_view_pitch_up                                    Maximum angle that the player can look up
    camera_thirdPersonCrosshairOffset               Amount to vertically offset the crosshair from the center when in third person mode
    camera_thirdPersonAdsTransScale                 Scale applied to ADS transition time when in third person mode
    camera_thirdPersonFovScale                              Scale applied to the field of view when in global third person view
    camera_thirdPersonOffsetTurretAds               The ADS offset of the camera from the player when on a turret in global third person view
    camera_thirdPersonOffsetAds                             The ADS offset of the camera from the player in global third person view
    camera_thirdPersonOffset                                The offset of the camera from the player in global third person view
    camera_thirdPerson                                              Use third person view globally
    bg_debugProne                                                   Show prone debug information
    bg_forceDualWield                                               Force akimbo for all possible weapons
    bg_viewKickRandom                                               The random direction scale view kick
    bg_viewKickMin                                                  The minimum view kick
    bg_viewKickMax                                                  The maximum view kick
    bg_viewKickScale                                                The scale to apply to the damage done to calculate damage view kick
    perk_extendedMeleeRange                                 The range of the auto melee with the extened perk
    perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierActual             Percent of sprint recovery time to use.
    perk_fastSnipeScale                                             Scales the recovery speed of the view kick when using a sniper.
    perk_quickDrawSpeedScale                                Scales the 'Hip to ADS' transition speed.
    perk_lightWeightViewBobScale                    Scale for first person view movement while lightweight.
    perk_extendedMagsPistolAmmo                             Number of extra bullets per clip for pistol weapons with the extended mags perk.
    perk_extendedMagsSpreadAmmo                             Number of extra bullets per clip for spread weapons with the extended mags perk.
    perk_extendedMagsSMGAmmo                                Number of extra bullets per clip for sub machine gun weapons with the extended mags perk.
    perk_extendedMagsMGAmmo                                 Number of extra bullets per clip for machine gun weapons with the extended mags perk.
    perk_extendedMagsRifleAmmo                              Number of extra bullets per clip for rifle weapons with the extended mags perk.
    perk_diveGravityScale                                   Scale for gravity while diving
    perk_diveViewRollResetSpeed                             Rate at which view rotates after the dive is finished
    perk_diveViewRollSpeed                                  Rate at which view rotates
    perk_diveViewRollTarget                                 Max angle to rotate view by when diving
    perk_diveDistanceCheck                                  Length of required empty space to allow diving
    perk_diveVelocity                                               Horizontal velocity when diving
    perk_sprintMultiplier                                   Multiplier for player_sprinttime
    perk_parabolicIcon                                              Eavesdrop icon to use when displaying eavesdropped voice chats
    perk_parabolicAngle                                             Eavesdrop perk's effective FOV angle
    perk_parabolicRadius                                    Eavesdrop perk's effective radius
    perk_grenadeDeath                                               Name of the grenade weapon to drop
    perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier                Multiplier for extra bullet penetration
    perk_improvedExtraBreath                                Number of extra seconds a player can hold his breath on top of the base perk
    perk_extraBreath                                                Number of extra seconds a player can hold his breath
    perk_weapRateMultiplier                                 Percentage of weapon firing rate to use
    perk_weapReloadMultiplier                               Percentage of weapon reload time to use
    perk_weapSpreadMultiplier                               Percentage of weapon spread to use
    /kool/lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2                              lowAmmoWarningColor2, but when no ammo.
    /kool/lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1                              Like lowAmmoWarningColor1, but when no ammo.
    lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2                    lowAmmoWarningColor2, but when no ammo to reload with.
    lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1                    Like lowAmmoWarningColor1, but when no ammo to reload with.
    lowAmmoWarningPulseMin                                  Max of oscilation range: 0 is color1 and 1.0 is color2.  Can be > 1.0, and the wave will clip at 1.0.
    lowAmmoWarningPulseMax                                  Min of oscilation range: 0 is color1 and 1.0 is color2.  Can be < 0, and the wave will clip at 0.
    lowAmmoWarningPulseFreq                                 Frequency of the pulse (oscilation between the 2 colors)
    lowAmmoWarningColor2                                    Color 2 of 2 to oscilate between
    lowAmmoWarningColor1                                    Color 1 of 2 to oscilate between
    actionSlotsHide                                                 Hide the actionslots.
    ammoCounterHide                                                 Hide the Ammo Counter
    clientSideEffects                                               Enable loading _fx.gsc files on the client
    cg_hudMapBorderWidth                                    The size of the full map's border, filled by the CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_BORDER ownerdraw
    cg_hudMapPlayerWidth                                    The size of the player's icon on the full map
    cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth                                  The size of the friendly icon on the full map
    cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness                             Thickness, relative to the map width, of the radar texture that sweeps across the full screen map
    compassHellfireTargetSpot                               Hellfires on the compass show the spot that they're pointed at, instead of showing their own position.
    compassHideSansObjectivePointer                 Hide the compass, but leave the obective pointer visible.
    compassHideVehicles                                             When enabled, disables the CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_VEHICLES ownerdraw.
    compassEnemyFootstepEnabled                             Enables enemies showing on the compass because of moving rapidly nearby.
    compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed                    The minimum speed an enemy must be moving to appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
    compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ                                The maximum vertical distance enemy may be from the player and appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
    compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange                    The maximum distance at which an enemy may appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
    compassObjectiveMaxHeight                               The maximum height that an objective is considered to be on this level
    compassObjectiveMinHeight                               The minimum height that an objective is considered to be on this level
    compassObjectiveDetailDist                              When an objective is closer than this distance (in meters), the icon will not be drawn on the tickertape.
    compassObjectiveMinDistRange                    The distance that objective transition effects play over, centered on compassObjectiveNearbyDist.
    compassObjectiveNearbyDist                              When an objective is closer than this distance (in meters), an "Objective Nearby" type of indicator is shown.
    compassObjectiveIconWidth                               The size of the objective on the full map
    compassObjectiveDrawLines                               Draw horizontal and vertical lines to the active target, if it is within the minimap boundries
    compassObjectiveTextHeight                              Objective text height
    compassObjectiveTextScale                               Scale to apply to hud objectives
    compassObjectiveRingSize                                The maximum objective ring sige when a new objective appears on the compass
    compassObjectiveRingTime                                The amount of time between each ring when an objective appears
    compassObjectiveNumRings                                The number of rings when a new objective appears
    compassObjectiveMinAlpha                                The minimum alpha for an objective at the edge of the compass
    compassObjectiveMaxRange                                The maximum range at which an objective is visible on the compass
    compassObjectiveArrowRotateDist                 Distance from the corner of the compass map at which the objective arrow rotates to 45 degrees
    compassObjectiveArrowOffset                             The offset of the objective arrow inward from the edge of the compass map
    compassObjectiveArrowWidth                              The size of the objective arrow on the compass
    compassObjectiveWidth                                   The size of the objective on the compass
    compassRadarLineThickness                               Thickness, relative to the compass size, of the radar texture that sweeps across the map
    compassFastRadarUpdateTime                              Time between radar updates for the fast radar mode
    compassRadarUpdateTime                                  Time between radar updates for the normal radar mode
    /kool/csmod/compassRadarPingFadeTime                                How long an enemy is visible on the compass after it is detected by radar
    compassTickertapeStretch                                How far the tickertape should stretch from its center.
    compassRotation                                                 Style of compass
    compassECoordCutoff                                             Left cutoff for the scrolling east-west coords
    compassCoords                                                   x = North-South coord base value, y = East-West coord base value, z = scale (game units per coord unit)
    compassPlayerWidth                                              The size of the player's icon on the compass
    compassFriendlyWidth                                    The size of the friendly icon on the compass
    compassClampIcons                                               If true, friendlies and enemy pings clamp to the edge of the radar.  If false, they disappear off the edge.
    compassSoundPingFadeTime                                The time in seconds for the sound overlay on the compass to fade
    compassMinRadius                                                The minimum radius from the center of the compass that objects will appear.
    compassMinRange                                                 The minimum range from the player in world space that objects will appear on the compass
    compassMaxRange                                                 The maximum range from the player in world space that objects will be shown on the compass
    compassSize                                                             Scale the compass
    compass                                                                 Display Compass Compass ownerdraw had width or height of 0
    objectiveHide                                                   When enabled, objectives will not show.
    objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff                                Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to wait before turning off, when appropriate.
    objectiveFadeTimeWaitOn                                 Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to wait before turning back on, when appropriate.
    objectiveFadeTimeGoingOff                               Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to take to fade out.
    objectiveFadeTimeGoingOn                                Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to take to fade back in.
    objectiveFadeTooClose                                   Onscreen Objective Pointer - Will not fade back in if target ent is closer than this.
    objectiveFadeTooFar                                             Onscreen Objective Pointer - Will not fade out if target ent is farther than this.
    objectiveTextOffsetY                                    Onscreen Objective Pointer - Offset of the icon's text.
    objectiveFontSize                                               Onscreen Objective Pointer - Fontsize of the icon's text.
    waypointPlayerOffsetStand                               For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are standing.
    CraigChrist8239                                                 Extractor of this list, this is here to prevent copypastas, lulz
    waypointPlayerOffsetCrouch                              For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are crouching.
    waypointPlayerOffsetProne                               For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are prone.
    hudElemPausedBrightness                                 Brightness of the hudelems when the game is paused.
    waypointTweakY                                                  Scale applied to waypoint icons in splitscreen views.
    waypointDistScaleSmallest                               Smallest scale that the distance effect uses.
    waypointDistScaleRangeMax                               Distance from player that icon distance scaling ends.
    waypointDistScaleRangeMin                               Distance from player that icon distance scaling starts.
    waypointOffscreenScaleSmallest                  Smallest scale that the offscreen effect uses.
    waypointOffscreenScaleLength                    How far the offscreen icon scale travels from full to smallest scale.
    waypointOffscreenCornerRadius                   Size of the rounded corners.
    waypointOffscreenRoundedCorners                 Off-screen icons take rounded corners when true.  90-degree corners when false.
    waypointOffscreenPadLeft                                Offset from the edge.
    waypointOffscreenDistanceThresholdAlpha Distance from the threshold over which offscreen objective icons lerp their alpha.
    waypointOffscreenPointerDistance                Distance from the center of the offscreen objective icon to the center its arrow.
    waypointIconHeight                                              Height of the offscreen pointer.
    waypointIconWidth                                               Width of the offscreen pointer.
    laserDebug                                                              Enables the display of various debug info.
    laserFlarePct                                                   Percentage laser widens over distance from viewer.
    laserEndOffset                                                  How far from the point of collision the end of the beam is.
    laserLightEndOffset                                             How far from the true end of the beam the light at the end is.
    laserLightBeginOffset                                   How far from the true beginning of the beam the light at the beginning is.
    laserLightRadius                                                The radius of the light at the far end of a laser beam
    laserLightBodyTweak                                             Amount to add to length of beam for light when laser hits a body (for hitboxes)
    laserLightWithoutNightvision                    Whether to draw the light emitted from a laser (not the laser itself) when nightvision is off. Player always gets light.
    laserLight                                                              Whether to draw the light emitted from a laser (not the laser itself)
    laserRadius                                                             The size (radius) of a laser beam
    laserRangePlayer                                                The maximum range of the player's laser beam
    laserRange                                                              The maximum range of a laser beam
    laserForceOn                                                    Force laser sights on in all possible places (for debug purposes).
    cg_weaponVisInterval                                    Do weapon vis checks once per this many frames, per centity
    useRelativeTeamColors                                   Whether to use relative team colors.
    cg_weapHitCullEnable                                    When true, cull back facing weapon hit fx.
    cg_weapHitCullAngle                                             Angle of cone within which to cull back facing weapon hit effects
    overrideNVGModelWithKnife                               When true, nightvision animations will attach the weapDef's knife model instead of the night vision goggles.
    cg_viewZSmoothingTime                                   Amount of time to spread the smoothing over
    cg_viewZSmoothingMax                                    Threshhold for the maximum smoothing distance we'll do
    cg_viewZSmoothingMin                                    Threshhold for the minimum smoothing distance it must move to smooth
    cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval                  Blink rate of an invalid command hint
    cg_invalidCmdHintDuration                               Duration of an invalid command hint
    cg_blood                                                                Show Blood
    thermal_playerModel                                             Model to draw for players when in thermal vision mode
    cg_flashbangNameFadeOut                                 Time in milliseconds to fade out friendly names when flash banged
    cg_flashbangNameFadeIn                                  Time in milliseconds to fade in friendly names after a flashbang
    cg_drawThroughWalls                                             Whether to draw friendly names through walls or not
    cg_friendlyNameFadeOut                                  Time in milliseconds to fade out friendly names
    cg_friendlyNameFadeIn                                   Time in milliseconds to fade in friendly names
    cg_enemyNameFadeOut                                             Time in milliseconds to fade out enemy names
    cg_enemyNameFadeIn                                              Time in milliseconds to fade in enemy names
    cg_drawFriendlyNames                                    Whether to show friendly names in game
    cg_overheadTitlesFont                                   Font for overhead titles ( see menudefinition.h )
    cg_overheadNamesFont                                    Font for overhead names ( see menudefinition.h )
    cg_overheadNamesGlow                                    Glow color for overhead names
    cg_overheadTitleSize                                    The size to show title text
    cg_overheadRankSize                                             The size to show rank text
    cg_overheadIconSize                                             The maximum size to show overhead icons like 'rank'
    cg_overheadNamesSize                                    The maximum size to show overhead names
    cg_overheadNamesFarScale                                The amount to scale overhead name sizes at cg_overheadNamesFarDist                      
    cg_overheadNamesFarDist                                 The far distance at which name sizes are scaled by cg_overheadNamesFarScale
    cg_overheadNamesNearDist                                The near distance at which names are full size
    cg_overheadNamesMaxDist                                 The maximum distance for showing friendly player names
    cg_headIconMinScreenRadius                              The minumum radius of a head icon on the screen
    cg_constantSizeHeadIcons                                Head icons are the same size regardless of distance from the player
    cg_voiceIconSize                                                Size of the 'voice' icon
    cg_connectionIconSize                                   Size of the connection icon
    cg_scriptIconSize                                               Size of Icons defined by script
    cg_killCamTurretLerpTime                                Time used to lerp to a killcam entity of the TURRET type.
    cg_killCamDefaultLerpTime                               Default time used to lerp between killcam entities.
    cg_youInKillCamSize                                             Size of the 'you' Icon in the kill cam
    cg_descriptiveText                                              Draw descriptive spectator messages
    cg_everyoneHearsEveryone                                If true, all players can all chat together, regardless of team or death
    cg_deadChatWithDead                                             If true, dead players can all chat together, regardless of team
    cg_deadHearAllLiving                                    If true, dead players can hear all living players talk
    cg_deadHearTeamLiving                                   If true, dead players can hear living players on their team talk
    cg_deadChatWithTeam                                             If true, dead players can talk to living players on their team
    cg_chatWithOtherTeams                                   If true, players can talk to other players regardless of their teams
    cg_gameBoldMessageWidth                                 The maximum character width of the bold game messages
    cg_gameMessageWidth                                             The maximum character width of the game messages
    cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen                              The width of the subtitle on a wide-screen
    cg_subtitleWidthStandard                                The width of the subtitles on a non wide-screen
    cg_subtitleMinTime                                              The minimum time that the subtitles are displayed on screen in seconds
    con_minicon                                                             Display the mini console on screen
    developer                                                               Enable development options
    cg_dobjdump                                                             Output dobj info for the given entity id
    cg_dumpAnims                                                    Output animation info for the given entity id
    cg_debug_overlay_viewport                               Remove the sniper overlay so you can check that the scissor window is correct.
    g_synchronousClients                                    Client is synchronized to the server - allows smooth demos
    cg_drawpaused                                                   Draw paused screen
    cl_paused                                                               Pause the game
    cg_teamChatsOnly                                                Allow chatting only on the same team
    cg_predictItemsDuration                                 The amount of time to wait after an item pickup prediction to show the item again if it failed.
    cg_predictItems                                                 Turn on client side prediction for item pickup
    cg_chatHeight                                                   The font height of a chat message
    cg_chatTime                                                             The amount of time that a chat message is visible
    cg_thirdPersonSpectator                                 Use third person view in spectator mode
    cg_thirdPersonMode                                              How the camera behaves in third person
    cg_thirdPerson                                                  Use third person view
    cg_thirdPersonAngle                                             The angle of the camera from the player in third person view
    cg_thirdPersonRange                                             The range of the camera from the player in third person view
    tracer_stoppingPowerWidth                               The width of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
    tracer_stoppingPowerColor6                              The 6th color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
    tracer_stoppingPowerColor5                              The 5th color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
    tracer_stoppingPowerColor4                              The 4th color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
    tracer_stoppingPowerColor3                              The 3rd color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
    tracer_stoppingPowerColor2                              The 2nd color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
    tracer_stoppingPowerColor1                              The 1st color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
    tracer_stoppingPowerOverride                    When turned on, will apply an override to the tracer settings when the stopping power perk is active.
    tracer_debugDraw                                                Draw debug lines where the tracers should be visible.
    tracer_explosiveWidth                                   The width of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
    tracer_explosiveColor6                                  The 6th color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
    tracer_explosiveColor5                                  The 5th color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
    tracer_explosiveColor4                                  The 4th color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
    tracer_explosiveColor3                                  The 3rd color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
    tracer_explosiveColor2                                  The 2nd color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
    tracer_explosiveColor1                                  The 1st color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
    tracer_explosiveOverride                                When turned on, will apply an override to the tracer settings when shooting explosive bullets.
    tracer_firstPersonMaxWidth                              The maximum width our OWN tracers can be when looking through our ADS
    tracer_thermalWidthMult                                 The multiplier applied to the base width when viewed in thermal vision
    cg_marks_ents_player_only                               Marks on entities from players' bullets only.
    cg_footsteps                                                    Play footstep sounds
    cg_showmiss                                                             Show prediction errors
    cg_nopredict                                                    Don't do client side prediction
    cg_errordecay                                                   Decay for predicted error
    cg_debugevents                                                  Output event debug information.  EV_NONE turns it off.  EV_MAX_EVENTS shows all events.  Otherwise, show only specified value.
    cg_debugposition                                                Output position debugging information
    cg_centertime                                                   The time for a center printed message to fade
    cg_brass                                                                Weapons eject brass
    cg_crosshairEnemyColor                                  The crosshair color when over an enemy
    cg_crosshairDynamic                                             Crosshair is Dynamic
    cg_crosshairAlphaMin                                    The minimum alpha value of the crosshair when it fades in
    cg_crosshairAlpha                                               The alpha value of the crosshair
    cg_weaponCycleDelay                                             The delay after cycling to a new weapon to prevent holding down the cycle weapon button from cycling too fast
    cg_splitscreenSpectatorScaleIncrease    Scale value to apply to the spectator message in splitscreen
    cg_hudSplitscreenBannerScoreboardScale  Scale value to apply to the splitscreen banner scoreboard
    cg_hudSplitscreenScoreboardScale                Scale value to apply to the scoreboard in splitscreen
    cg_hudSplitscreenStanceScale                    Scale value to apply to the stance HUD element in splitscreen
    cg_hudSplitscreenCompassElementScale    Scale value to apply to compass elements in splitscreen
    cg_hudSplitscreenCompassScale                   Scale value to apply to the compass in splitscreen
    cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed              Speed of the cursor when selecting a location on the map
    cg_hudProneY                                                    Virtual screen y coordinate of the prone blocked message
    drawKillcamDataSize                                             How big to draw the killcam data graph
    drawKillcamDataPos                                              Where to draw the server killcam graph
    drawKillcamData                                                 Enable drawing server killcam data
    drawServerBandwidthPos                                  Where to draw the server bandwidth graph
    drawServerBandwidth                                             Enable drawing server bandwidth
    drawEntityCountSize                                             How big to draw the entity count graph
    drawEntityCountPos                                              Where to draw the entity count graph
    drawEntityCount                                                 Enable entity count drawing
    drawLagometer                                                   Enable the 'lagometer'
    cg_hudVotePosition                                              Position of the HUD vote box
    cg_hudSayPosition                                               Position of the HUD say box
    cg_hudChatIntermissionPosition                  Position of the HUD chat box during intermission
    cg_hudChatPosition                                              Position of the HUD chat box
    cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMin                    The minimum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. Values lower than 0 will cause the indicator to remain at full transparency for longer
    cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax                    The maximum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. Values higher than 1 will cause the indicator to remain at full brightness for longer
    cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseFreq                   The number of times per second that the grenade indicator flashes in Hertz
    cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot                               The pivot point of th grenade indicator pointer
    cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth                               The width of the grenade indicator pointer
    cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight                              The height of the grenade indicator pointer
    cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash                   Show the grenade indicator for flash grenades
    cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth                                  The width of the grenade indicator icon
    cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight                                 The height of the grenade indicator icon
    cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset                                 The offset from the center of the screen for a grenade icon
    cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope                                Show the grenade indicator when aiming down the sight of a scoped weapon
    cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxHeight                              The minimum height difference between a player and a grenade for the grenade to be shown on the grenade indicator
    cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash                  The minimum distance that a flashbang has to be from a player in order to be shown on the grenade indicator
    cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag                   The minimum distance that a grenade has to be from a player in order to be shown on the grenade indicator
    cg_hudDamageIconInScope                                 Draw damage icons when aiming down the sight of a scoped weapon
    cg_hudDamageIconTime                                    The amount of time for the damage icon to stay on screen after damage is taken
    cg_hudDamageIconOffset                                  The offset from the center of the damage icon
    cg_hudDamageIconHeight                                  The height of the damage icon
    cg_hudDamageIconWidth                                   The width of the damage icon
    cg_hudStanceHintPrints                                  Draw helpful text to say how to change stances
    cg_hudStanceFlash                                               The background color of the flash when the stance changes
    painReverbWetLevel                                              Pain reverb wet level.
    painReverbDryLevel                                              Pain reverb dry level.
    painReverbRoomType                                              Pain reverb room type.
    /kool/painVisionLerpOutRate                                   Rate at which pain vision effect lerps out
    /kool/painVisionTriggerHealth                                 Health (0 to 1) that will trigger the pain vision effect
    cg_splatterTrackOntoScreen                              Show tracking on screen when on-screen guy shoots you.
    cg_splatterTrackFadeOutTime                             Ratio of time spent fading tracking indicator out
    cg_splatterTrackFullInTime                              Ratio of time spent with tracking indicator at full alpha
    cg_splatterTrackFadeInTime                              Ratio of time spent fading tracking indicator in
    cg_splatterTrackOuterRadius                             Distance from center (0 to 1) at which splatter tracking indicator is at full alpha
    cg_splatterTrackInnerRadius                             Distance from center (0 to 1) at which splatter tracking indicator is at zero alpha
    cg_splatterTrackOuterAngle                              Angle from hit direction at which splatter tracking indicator is at zero alpha
    cg_splatterTrackInnerAngle                              Angle from hit direction at which splatter tracking indicator is at full alpha
    cg_splatterTrackAlpha                                   Alpha to add for each splatter tracking indicator
    cg_splatterTrackIndependent                             Background portion of hit effect tracks independently of splatter portion.
    cg_splatterHitOntoScreen                                Show blood on screen when on-screen guy shoots you.
    cg_splatterHitFadeOutTime                               Ratio of time spent fading hit indicator out
    cg_splatterHitFullInTime                                Ratio of time spent with hit indicator at full alpha
    cg_splatterHitFadeInTime                                Ratio of time spent fading hit indicator in
    cg_splatterHitOuterRadius                               Distance from center (0 to 1) at which splatter hit indicator is at full alpha
    cg_splatterHitInnerRadius                               Distance from center (0 to 1) at which splatter hit indicator is at zero alpha
    cg_splatterHitOuterAngle                                Angle from hit direction at which splatter hit indicator is at zero alpha
    cg_splatterHitInnerAngle                                Angle from hit direction at which splatter hit indicator is at full alpha
    cg_splatterHitAlpha                                             Alpha to add for each splatter hit indicator
    cg_drawSplatterTest                                             Test out on-camera splatter effects.
    cg_drawSplatter                                                 Draw on-camera splatter effects.
    cg_drawDamageDirection                                  Draw hit direction arrow.
    cg_drawDamageFlash                                              Draw flash when hit.
    cg_drawShellshock                                               Draw shellshock & flashbang screen effects.
    cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosX                               Virtual screen space position of the crosshair name
    cg_drawCrosshairNames                                   Draw the name of an enemy under the crosshair
    cg_drawTurretCrosshair                                  Draw a cross hair when using a turret
    cg_drawCrosshair                                                Turn on weapon crosshair
    cg_drawSnapshot                                                 Draw debugging information for snapshots
    cg_drawMaterial                                                 Draw debugging information for materials
    cg_drawScriptUsage                                              Draw debugging information for scripts
    snd_drawInfo                                                    Draw debugging information for sounds
    cg_debugInfoCornerOffset                                Offset from top-right corner, for cg_drawFPS, etc
    cg_drawFPSLabels                                                Draw FPS Info Labels
    cg_drawViewpos                                                  Draw viewpos
    cg_drawFPS                                                              Draw frames per second
    cg_drawStatsSource                                              Draw stats source
    cg_drawMantleHint                                               Draw a 'press key to mantle' hint
    cg_drawBreathHint                                               Draw a 'hold breath to steady' hint
    cg_drawHealth                                                   Draw health bar
    cg_draw2D                                                               Draw 2D screen elements
    cg_viewVehicleInfluence                                 The influence on the view angles from being in a vehicle
    cg_fovMin                                                               The minimum possible field of view
    cg_fovScale                                                             Scale applied to the field of view
    cg_fov                                                                  The field of view angle in degrees
    cg_hintFadeTime                                                 Time in milliseconds for the cursor hint to fade
    cg_weaponHintsCoD1Style                                 Draw weapon hints in CoD1 style: with the weapon name, and with the icon below
    cg_cursorHints                                                  Draw cursor hints where: 0: no hints 1: sin size pulse 2: one way size pulse 3: alpha pulse 4: static 
    imagecg_drawGun                                                 Draw the view model
    motionTrackerPingPitchAddPerEnemy               The added percentage of pitch for each additional enemy that is detected (final pitch = base pitch * (1 + enemy count * this))
    motionTrackerPingPitchNearby                    The pitch of the motion tracker sound for a nearby enemy
    motionTrackerPingPitchBase                              The pitch of the motion tracker sound for a distant enemy
    motionTrackerCenterX                                    The fractional position of the player on the motion tracker
    motionTrackerPingSize                                   The width and height of the motion tracker's enemy indicators as a percentage of motion tracker scale
    motionTrackerBlurDuration                               The motion blur duration for motion tracker dots
    motionTrackerSweepAngle                                 The maximum angle from straight forward that the motion tracker detects enemies
    motionTrackerSweepSpeed                                 The speed, in world units per second, of the motion tracker sweep
    motionTrackerSweepInterval                              The time between motion tracker sweeps
    motionTrackerRange                                              The range, in world units, that the motion tracker displays
    motionTrackerPingFadeTime                               How long an enemy is visible on the motion tracker after being detected
    cg_drawTalk                                                             Controls which icons CG_TALKER ownerdraw draws
    cg_sprintMeterDisabledColor                             The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is disabled
    cg_sprintMeterEmptyColor                                The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is empty
    cg_sprintMeterFullColor                                 The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is full
    hud_bloodOverlayLerpRate                                Rate at which blood overlay fades out
    hud_deathQuoteFadeTime                                  The time for the death quote to fade
    hud_health_pulserate_critical                   The pulse rate of the 'critical' pulse effect
    hud_health_pulserate_injured                    The pulse rate of the 'injured' pulse effect
    hud_health_startpulse_critical                  The health level at which to start the 'critical' pulse effect
    hud_health_startpulse_injured                   The health level at which to start the 'injured' pulse effect
    hud_fade_sprint                                                 The time for the sprint meter to fade in seconds
    hud_fade_offhand                                                The time for the offhand weapons to fade in seconds
    hud_fade_stance                                                 The time for the stance to fade in seconds
    hud_fade_compass                                                The time for the compass to fade in seconds
    hud_fade_healthbar                                              The time for the health bar to fade in seconds
    hud_fade_ammodisplay                                    The time for the ammo display to fade in seconds
    hud_fadeout_speed                                               The speed that the HUD will fade at
    cg_scoreboard_externalmute_notice_duration      Total duration of the score board mute notice, including fade time
    cg_scoreboard_externalmute_notice_fadeout       Fade out time for the score board external mute notice
    cg_scoreboard_externalmute_notice_fadein        Fade in time for the score board external mute notice
    cg_scoreboardPingGraph                                  Whether to show graphical ping
    cg_scoreboardPingText                                   Whether to show numeric ping value
    cg_scoreboardHeaderFontScale                    Scoreboard header font scale
    cg_scoreboardFont                                               Scoreboard font enum ( see menudefinition.h )
    cg_scoreboardRankFontScale                              Scale of rank font
    cg_scoreboardTextOffset                                 Scoreboard text offset
    cg_scoreboardMyColor                                    The local player's font color when shown in scoreboard
    cg_scoreboardHeight                                             Height of the scoreboard
    cg_scoreboardWidth                                              Width of the scoreboard
    cg_scoreboardPingHeight                                 Height of the ping graph as a % of the scoreboard row height
    cg_scoreboardPingWidth                                  Width of the ping graph as a % of the scoreboard
    cg_scoreboardItemHeight                                 Item height of each item
    cg_scoreboardBannerHeight                               Banner height of the scoreboard
    cg_scoreboardScrollStep                                 Scroll step amount for the scoreboard
    cg_ScoresPing_BgColor                                   Background color of ping
    cg_ScoresPing_LowColor                                  Color for low ping
    cg_ScoresPing_MedColor                                  Color for medium ping
    cg_ScoresPing_HighColor                                 Color for high ping
    cg_ScoresPing_Interval                                  Number of milliseconds each bar represents
    cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars                                   Number of bars to show in ping 
    missileRemoteFOV                                                Remote missile-cam, FOV to use.
    cameraShakeRemoteHelo_SpeedRange                Remote helicopter gunner cam, range of missile speed to scale the shaking.
    cameraShakeRemoteHelo_Freqs                             Remote helicopter gunner cam, how fast to shake.
    cameraShakeRemoteHelo_Angles                    Remote helicopter gunner cam, range to shake the view.
    cameraShakeRemoteMissile_SpeedRange             Remote missile-cam, range of missile speed to scale the shaking.
    cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Freqs                  Remote missile-cam, how fast to shake.
    cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Angles                 Remote missile-cam, range to shake the view.
    cg_waterSheeting_fadeDuration                   Sets fade duration in seconds
    cg_waterSheeting_lightTint                              Tweak dev var; film color light tint color
    cg_waterSheeting_darkTint                               Tweak dev var; film color dark tint color
    cg_waterSheeting_desaturation                   Tweak dev var; Desaturation applied after all 3D drawing
    cg_waterSheeting_brightness                             Tweak dev var; film color brightness
    cg_waterSheeting_contrast                               Tweak dev var; film color contrast
    cg_waterSheeting_radius                                 Tweak dev var; Glow radius in pixels at 640x480
    cg_waterSheeting_magnitude                              Distortion magnitude
    cg_waterSheeting_distortionScaleFactor  Distortion uv scales (Default to 1)
    cg_waterSheeting_enable                                 Enable the water sheeting effect
    cg_watersheeting                                                Enables/disables the watersheeting fullscreen effect
    turret_adsFov                                                   FOV when using a turret in ADS
    turret_fov                                                              FOV when using a turret
    thermalBlurFactorNoScope                                Amount of blur to use when drawing blur that is NOT through a weapon's thermal scope.
    thermalBlurFactorScope                                  Amount of blur to use when drawing blur through a weapon's thermal scope.
    cg_levelReverbWetLevel                                  Level reverb wet level.
    cg_levelReverbDryLevel                                  Level reverb dry level.
    cg_levelReverbRoomType                                  Level reverb room type.
    cg_levelReverbEnabled                                   Enables level reverb.
    cg_crosshairVerticalOffset                              Amount to vertically offset the crosshair from the center.
    cg_javelinKillCamLookLerpDist                   Javelin kill camera: distance over which to lerp to look at player during descent.  A value of zero means don't lerp at all.
    cg_javelinKillCamDownDist                               Javelin kill camera: distance to follow during descent.
    cg_javelinKillCamUpDist                                 Javelin kill camera: distance to follow during ascent.
    cg_javelinKillCamPassDist                               Javelin kill camera: distance away when passing.
    cg_javelinKillCamFov                                    Javelin kill camera: fov
    cg_javelinKillCamPassTime                               Javelin kill camera: time in seconds to pass javelin on the way up
    cg_javelinKillCamCloseZDist                             Javelin kill camera: closest distance above the target.
    cg_turretKillCamFov                                             Turret kill camera field of view.
    cg_turretKillCamBackDist                                Turret kill camera: distance of camera backwards from Turret.
    cg_turretKillCamUpDist                                  Turret kill camera: distance of camera vertically from Turret.
    cg_explosiveKillCamStopDecelDist                Rocket and Grenade Launcher kill camera: distance over which to decelerate when coming to rest
    cg_explosiveKillCamStopDist                             Rocket and Grenade Launcher kill camera: distance from player to begin coming to rest
    cg_remoteMissileKillCamBackDist                 Remote missile kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket.
    cg_remoteMissileKillCamUpDist                   Remote missile kill camera: distance of camera vertically from rocket.
    cg_rocketKillCamBackDist                                Rocket kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket.
    cg_rocketKillCamUpDist                                  Rocket kill camera: distance of camera vertically from rocket.
    cg_explosiveKillCamGroundBackDist               Explosive kill camera when stuck to ground: distance of camera backwards from explosive.
    cg_explosiveKillCamGroundUpDist                 Explosive kill camera when stuck to ground: distance of camera vertically from explosive.
    cg_explosiveKillCamWallSideDist                 Explosive kill camera when stuck to wall: distance of camera along wall from explosive.
    cg_explosiveKillCamWallOutDist                  Explosive kill camera when stuck to wall: distance of camera out from wall.
    cg_explosiveKillCamBackDist                             Explosive kill camera: distance of camera backwards from explosive.
    cg_explosiveKillCamUpDist                               Explosive kill camera: distance of camera vertically from explosive.
    cg_airstrikeKillCamFarBlurStart                 Airstrike kill camera distance above the airplane.
    cg_airstrikeKillCamCloseZDist                   Airstrike kill camera closest distance above the target.
    cg_airstrikeKillCamCloseXYDist                  Airstrike kill camera closest distance in front of the bomb.
    cg_airstrikeKillCamFov                                  Airstrike kill camera field of view.
    cg_heliKillCamFarBlurStart                              Helicopter kill camera distance above the helicopter.
    cg_heliKillCamNearBlur                                  Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
    cg_heliKillCamFov                                               Helicopter kill camera field of view.
    mp_paused                                                               If true ignore server time advancing.  Handy for taking hi-res screen shots.
    nightVisionPowerOnTime                                  How long the black-to-nightvision fade lasts when turning on the goggles.
    nightVisionFadeInOutTime                                How long the fade to/from black lasts when putting on or removing night vision goggles.
    FoFIconSpawnTimeFade                                    Length of the Friend-or-Foe icons' fade-ins.
    FoFIconSpawnTimeDelay                                   How long to wait, after spawning, before showing the Friend-or-Foe icon on a player.
    FoFIconMaxSize                                                  Maximum size a Friend-or-Foe icon should ever grow to.
    FoFIconMinSize                                                  Minimum size a Friend-or-Foe icon should ever shrink to.
    FoFIconScale                                                    Base scale of Friend-or-Foe icons.
    cg_cullBulletAngle                                              Cull bullet trajectories that don't fall within this fov
    cg_minCullBulletDist                                    Don't cull bullet trajectories that are within this distance to you.
    cg_cullBullets                                                  Whether to cull bullet fire prediction if trajectory doesn't pass your view or anywhere near you
    viewModelDebugNotetracks                                Enable display of viewmodel notetrack debug info.
    viewModelHacks                                                  Enabled depth hack and remove viewmodel from shadows.
    cg_gun_z                                                                Up position of the viewmodel
    cg_gun_y                                                                Right position of the viewmodel
    cg_gun_x                                                                Forward position of the viewmodel
    shieldImpactExplosionThreshold                  Pre-shield splash damage that is above this will be 'strong'.
    shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeDuration  Viewmodel shake duration for strong splash damage.
    shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeScale             Viewmodel shake scale for strong splash damage.
    shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeDuration   Viewmodel shake duration for weak splash damage.
    shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeScale              Viewmodel shake scale for weak splash damage.
    shieldImpactMissileShakeDuration                Viewmodel shake duration for direct missile impacts.
    shieldImpactMissileShakeScale                   Viewmodel shake scale for direct missile impacts.
    shieldImpactBulletShakeDuration                 Viewmodel shake duration for bullet impacts.
    shieldImpactBulletShakeScale                    Viewmodel shake scale for bullet impacts.
    hud_flash_period_offhand                                Offhand weapons flash period on changing weapon
    hud_flash_time_offhand                                  Offhand weapons flash duration on changing weapon
    con_gameMsgWindow%dMsgTime                              On screen time for game messages in seconds in game message window 
    con_gameMsgWindow%dLineCount                    Maximum number of lines of text visible at once in game message window 
    con_gameMsgWindow%dScrollTime                   Time to scroll messages when the oldest message is removed in game message window 
    con_gameMsgWindow%dFadeInTime                   Time to fade in new messages in game message window 
    con_gameMsgWindow%dFadeOutTime                  Time to fade out old messages in game message window 
    con_gameMsgWindow%dSplitscreenScale             Scaling of game message window %d in splitscreen
    cl_deathMessageWidth                                    Pixel width of the obituary area
    con_matchPrefixOnly                                             Only match the prefix when listing matching Dvars
    monkeytoy                                                               Restrict console access
    con_typewriterColorGlowUpdated                  Color of typewritten objective text.
    con_typewriterColorBase                                 Base color of typewritten objective text.
    con_typewriterDecayDuration                             Time (in milliseconds) to spend disolving the line away.
    con_typewriterDecayStartTime                    Time (in milliseconds) to spend between the build and disolve phases.
    con_typewriterPrintSpeed                                Time (in milliseconds) to print each letter in the line.
    con_MiniConSplitscreenScale                             Splitscreen scale value for the mini console
    con_miniconlines                                                Number of lines in the minicon message window
    con_minicontime                                                 Onscreen time for minicon messages in seconds
    con_errormessagetime                                    Onscreen time for error messages in seconds
    con_outputWindowColor                                   Color of the console output
    con_outputSliderColor                                   Color of the console slider
    con_outputBarColor                                              Color of the console output slider bar
    con_inputHintBoxColor                                   Color of the console input hint box
    con_inputBoxColor                                               Color of the console input box
    cl_nodelta                                                              The server does not send snapshot deltas
    cl_stanceHoldTime                                               The time to hold the stance button before the player goes prone
    cl_analog_attack_threshold                              The threshold before firing
    iwnet_sessions                                                  Whether to give IWNet info about our session
    iwnet_searching                                                 Whether to use IW matchmaking
    nextdemo                                                                The next demo to play
    snaps                                                                   Snapshot rate
    rate                                                                    Player's preferred network rate
    cl_maxPing                                                              Maximum ping for the client
    cl_ingame                                                               True if the game is active
    cl_motdString                                                   Message of the day
    m_filter                                                                Allow mouse movement smoothing
    m_side                                                                  Sideways motion in units per second
    m_forward                                                               Forward speed in units per second
    m_yaw                                                                   Default yaw
    m_pitch                                                                 Default pitch
    cl_bypassMouseInput                                             Bypass UI mouse input and send directly to the game
    cl_serverStatusResendTime                               Time in milliseconds to resend a server status message
    r_inGameVideo                                                   Allow in game cinematics
    cl_showmouserate                                                Print mouse rate debugging information to the console
    cl_freelook                                                             Enable looking with mouse
    cl_mouseAccel                                                   Mouse acceleration
    sensitivity                                                             Mouse sensitivity
    cl_packetdup                                                    Enable packet duplication
    cl_maxpackets                                                   Maximum number of packets sent per frame
    cl_dirSelConvergenceTime                                Time to converge to the new direction when selecting a direction on the map.
    cl_anglespeedkey                                                Multiplier for max angle speed for game pad and keyboard
    cl_pitchspeed                                                   Max pitch speed in degrees for game pad
    cl_yawspeed                                                             Max yaw speed in degrees for game pad and keyboard
    activeAction                                                    Action to execute in first frame
    cl_freezeDemo                                                   cl_freezeDemo is used to lock a demo in place for single frame advances
    cl_showTimeDelta                                                Enable debugging information for time delta
    cl_showSend                                                             Enable debugging information for sent commands
    cl_showServerCommands                                   Enable debugging information for server commands
    cl_shownuments                                                  Show the number of entities
    cl_shownet                                                              Display network debugging information
    cl_connectionAttempts                                   Maximum number of connection attempts before aborting
    cl_connectTimeout                                               Timeout time in seconds while connecting to a server
    cl_timeout                                                              Seconds with no received packets until a timeout occurs
    cl_hudDrawsBehindUI                                             Should the HUD draw when the UI is up?
    useonlinestats                                                  Whether to use online stats when in offline modes
    splitscreen                                                             Current game is a splitscreen game
    systemlink                                                              Current game is a system link game
    onlineunrankedgameandhost                               true only if this is an xbox live RANKED game AND we're the host, otherwise false
    onlinegameandhost                                               true only if this is an xbox live game AND we're the host, otherwise false
    onlinegame                                                              Current game is an online game with stats, custom classes, unlocks
    playlist                                                                The playlist number
    cl_noprint                                                              Print nothing to the console
    party_currentSearchTier                                 Current search tier we want when joining a game
    party_defaultSearchTier                                 Default search tier we want when joining a game
    party_maxSearchTier                                             Max possible search tier we want when joining a game
    party_msPerTier                                                 ms per search tier
    party_statusString                                              Party Status (localized )
    party_searchRandomDelay                                 Time period over which the search timers will get randomly delayed.
    party_searchPauseTime                                   Minimum amount of time to pause between searches
    party_searchResultsMin                                  Minimum amount of time that has to pass before we'll search again for matches
    party_searchResultsLifetime                             Time at which we consider the search results stale
    lobby_partySearchWaitTime                               How long to wait for party members to join the lobby before we start searching for games
    party_hostmigration                                             Whether to use host migration in lobbies
    party_reservedAnonymousSlotTime                 Time in milliseconds that anonymous slots will be reserved.
    party_membersMissingMapPack                             Whether any party member is missing one of the enabled map packs. Only valid after running partyUpdateMissingMapPackDvar
    party_maxPrivatePartyPlayers                    Max number of players allowed in a private party.
    party_firstSubpartyIndex                                Determines sort order and coloring of parties in lobbies.  Randomly set by code.  Dvar provided for debugging.
    party_selectedIndexChangedTime                  Time stamp in milliseconds when the selected index last changed.
    party_selectedIndex                                             Current selected player index in the feeder.
    party_IAmSelected                                               True if selected player is you.  Only valid when used with party feeders.
    party_playervisible                                             Whether selected player in party is showing true info or not.  Only valid when used with party feeders.
    party_connectTimeout                                    Connect timeout
    party_minLobbyTime                                              Minimum time (in seconds) for a lobby to be open before auto starting a match
    party_maxTeamDiff                                               Maximum difference allowed between teams before starting a match
    party_autoteams                                                 Enables/Disables auto team functionality
    party_matchedPlayerCount                                Number of matched players before revealing their true names
    party_teambased                                                 True if the current playlist is team based
    party_hostname                                                  The name of the host player
    party_partyPlayerCount                                  Number of players currently in the party/lobby in party format (x players in y's party)
    party_lobbyPlayerCount                                  Number of players currently in the party/lobby in lobby format (x/y players)
    party_kickplayerquestion                                String to store the question about kicking the selected player
    party_mapname                                                   Current map name
    party_gamesize                                                  Current maximum game size
    party_gametype                                                  Current gametype
    party_editingsettings                                   True if the host is editing game settings
    party_host                                                              True if we are the host of the party
    party_debug                                                             Debug party functionality
    party_connectToOthers                                   If false, we will just start our own lobby rather than connect to another lobby, even if others exist
    party_vetoDelayTime                                             Delay time in seconds for a successful map vote to execute
    party_vetoPercentRequired                               The fraction of the waiting players who need to veto for a map to be skipped
    party_vetoPassed                                                Did the veto pass?
    party_vetoStatus                                                Veto progress (localized )
    party_vetoButtonVisible                                 The party veto button is visible in the UI
    party_timer                                                             Time until game begins in seconds, for UI display
    party_teamsVisible                                              teams are visible in UI
    party_pregameStartTimerLength                   Time in seconds before showing and starting the game start timer
    party_gameStartTimerLength                              Time in seconds before a game start once enough party members are ready
    party_maxplayers                                                Maximum number of players in a party
    party_minplayers                                                Minimum number of players in a party
    cg_hudSplitscreenOffsetsUseScale                Use splitscreen scaling for element offsets
    cg_hudLegacySplitscreenScale                    Screen scale for hud elements in splitscreen
    safeArea_adjusted_vertical                              User-adjustable vertical safe area as a fraction of the screen height
    safeArea_adjusted_horizontal                    User-adjustable horizontal safe area as a fraction of the screen width
    safeArea_vertical                                               Vertical safe area as a fraction of the screen height
    safeArea_horizontal                                             Horizontal safe area as a fraction of the screen width
    dynEnt_damageScale                                              Scales damage applied to destructible dynents
    dynEnt_explodingBulletMaxEnts                   The maximum number of dynents that can be awakened by one explosive bullet
    dynEnt_explodingBulletMinForce                  Force below which dynents won't even bother waking up when hit by explosive bullets
    dynEnt_explodingBulletSpinScale                 Scale of the random offset from the center of mass for bullet explosion forces.
    dynEnt_explodingBulletUpbias                    Upward bias applied to force directions from bullet explosion hits
    dynEnt_explodingBulletForce                             Force applied from bullet explosion hit
    dynEnt_explodeMaxEnts                                   The maximum number of dynents that can be awakened by one explosion
    dynEnt_explodeMinForce                                  Force below which dynents won't even bother waking up
    dynEnt_explodeSpinScale                                 Scale of the random offset from the center of mass for explosion forces.
    dynEnt_explodeUpbias                                    Upward bias applied to force directions from explosion hits
    dynEnt_explodeForce                                             Force applied from explosion hit
    dynEnt_bulletForce                                              Force applied from bullet hit
    glass_debug                                                             Shows debug info for glass
    glass_shattered_scale                                   The scale of the shattered glass material
    glass_physics_maxdist                                   The maximum distance of a glass piece from the player to do physics
    glass_physics_chance                                    The chance for a given shard of glass to use physics
    glass_trace_interval                                    The length of time, in milliseconds, between glass piece traces
    glass_fringe_maxcoverage                                The maximum portion of the original piece of glass that is allowed to remain after the glass shatters
    glass_fringe_maxsize                                    The maximum area for an edge piece of glass when shattering. Pieces larger than this will be broken into smaller ones
    glass_shard_maxsize                                             The maximum area for a flying piece of glass when shattering. Pieces larger than this will be broken into smaller ones
    glass_max_shatter_fx_per_frame                  Maximum number of shatter effects to play in one frame This is a guideline and not a hard limit.
    glass_max_pieces_per_frame                              Maximum number of pieces to create in one frame. This is a guideline and not a hard limit.
    glass_hinge_friction                                    Friction used by moving glass pieces when joined like a hinge to a frame
    glass_fx_chance                                                 Chance to play an effect on a small piece of glass when it hits the ground
    glass_fall_gravity                                              Gravity for falling pieces of glass
    glass_fall_delay                                                Sets how long a heavy piece supported by a single edge waits before falling, based on glass_fall_ratio          
    glass_fall_ratio                                                Ratio of piece area to supporting edge length squared.  Below the min, the piece never falls.
    glass_edge_angle                                                Sets the range of angle deflections used by new glass pieces on a supported edge
    glass_angular_vel                                               Sets the range of angular velocities used by new glass pieces
    glass_linear_vel                                                Sets the range of linear velocities used by new glass pieces
    glass_break                                                             Toggle whether or not glass breaks when shot
    fx_drawClouds                                                   Toggles the drawing of particle clouds
    fx_mark_profile                                                 Turn on FX profiling for marks (specify which local client, with '1' being the first.)
    fx_profile                                                              Turn on FX profiling (specify which local client, with '1' being the first.)
    fx_profileFilter                                                Only show effects with this as a substring in FX profile
    fx_profileSkip                                                  Skip the first n lines in FX profile (to see ones off bottom of screen)
    fx_profileSort                                                  Choose sort criteria for FX profiling
    fx_visMinTraceDist                                              Minimum visibility trace size
    fx_count                                                                Debug effects count
    fx_debugBolt                                                    Debug effects bolt
    fx_freeze                                                               Freeze effects
    fx_marks_ents                                                   Toggles whether bullet hits leave marks on entities
    fx_marks_smodels                                                Toggles whether bullet hits leave marks on static models
    fx_marks                                                                Toggles whether bullet hits leave marks
    fx_cull_elem_draw                                               Culls effect elems for drawing
    fx_cull_elem_spawn                                              Culls effect elems for spawning
    fx_draw                                                                 Toggles drawing of effects after processing
    fx_enable                                                               Toggles all effects processing
    glass_radiusDamageMultiplier                    The amount to scale damage to glass from grenades and other explosions
    glass_meleeDamage                                               The amount of damage melee attacks do to glass
    glass_damageToDestroy                                   The amount of damage a piece of glass must take to be completely destroyed
    /kool/glass_damageToWeaken                                    The amount of damage a piece of glass must take to look damaged
    Part 2:
    /kool/g_kickHostIfIdle                                                Kick the host if he's idle
    /kool/g_giveAll                                                               Give all weapons
    player_stunWhiteFlash                                   If enabled, player's screens will flash white when they are stunned.
    shieldBlastDamageProtection_180                 How much protection a shield has against an explosion.  0.0 is none, 1.0 is full.  For explosions within a 180-degree arc of the shield.
    shieldBlastDamageProtection_120                 How much protection a shield has against an explosion.  0.0 is none, 1.0 is full.  For explosions within a 120-degree arc of the shield.
    shieldBlastDamageProtection_60                  How much protection a shield has against an explosion.  0.0 is none, 1.0 is full.  For explosions within a 60-degree arc of the shield.
    shieldBlastDamageProtection_30                  How much protection a shield has against an explosion.  0.0 is none, 1.0 is full.  For explosions within a 30-degree arc of the shield.
    scr_forcerankedmatch                                    script force game online and ranked
    scr_game_allowkillcam                                   script allow killcam
    scr_team_fftype                                                 script team friendly fire type
    g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer                                 Time that the client think is delayed after mantling
    g_earthquakeEnable                                              Enable camera shake
    g_radiusDamageMax                                               The maximum radius damage radius for non-client and non-actor entities
    g_redCrosshairs                                                 Whether red crosshairs are enabled
    g_useholdspawndelay                                             Time in milliseconds that the player is unable to 'use' after spawning
    g_useholdtime                                                   Time to hold the 'use' button to activate use
    g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed                                 Minimum speed at which getting hit be a grenade will do damage (not the grenade explosion damage)
    player_MGUseRadius                                              The radius within which a player can mount a machine gun
    player_useRadius                                                The radius within which a player can use things
    player_throwbackOuterRadius                             The radius player is allow to throwback a grenade once the player has been in the inner radius
    player_throwbackInnerRadius                             The radius to a live grenade player must be within initially to do a throwback
    g_friendlyNameDist                                              Maximum range for seeing a friendly's name
    g_friendlyfireDist                                              Maximum range for disabling fire at a friendly
    g_debugLocHitTime                                               Time duration of g_debugLocHit lines
    g_debugLocHit                                                   Display locational damage info for an entity when the entity is hit
    g_debugLocDamage                                                Display locational damage debug information for an entity
    g_no_script_spam                                                Turn off script debugging info
    g_voteAbstainWeight                                             How much an abstained vote counts as a 'no' vote
    g_oldVoting                                                             Use old voting method
    g_smoothClients                                                 Enable extrapolation between client states
    g_TeamTitleColor_Spectator                              Spectator team color for titles
    g_TeamTitleColor_EnemyTeam                              Enemy team color for titles
    g_TeamTitleColor_MyTeam                                 Player team color for titles
    g_TeamColor_Free                                                Free Team color
    g_TeamColor_Spectator                                   Spectator team color
    /kool/g_TeamColor_MyParty                                             Player team color when in the same party
    /kool/g_TeamColor_Axis                                                Axis team color
    /kool/g_TeamColor_Allies                                              Allies team color
    GAME_AXIS                                                               Axis team name
    GAME_ALLIES                                                             Allied team name
    /kool/g_ScoresColor_Axis                                              Axis team color on scoreboard
    /kool/g_ScoresColor_Allies                                    Allies team color on scoreboard
    g_ScoresColor_Free                                              Free Team color on scoreboard
    g_ScoresColor_Spectator                                 Spectator team color on scoreboard
    g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam                                 Enemy team color on scoreboard
    g_ScoresColor_MyParty                                   Player team color on scoreboard when in the same party
    g_ScoresColor_MyTeam                                    Player team color on scoreboard
    faction_128_arab_red                                    Icon name for the axis scores banner when you're on allies.
    faction_128_usmc_red                                    Icon name for the allied scores banner when you're on axis.
    faction_128_arab_blue                                   Icon name for the axis scores banner when you're on axis.
    faction_128_usmc_blue                                   Icon name for the allied scores banner when you're on allies.
    faction_128_arab                                                Icon name for the axis scores banner
    faction_128_usmc                                                Icon name for the allied scores banner
    g_voiceChatTalkingDuration                              Time after the last talk packet was received that the player is considered by the
    server to still be talking in milliseconds
    g_deadChat                                                              Allow dead players to chat with living players
    g_listEntity                                                    List the entities
    g_allowVote                                                             Enable voting on this server
    g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity                                Maximum velocity in each axis of a cloned player (for death animations)
    g_dropHorzSpeedRand                                             Random component of the initial horizontal speed of a dropped item
    g_dropUpSpeedRand                                               Random component of the initial vertical speed of a dropped item
    g_dropUpSpeedBase                                               Base component of the initial vertical speed of a dropped item
    g_dropForwardSpeed                                              Forward speed of a dropped item
    g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed                             Speed at which to push intersecting players away from each other
    g_motd                                                                  The message of the day
    ufoHitsTriggers                                                 ufo/noclip will hit triggers when enabled
    /kool/g_inactivity                                                    Time delay before player is kicked for inactivity
    /kool/g_maxDroppedWeapons                                             Maximum number of dropped weapons
    /kool/g_knockback                                                             Maximum knockback
    g_speed                                                                 Player speed
    dedicated                                                               Dedicated server
    g_banIPs                                                                IP addresses to ban from playing
    g_password                                                              Password
    g_sunFogScaleReadOnly                                   Distance scale in the sun fog direction that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogEndFadeAngleReadOnly                    Angle from the sun direction to end fade away from the sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogBeginFadeAngleReadOnly                  Angle from the sun direction to start fade away from the sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogDirReadOnly                                             Sun fog direction that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogColorReadOnly                                   Sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogEnabledReadOnly                                 Sun fog was enabled in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_fogMaxOpacityReadOnly                                 Fog max opacity that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_fogStartDistReadOnly                                  Fog start distance that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_fogColorReadOnly                                              Fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_dobjdump                                                              DObj debugging info for the given character number
    g_dumpAnims                                                             Animation debugging info for the given character number
    pickupPrints                                                    Print a message to the game window when picking up ammo, etc.
    g_spawnDebug                                                    Turn on debug lines for spawning traces
    radius_damage_debug                                             Turn on debug lines for radius damage traces
    melee_debug                                                             Turn on debug lines for melee traces
    g_entinfo_maxdist                                               Maximum distance of an entity from the camera at which to show entity information
    g_entinfo                                                               Display entity information
    g_vehicleDebug                                                  Turn on debug information for vehicles
    g_vehicleDrawPath                                               Turn on debug information for vehicle paths
    shieldDebug                                                             Show debug info for riot shields
    g_debugBullets                                                  Show debug information for bullets
    g_debugDamage                                                   Show debug information for damage
    g_logSync                                                               Enable synchronous logging
    g_log                                                                   Log file name
    scr_%s_roundlimit                                               script round limit
    scr_%s_scorelimit                                               script score limit
    grenadeBounceRestitutionMax                             Cap to keep code from increasing bounce restitution too high.
    grenadeCurveMax                                                 Largest rolling curvature (will be random between +/- this value)
    grenadeWobbleSideDamp                                   The rate at which the amount of side-to-side wobbling decreases as overall grenade speed increases
    grenadeWobbleSideMag                                    The distance to wobble left and right
    grenadeWobbleFwdMag                                             The forward rolling speed will oscillate +/- this amount
    grenadeWobbleFreq                                               Wobble cycles per inch of rolling distance (approx)
    grenadeBumpMax                                                  Maximum upward speed of a bump (inches/sec)
    grenadeBumpMag                                                  Size of bumps (as a fraction of the grenade's current speed)
    grenadeBumpFreq                                                 How likely (per server frame) a bump will occur
    grenadeFrictionMaxThresh                                The speed threshold that determines whether to use grenadeFrictionLow/High
    grenadeFrictionHigh                                             The amount of friction (0 to 1) for fast-moving grenades
    grenadeFrictionLow                                              The amount of friction (0 to 1) for slower/rolling grenades
    grenadeRollingEnabled                                   Enables the new "rolling" grenade behavior
    grenadeRestThreshold                                    The speed threshold below which grenades will come to rest
    missileMacross                                                  Swarmy goodness.
    missileExplosionLiftDistance                    Distance to lift the explosion off the surface for "big explosion" weapons
    missileRemoteSpeedDown                                  Remote-controlled missile slowdown-factor.
    missileRemoteSpeedUp                                    Remote-controlled missile speedup-factor.
    missileRemoteSpeedTargetRange                   Remote-controlled missile speeds.
    missileWaterMaxDepth                                    If a missile explodes deeper under water than this, they explosion effect/sound will not play.
    missileJavDuds                                                  If true, javelins that impact before their booster ignites will not explode, they will play their dud effects instead.
    missileJavSpeedLimitDescend                             Rocket's speed limit when descending towards target.
    missileJavSpeedLimitClimb                               Rocket's speed limit when climbing.
    missileJavAccelDescend                                  Rocket acceleration when descending towards target.
    missileJavAccelClimb                                    Rocket acceleration when climbing.
    missileJavTurnRateTop                                   In top-fire mode, how sharp the rocket can turn, in angles/sec.
    missileJavTurnRateDirect                                In direct-fire mode, how sharp the rocket can turn, in angles/sec.
    missileJavClimbCeilingTop                               In top-fire mode, how high the missile needs to reach before it descends.
    missileJavClimbCeilingDirect                    In direct-fire mode, how high the missile needs to reach before it descends.
    missileJavClimbAngleTop                                 In top-fire mode, the minimum angle between the rocket and target until the rocket stops climbing.  Smaller angles make for higher climbs.
    missileJavClimbAngleDirect                              In direct-fire mode, the minimum angle between the rocket and target until the rocket stops climbing.  Smaller angles make for higher climbs.
    missileJavClimbHeightTop                                In top-fire mode, how far above the target the rocket will aim for when climbing.
    missileJavClimbHeightDirect                             In direct-fire mode, how far above the target the rocket will aim for when climbing.
    missileHellfireUpAccel                                  The rate at which the hellfire missile curves upward
    missileHellfireMaxSlope                                 This limits how steeply the hellfire missile can turn upward when climbing
    missileGlassShatterVel                                  Velocity needed by a grenade or missile to shatter glass instead of bouncing off.
    missileDebugAttractors                                  Draw the attractors and repulsors.  Attractors are green, and repulsors are yellow.
    missileDebugText                                                Print debug missile info to console.
    missileDebugDraw                                                Draw guided missile trajectories.
    band_18players                                                  18 player bandwidth req'd
    band_12players                                                  12 player bandwidth req'd
    band_8players                                                   8 player bandwidth req'd
    band_4players                                                   4 player bandwidth req'd
    band_2players                                                   2 player bandwidth req'd
    ezpatch                                                                 Enable ez patch
    playlistFilename                                                Playlist filename
    popupText                                                               Menu popup text
    widePopupText                                                   Menu popup uses wide text
    com_errorResolveCommand                                 Command to run when they close the error box
    com_cinematicEndInWhite                                 Set by script. True if cinematic ends with a white screen.
    wideScreen                                                              True if the game video is running in 16x9 aspect, false if 4x3.
    hiDef                                                                   True if the game video is running in high-def.
    com_animCheck                                                   Check anim tree
    intro                                                                   Intro movie should play
    com_filter_output                                               Use console filters for filtering output.
    sv_running                                                              Server is running
    useSvMapPreloading                                              Whether to start loading the map before starting the server
    useMapPreloading                                                Whether to start loading the map before connecting to server
    sv_paused                                                               Pause the client/server
    com_maxFrameTime                                                Time slows down if a frame takes longer than this many milliseconds
    fixedtime                                                               Use a fixed time rate for each frame
    com_timescale                                                   Scale time of each frame
    com_statmon                                                             Draw stats monitor
    logfile                                                                 Write to log file - 0 = disabled, 1 = async file write, 2 = Sync every write
    developer_script                                                Enable developer script comments
    xenonGame                                                               True if running on XBox 360
    consoleGame                                                             True if running on a console
    com_maxfps                                                              Cap frames per second
    migration_dvarErrors                                    Whether to check for illegal script dvar changes.
    shortversion                                                    Short game version
    version                                                                 Game version
    com_attractmodeduration                                 Time when controller is unused before attract mode is enabled
    com_attractmode                                                 Run attract mode
    msg_hudelemspew                                                 Debug hudelem fields changing
    msg_dumpEnts                                                    Print snapshot entity info
    msg_printEntityNums                                             Print entity numbers
    net_lanauthorize                                                Authorise CD keys when using a LAN
    net_showprofile                                                 Show network profiling display
    net_profile                                                             Profile network performance
    packetDebug                                                             Enable packet debugging information
    showdrop                                                                Show dropped packets
    showpackets                                                             Show packets
    g_serverHunkUser                                                Maximum amount of clients on the server
    sv_hugeSnapshotDelay                                    How long to wait before building a new snapshot after a 'huge' snapshot is sent
    sv_hugeSnapshotSize                                             Size of a snapshot to be considered 'huge'
    sv_clientArchive                                                Have the clients archive data to save bandwidth on the server
    sv_network_fps                                                  Number of times per second the server checks for net messages
    sv_debugReliableCmds                                    Enable debugging information for 'reliable' commands
    sv_debugRate                                                    Enable snapshot rate debugging info
    sv_mapRotationCurrent                                   Current map in the map rotation
    sv_mapRotation                                                  List of maps for the server to play
    sv_kickBanTime                                                  Time in seconds for a player to be banned from the server after being kicked
    sv_showAverageBPS                                               Show average bytes per second for net debugging
    sv_packet_info                                                  Enable packet info debugging information
    sv_allowedClan1                                                 Allow this clan to join the server
    sv_padPackets                                                   add nop bytes to messages
    sv_reconnectlimit                                               minimum seconds between connect messages
    sv_zombietime                                                   seconds to sync messages after disconnect
    sv_connectTimeout                                               seconds without any message when a client is loading
    sv_timeout                                                              seconds without any message
    sv_floodProtect                                                 Prevent malicious lagging by flooding the server with commands
    sv_maxPing                                                              Maximum ping allowed on the server
    sv_minPing                                                              Minimum ping allowed on the server
    sv_maxRate                                                              Maximum bit rate
    sv_clientSideBullets                                    If true, clients will synthesize tracers and bullet impacts
    CoD4Host                                                                Host name of the server
    badhost_debug                                                   Bad host debugging
    badhost_minPercentClientsUnhappyToSuck  What percentage of clients need to have a ping higher than sv_maxHappyPingTime before it aborts
    badhost_minTotalClientsForHappyTest             Minimum number of clients before it does the 'suck as host' test
    badhost_maxDoISuckFrames                                Max lagged frames need to end match
    badhost_endGameIfISuck                                  End the match if most of the players are lagged out
    badhost_maxHappyPingTime                                Max ping that a player can have that we consider acceptable when calculating if the server is swamped
    sv_privateClients                                               Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server
    testClients_watchKillcam                                Testclients will not press buttons during killcam.
    testClients_doCrouch                                    Testclients will use the crouch button.
    testClients_doReload                                    Testclients will use the reload button.
    testClients_doMove                                              Testclients will use the movement.
    testClients_doAttack                                    Testclients will use the attack button.
    migration_verboseBroadcastTime                  time in milliseconds between verbose migration state broadcasts
    migration_timeBetween                                   milliseconds between migration_limit dvar's value of migrations.
    migration_limit                                                 maximum number of migrations within migration_timeBetween dvar's value in milliseconds.
    migration_msgtimeout                                    timeout time in ms of migration messages
    migration_blocksperframe                                Number of blocks to send out each server frame.  A value of 0 means base it off our tested bandwidth.
    loc_warningsAsErrors                                    Throw an error for any unlocalized string
    loc_warningsUI                                                  Enable localization warnings for UI
    loc_warnings                                                    Enable localization warnings
    loc_translate                                                   Enable translations
    loc_forceEnglish                                                Force english localized strings
    loc_language                                                    Language
    ui_sliderSteps                                                  The number of steps for a slider itemdef
    ui_textScrollFadeTime                                   Text scrolling takes this long (seconds) to fade out at the end before restarting
    ui_textScrollPauseEnd                                   Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) at the end before restarting
    ui_textScrollPauseStart                                 Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) before starting
    ui_textScrollSpeed                                              Speed at which text scrolls vertically
    ui_allow_teamchange                                             Whether the UI should allow changing team
    ui_allow_classchange                                    Whether the UI should allow changing class
    ui_hud_hardcore                                                 Whether the HUD should be suppressed for hardcore mode
    ui_debugMode                                                    Draw ui debug info on the screen.
    ui_drawCrosshair                                                Whether to draw crosshairs.
    ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor                   Glow color applied to the mode and map name strings on the connect screen.
    ui_cinematicsTimestamp                                  Shows cinematics timestamp on subtitle UI elements.
    ui_borderLowLightScale                                  Scales the border color for the lowlight color on certain UI borders
    lobby_animationTilesHigh                                How many animation tiles high is the searching_for_player texture
    lobby_animationTilesWide                                How many animation tiles wide is the searching_for_player texture
    lobby_animationSpeed                                    How long each frame of the animation should draw, in milliseconds
    lobby_numAnimationFrames                                How many animation tiles are in the searching_for_player texture
    ui_partyFull                                                    True if the current party is full.
    lobby_searchingPartyColor                               The color to show that we're searching for that slot when shown in lobbies
    ui_playerPartyColor                                             The local player's font color when shown in lobbies and parties
    ui_showMenuOnly                                                 If set, only menus using this name will draw.
    ui_showList                                                             Show onscreen list of currently visible menus
    ui_buildSize                                                    Font size to use for the build number
    ui_buildLocation                                                Where to draw the build number
    ui_serverStatusTimeOut                                  Time in milliseconds before a server status request times out
    ui_currentFeederMapIndex                                Currently selected map
    ui_currentMap                                                   Current map index
    ui_extraBigFont                                                 Extra big font scale
    ui_bigFont                                                              Big font scale
    ui_smallFont                                                    Small font scale
    ui_netSource                                                    The network source where: 0:Local 1:Internet 2:Favourites
    ui_customClassName                                              Custom Class name
    ui_customModeEditName                                   Name to give the currently edited custom game mode when editing is complete
    ui_customModeName                                               Custom game mode name
    xblive_playEvenIfDown                                   Allow people to play online even if Live is down
    xblive_ec_lastupdatems                                  MS since last update required to early out qos
    xblive_ec_firstupdatems                                 MS to wait before deciding to early out qos
    xblive_ec_minpercent                                    Minimum percentage of probe results required before early outing qos
    xblive_ec_minprobes                                             Minimum probe results required before early outing qos
    party_simulateLongQoS                                   simulate a real QoS which takes around 30 seconds
    xblive_mappacks                                                 0 = original maps only, 1 = new maps only, 2 = both original and new
    xblive_privatepartyclient                               true only if we're in a party and not the host
    xblive_hostingprivateparty                              true only if we're hosting a party
    xblive_privatematch                                             Current game is a private match
    partyChatDisconnectTimer                                Time to wait after user responds to Party Chat dialog before kicking (msec)
    partyChatDisallowed                                             Whether to disallow Xbox Live Party Chat
    session_nonblocking                                             Non-blocking Session code
    disconnectOnSignOut                                             If true, the player will be kicked back to the main menu if they sign out of their profile
    xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSecForServer    Max voice packets per second the server will send
    xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSec                             Max voice packets per second a client will send
    xenon_voiceDegrade                                              Degrade voice quality
    xenon_voiceDebug                                                Debug voice communication
    xblive_loggedin                                                 User is logged into xbox live
    net_port                                                                Network port
    net_ip                                                                  Network IP address
    physVeh_jump                                                    Set to 1 to make a vehicle jump.
    physVeh_collideWithClipOnly                             Physics vehicles will only collide with vehicle clip when true
    physVeh_pathConstraintCfm                               The constraint cfm for path-constrained vehicles
    physVeh_explodeSpinScale                                The max (random) offset from the center of mass at which splash damage applies its force
    physVeh_explodeForce                                    The force applied to physics vehicles due to explosions
    physVeh_slideReductionForHighSpeed              A larger value makes it harder to slip when moving faster than the max speed
    physVeh_minImpactMomentum                               The minimum collision momentum needed to register an impact
    physVeh_StepsPerFrame                                   The number of physics timesteps that the server frame will be divided into.
    phys_jointPullThreshold                                 If joints are farther apart than sqrt(this distance), they will be pulled together.
    phys_narrowObjMaxLength                                 If a geom has a dimension less than this, then extra work will be done to prevent it from falling into cracks (like between the wall and the floor)
    phys_gravityChangeWakeupRadius                  The radius around the player within which objects get awakened when gravity changes
    phys_jitterMaxMass                                              Maximum mass to jitter - jitter will fall off up to this mass
    phys_minImpactMomentum                                  The minimum momentum required to trigger impact sounds
    phys_dragAngular                                                The amount of angular drag, applied globally
    phys_dragLinear                                                 The amount of linear drag, applied globally
    phys_frictionScale                                              Scales the amount of physics friction globally.
    phys_joint_stop_erp                                             Physics error reduction magic parameter for joints at their limits.
    phys_joint_stop_cfm                                             Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for joints at their limits.
    phys_joint_cfm                                                  Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for joints.
    phys_contact_erp                                                Physics error reduction magic parameter for contacts.
    phys_contact_cfm                                                Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for contacts.
    phys_autoDisableFastAngular                             Auto disable settings that make bodies go to sleep faster (i.e., they don't have to slow down as much first).  (deg/sec)
    phys_autoDisableFastLinear                              Auto disable settings that make bodies go to sleep faster (i.e., they don't have to slow down as much first).
    phys_autoDisableTime                                    The amount of time a body must be idle for it to go to sleep.
    phys_autoDisableAngular                                 A body must have angular velocity less than this to be considered idle. (deg/sec)
    phys_autoDisableLinear                                  A body must have linear velocity less than this to be considered idle.
    phys_collUseEntities                                    Disable to turn off testing for collision against entities
    phys_noIslands                                                  Make all contacts joints between an object and the world: no object-object contacts
    phys_reorderConst                                               ODE solver reorder constraints
    phys_drawDebugInfo                                              Print info about the physics objects
    phys_drawAwake                                                  Debug draw a box indicating which bodies are disabled
    phys_drawCollisionObj                                   Debug draw collision geometry for each physics object
    phys_drawCollisionWorld                                 Debug draw collision brushes and terrain triangles
    phys_drawcontacts                                               Debug draw contact points
    phys_qsi                                                                Number of iterations that QuickStep performs per step.
    phys_du***ontacts                                               Set to true to dump all constraints in next physics frame.
    phys_bulletSpinScale                                    Scale of the effective offset from the center of mass for the bullet impacts.
    phys_bulletUpBias                                               Up Bias for the direction of the bullet impact.
    phys_gravity_ragdoll                                    Physics gravity used by ragdolls in units/sec^2.
    phys_gravity                                                    Physics gravity in units/sec^2.
    phys_csl                                                                Physics contact surface level magic parameter.
    phys_mcv_vehicle                                                Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter (for vehicles).
    phys_mcv_ragdoll                                                Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter (for ragdoll).
    phys_mcv                                                                Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter.
    phys_erp                                                                Physics error reduction magic parameter.
    phys_cfm                                                                Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter.
    ragdoll_idle_min_velsq                                  Minimum squared speed a ragdoll body needs to be moving before it will shut down due to time
    ragdoll_stretch_iters                                   Iterations to run the alternate limb solver
    ragdoll_max_stretch_pct                                 Force ragdoll limbs to not stretch more than this percentage in one frame
    ragdoll_dump_anims                                              Dump animation data when ragdoll fails
    ragdoll_self_collision_scale                    Scale the size of the collision capsules used to prevent ragdoll limbs from interpenetrating
    ragdoll_jitter_scale                                    Scale up or down the effect of physics jitter on ragdolls
    ragdoll_rotvel_scale                                    Ragdoll rotational velocity estimate scale
    ragdoll_jointlerp_time                                  Default time taken to lerp down ragdoll joint friction
    ragdoll_baselerp_time                                   Default time ragdoll baselerp bones take to reach the base pose
    ragdoll_bullet_upbias                                   Upward bias applied to ragdoll bullet effects
    ragdoll_bullet_force                                    Bullet force applied to ragdolls
    ragdoll_exploding_bullet_upbias                 Upwards bias applied to ragdoll from explosive bullets
    ragdoll_exploding_bullet_force                  Force applied to ragdolls from explosive bullets
    ragdoll_explode_upbias                                  Upwards bias applied to ragdoll explosion effects
    ragdoll_explode_force                                   Explosive force applied to ragdolls
    ragdoll_max_simulating                                  Max number of simultaneous active ragdolls
    ragdoll_max_life                                                Max lifetime of a ragdoll system in msec
    ragdoll_fps                                                             Ragdoll update frames per second
    ragdoll_debug                                                   Draw ragdoll debug info (bitflags)
    ragdoll_enable                                                  Turn on ragdoll death animations
    vehHelicopterTiltMomentum                               The amount of rotational momentum the helicopter has with regards to tilting.
    vehHelicopterHeadSwayDontSwayTheTurret  If set, the turret will not fire through the crosshairs, but straight ahead of the vehicle, when the player is not freelooking.
    vehHelicopterJitterJerkyness                    Specifies how jerky the tilt jitter should be
    vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw_VelAtMaxTilt     The forward speed (as a fraction of top speed) at which the tilt due to yaw reaches is maximum value.
    vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw                  The amount of roll caused by yawing while moving forward.
    vehHelicopterTiltFromControllerAxes             The amount of tilt caused by the desired velocity (i.e., the amount of controller stick deflection)
    vehHelicopterTiltFromVelocity                   The amount of tilt caused by the current velocity
    vehHelicopterTiltFromDeceleration               The amount of tilt caused by deceleration
    vehHelicopterTiltFromAcceleration               The amount of tilt caused by acceleration
    vehHelicopterTiltSpeed                                  The rate at which the player helicopter's tilt responds
    vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick                             The yaw speed created by the left stick when pushing the stick diagonally (e.g., moving forward and strafing slightly).
    vehHelicopterInvertUpDown                               Invert the altitude control on the player helicopter.
    vehHelicopterDecelerationSide                   Set the side-to-side deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration).  So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration.
    vehHelicopterDecelerationFwd                    Set the deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration) in the direction the chopper is facing.  So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration.
    vehHelicopterSoftCollisions                             Player helicopters have soft collisions (slow down before they collide).
    vehHelicopterScaleMovement                              Scales down the smaller of the left stick axes.
    vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone                             Dead-zone so that you can fly straight forward easily without accidentally strafing (and thus rolling).
    vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone                 Dead-zone for the axes of the right thumbstick.  This helps to better control the two axes separately.
    vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold                The speed below which the player helicopter begins to jitter the tilt, for hovering
    vehHelicopterLookaheadTime                              How far ahead (in seconds) the player helicopter looks ahead, to avoid hard collisions.  (Like driving down the highway, you should keep 2 seconds distance between you and the vehicle in front of you)
    vehHelicopterMaxRoll                                    Maximum roll of the player helicopter
    vehHelicopterMaxPitch                                   Maximum pitch of the player helicopter
    vehHelicopterMaxYawAccel                                Maximum yaw acceleration of the player helicopter
    vehHelicopterMaxYawRate                                 Maximum yaw speed of the player helicopter
    vehHelicopterMaxAccelVertical                   Maximum vertical acceleration of the player helicopter (in *** per second)
    vehHelicopterMaxAccel                                   Maximum horizontal acceleration of the player helicopter (in *** per second)
    vehHelicopterMaxSpeedVertical                   Maximum vertical speed of the player helicopter (in ***)
    vehHelicopterMaxSpeed                                   Maximum horizontal speed of the player helicopter (in ***)
    veh_aiOverSteerScale                                    Scaler used to cause ai vehicles to over steer
    veh_thirdPersonCam                                              Enable 3rd person switching
    vehAudio_spawnVolumeTime                                Seconds it takes for spawned vehicles to reach full volume.
    vehAudio_inAirPitchDownLerp                             Rate at which the pitch lerps down
    vehAudio_inAirPitchUpLerp                               Rate at which the pitch lerps up
    vehCam_zOffsetMode                                              Camera offset mode for Z axis
    vehCam_yawClamp                                                 Yaw clamp for user adjustment
    vehCam_yawTurnRate                                              Yaw turn rate for user adjustment
    vehCam_pitchClamp                                               Pitch clamp for user adjustment
    vehCam_pitchTurnRate                                    Pitch turn rate for user adjustment
    vehCam_speedInfluence                                   Controls how much the vehicle's speed effects the camera.
    vehCam_radius                                                   Camera radius from vehicle
    vehCam_offset                                                   Focus offset from vehicle origin
    vehCam_angles                                                   Camera angles from vehicle
    vehCam_editMode                                                 Enables camera edit mode via dvars
    vehCam_freeLook                                                 Enables free look mode
    veh_boneControllerLodDist                               Distance at which bone controllers are not updated.
    lb_maxrows                                                              Maximum number of rows to fetch
    lb_filter                                                               Filter applied to the leaderboard display: ('none','friends')
    lb_minrefresh                                                   Minimum time (in seconds) between leaderboard fetches
    session_advertiseFailedSearchCount              Failed search count at which we list ourselves with matchmaking
    ping_default_min                                                Minimum ping for the initial set of searches
    ping_increment                                                  Number of milliseconds to increase min ping after each set of searches
    ping_searches_per                                               Number of searches at each min ping value
    session_immediateDeleteTinySessions             Whether to immediately delete sessions with 1 user
    iwnet_sessionHeartbeat                                  How often to send a heartbeat msg
    matchmaking_debug                                               Enable matchmaking debugging information
    sentry_placement_trace_min_normal               Minimum normal to accept a sentry position
    sentry_placement_trace_pitch                    Pitch used for the trace axis
    sentry_placement_trace_dist                             Distance along the trace axis where the sentry will attempt to position itself
    sentry_placement_trace_radius_canon_safety      Extra radius used in the forward direction to compensate for the canon length
    sentry_placement_trace_radius                   Radius of the bound used for the placement trace
    sentry_placement_feet_trace_dist_z              Max distance for a foot to be considered touching the ground
    sentry_placement_feet_offset                    Position of the feet from the center axis.
    sentry_placement_debug                                  Enables sentry placement debug lines
    iwnet_debug                                                             turn on iwnet debugging
    iwnet_maxResendTime                                             maximum resend time for iwnet commands
    iwnet_minResendTime                                             minimum resend time for iwnet commands
    iwnet_allclientsauthed                                  True if all local clients are authed and playable
    lsp_debug                                                               Whether to print lsp debug info
    snd_cinematicVolumeScale                                Scales the volume of Bink videos.
    snd_levelFadeTime                                               The amout of time in milliseconds for all audio to fade in at the start of a level
    snd_draw3D                                                              Draw the position and info of world sounds
    snd_enableEq                                                    Enable equalization filter
    snd_enableReverb                                                Enable sound reverberation
    snd_enableStream                                                Enable streamed sounds
    snd_enable3D                                                    Enable 3D sounds
    snd_enable2D                                                    Enable 2D sounds
    snd_slaveFadeTime                                               The amount of time in milliseconds for a 'slave' sound
    to fade its volumes when a master sound starts or stops
    snd_volume                                                              Game sound master volume
    snd_errorOnMissing                                              Cause a Com_Error if a sound file is missing.
    r_atlasAnimFPS                                                  Speed to animate atlased 2d materials
    r_sun_from_dvars                                                Set sun flare values from dvars rather than the level
    r_outdoorFeather                                                Outdoor z-feathering value
    r_pixelShaderGPRReallocation                    Number of general purpose registers to the pixel shader
    r_dof_bias                                                              Depth of field bias as a power function (like gamma); less than 1 is sharper
    r_dof_farEnd                                                    Depth of field far end distance, in inches
    r_dof_farStart                                                  Depth of field far start distance, in inches
    r_dof_nearEnd                                                   Depth of field near end distance, in inches
    r_dof_nearStart                                                 Depth of field near start distance, in inches
    r_dof_viewModelEnd                                              Depth of field viewmodel end distance, in inches
    r_dof_viewModelStart                                    Depth of field viewmodel start distance, in inches
    r_dof_tweak                                                             Use dvars to set the depth of field effect; overrides r_dof_enable
    r_dof_enable                                                    Enable the depth of field effect
    r_desaturation                                                  Desaturation adjustment
    r_brightness                                                    Brightness adjustment
    r_contrast                                                              Contrast adjustment
    r_filmAltShader                                                 Use alternate shader (with middle tint and dark desat) for film color.
    r_filmUseTweaks                                                 Overide film effects with tweak dvar values.
    r_glow_allowed_script_forced                    Force 'allow glow' to be treated as true, by script.
    r_glow_allowed                                                  Allow glow.
    r_distortion                                                    Enable distortion
    r_blur                                                                  Dev tweak to blur the screen
    r_halfParticles                                                 0 force off, 1 force on, 2 use script controlled.
    r_screenFilterQuads                                             If non-zero, uses this many quads instead of two triangles for full screen effects
    sm_qualitySpotShadow                                    Fast spot shadow
    sm_fastSunShadow                                                Fast sun shadow
    sm_spotDistCull                                                 Distance cull spot shadows
    sm_strictCull                                                   Strict shadow map cull
    sm_sunShadowScale                                               Sun shadow scale optimization
    sm_sunShadowCenter                                              Sun shadow center, 0 0 0 means don't override
    sm_sunSampleSizeNear                                    Shadow sample size
    sm_polygonOffsetBias                                    Shadow map offset bias
    sm_polygonOffsetScale                                   Shadow map offset scale
    sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac                   When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance to a point this fraction of the light's radius along it's shadow direction.
    sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist                    When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance from a point this far in front of the camera.
    sm_spotShadowFadeTime                                   How many seconds it takes for a primary light shadow map to fade in or out
    sm_minSpotLightScore                                    Minimum score (based on intensity, radius, and position relative to the camera) for a spot light to have shadow maps.
    sm_maxLights                                                    Limits how many primary lights can have shadow maps
    sm_spotLimit                                                    Limit number of spot shadows from script
    sm_spotEnable                                                   Enable spot shadow mapping from script
    sm_sunEnable                                                    Enable sun shadow mapping from script
    sm_enable                                                               Enable shadow mapping
    r_forceLod                                                              Force all level of detail to this level
    r_lowestLodDist                                                 Distance for lowest level of detail
    r_lowLodDist                                                    Distance for low level of detail
    r_mediumLodDist                                                 Distance for medium level of detail
    r_highLodDist                                                   Distance for high level of detail
    r_showFloatZDebug                                               Show float z buffer used to eliminate hard edges on particles near geometry
    r_showFbColorDebug                                              Show front buffer color debugging information
    r_portalMinRecurseDepth                                 Ignore r_portalMinClipArea for portals with fewer than this many parent portals.
    r_portalMinClipArea                                             Don't clip child portals by a parent portal smaller than this fraction of the screen area.
    r_portalWalkLimit                                               Stop portal recursion after this many iterations.  Useful for debugging portal errors.
    r_singleCell                                                    Only draw things in the same cell as the camera.  Most useful for seeing how big the current cell is.
    r_portalBevelsOnly                                              Use screen-space bounding box of portals rather than the actual shape of the portal projected onto the screen
    r_portalBevels                                                  Helps cull geometry by angles of portals that are acute when projected onto the screen, value is the cosine of the angle
    r_skipPvs                                                               Skipt the determination of what is in the potentially visible set (disables most drawing)
    r_lockPvs                                                               Lock the viewpoint used for determining what is visible to the current position and direction
    r_drawWater                                                             Enable water animation
    r_spotLightExponent                                             Exponent for spot light to control falloff away from the center
    r_spotLightMaxLength                                    Maximum length of the spot light used to light geo.  The will limit the length set in the effect.
    r_spotLightBrightness                                   Brightness scale for spot light to get overbrightness from the 0-1 particle color range.
    r_spotLightEntityShadows                                Enable entity shadows for spot lights.
    r_spotLightSModelShadows                                Enable static model shadows for spot lights.
    r_spotLightShadows                                              Enable shadows for spot lights.
    r_spotLightEndRadius                                    Radius of the circle at the end of the spot light in inches.
    r_spotLightStartRadius                                  Radius of the circle at the start of the spot light in inches.
    r_spotLightFovInnerFraction                             Relative Inner FOV angle for the dynamic spot light. 0 is full fade 0.99 is almost no fade.
    r_dlightLimit                                                   Maximum number of dynamic lights drawn simultaneously
    r_dpvsFilterDebug                                               Filter all entities to all cells (debug)
    r_clearColor2                                                   Color to clear every second frame to (for use during development)
    r_clearColor                                                    Color to clear the screen to when clearing the frame buffer
    r_clear                                                                 Controls how the color buffer is cleared
    r_vsync                                                                 Enable v-sync before drawing the next frame to avoid 'tearing' artifacts.
    r_cmdbuf_worker                                                 Process command buffer in a separate thread
    r_smp_worker                                                    Process renderer front end in a separate thread
    r_smp_backend                                                   Process renderer back end in a separate thread
    r_scaleViewport                                                 Scale 3D viewports by this fraction.  Use this to see if framerate is pixel shader bound.
    r_envMapSunIntensity                                    Max sun specular intensity intensity with env map materials.
    r_envMapExponent                                                Reflection exponent.
    r_envMapMaxIntensity                                    Max reflection intensity based on glancing angle.
    r_envMapMinIntensity                                    Min reflection intensity based on glancing angle.
    r_lightCacheLessFrequentMaxDistance             Adjust the distance fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) move before immediately being relit
    r_lightCacheLessFrequentPeriod                  Adjust how frequently fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) get relit on average (1 is every frame, 8 is every 8th frame)
    r_heroLighting                                                  Enable hero-only lighting
    r_lightGridContrast                                             Adjust the contrast of light color from the light grid
    r_lightGridIntensity                                    Adjust the intensity of light color from the light grid
    r_lightGridUseTweakedValues                             Use tweaked values instead of default
    r_lightGridEnableTweaks                                 Enable tweaks of the light color from the light grid
    r_cacheModelLighting                                    Speed up model lighting by caching previous results
    r_cacheSModelLighting                                   Speed up static model lighting by caching previous results
    r_showMissingLightGrid                                  Use rainbow colors for entities that are outside the light grid
    r_showLightGrid                                                 Show light grid debugging information (2: detailed, 3: detailed for this box only)
    r_vc_showlog                                                    Show this many rows of light grid points for the vis cache
    r_vc_makelog                                                    Enable logging of light grid points for the vis cache.  1 starts from scratch, 2 appends.
    r_debugLineWidth                                                Width of server side debug lines
    r_resampleScene                                                 Upscale the frame buffer with sharpen filter and color correction.
    r_diffuseColorScale                                             Globally scale the diffuse color of all point lights
    r_specularColorScale                                    Set greater than 1 to brighten specular highlights
    r_specularMap                                                   Replace all specular maps with pure black (off) or pure white (super shiny)
    r_normalMap                                                             Replace all normal maps with a flat normal map
    r_detailMap                                                             Replace all detail maps with an image that effectively disables them
    r_colorMap                                                              Replace all color maps with pure black or pure white
    r_lightMap                                                              Replace all lightmaps with pure black or pure white
    r_polygonOffsetBias                                             Offset bias for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
    r_polygonOffsetScale                                    Offset scale for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
    r_fog                                                                   Set to 0 to disable fog
    r_zfar                                                                  Change the distance at which culling fog reaches 100% opacity; 0 is off
    r_znear_depthhack                                               Viewmodel near clip plane
    /kool/r_znear                                                                 Things closer than this aren't drawn.  Reducing this increases z-fighting in the distance.
    r_subwindow                                                             subwindow to draw: left, right, top, bottom
    r_debugShader                                                   Enable shader debugging information
    r_fullbright                                                    Toggles rendering without lighting
    r_texFilterMipBias                                              Change the mipmap bias
    r_texFilterMipMode                                              Forces all mipmaps to use a particular blend between levels (or disables mipping.)
    r_texFilterAnisoMin                                             Minimum anisotropy to use for texture filtering (overridden by max)
    r_texFilterDisable                                              Disables all texture filtering (uses nearest only.)
    r_texFilterAnisoMax                                             Maximum anisotropy to use for texture filtering
    r_blacklevel                                                    Black level (negative brightens output)
    r_ignorehwgamma                                                 Ignore hardware gamma
    r_gamma                                                                 Gamma value
    r_fullscreen                                                    Display game full screen
    r_ignore                                                                used for debugging anything
    r_sun_fx_position                                               Position in degrees of the sun effect
    r_sunglare_fadeout                                              time in seconds to fade glare from 100% to 0%
    r_sunglare_fadein                                               time in seconds to fade glare from 0% to 100%
    r_sunglare_max_lighten                                  0-1 fraction for how white the world is at max glare
    r_sunglare_max_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees inside which glare is minimum
    r_sunglare_min_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees inside which glare is maximum
    r_sunblind_fadeout                                              time in seconds to fade blind from 100% to 0%
    r_sunblind_fadein                                               time in seconds to fade blind from 0% to 100%
    r_sunblind_max_darken                                   0-1 fraction for how black the world is at max blind
    r_sunblind_max_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees inside which blinding is max
    r_sunblind_min_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees outside which blinding is 0
    r_sunflare_fadeout                                              time in seconds to fade alpha from 100% to 0%
    r_sunflare_fadein                                               time in seconds to fade alpha from 0% to 100%
    r_sunflare_max_alpha                                    0-1 vertex color and alpha of sun at max effect
    r_sunflare_max_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees inside which effect is max
    r_sunflare_max_size                                             largest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480
    r_sunflare_min_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees outside which effect is 0
    r_sunflare_min_size                                             smallest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480
    r_sunflare_shader                                               name for flare effect; can be any material
    r_sunsprite_size                                                diameter in pixels at 640x480 and 80 fov
    r_sunsprite_shader                                              name for static sprite; can be any material
    Part 2:
    /kool/g_kickHostIfIdle                                                Kick the host if he's idle
    /kool/g_giveAll                                                               Give all weapons
    player_stunWhiteFlash                                   If enabled, player's screens will flash white when they are stunned.
    shieldBlastDamageProtection_180                 How much protection a shield has against an explosion.  0.0 is none, 1.0 is full.  For explosions within a 180-degree arc of the shield.
    shieldBlastDamageProtection_120                 How much protection a shield has against an explosion.  0.0 is none, 1.0 is full.  For explosions within a 120-degree arc of the shield.
    shieldBlastDamageProtection_60                  How much protection a shield has against an explosion.  0.0 is none, 1.0 is full.  For explosions within a 60-degree arc of the shield.
    shieldBlastDamageProtection_30                  How much protection a shield has against an explosion.  0.0 is none, 1.0 is full.  For explosions within a 30-degree arc of the shield.
    scr_forcerankedmatch                                    script force game online and ranked
    scr_game_allowkillcam                                   script allow killcam
    scr_team_fftype                                                 script team friendly fire type
    g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer                                 Time that the client think is delayed after mantling
    g_earthquakeEnable                                              Enable camera shake
    g_radiusDamageMax                                               The maximum radius damage radius for non-client and non-actor entities
    g_redCrosshairs                                                 Whether red crosshairs are enabled
    g_useholdspawndelay                                             Time in milliseconds that the player is unable to 'use' after spawning
    g_useholdtime                                                   Time to hold the 'use' button to activate use
    g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed                                 Minimum speed at which getting hit be a grenade will do damage (not the grenade explosion damage)
    player_MGUseRadius                                              The radius within which a player can mount a machine gun
    player_useRadius                                                The radius within which a player can use things
    player_throwbackOuterRadius                             The radius player is allow to throwback a grenade once the player has been in the inner radius
    player_throwbackInnerRadius                             The radius to a live grenade player must be within initially to do a throwback
    g_friendlyNameDist                                              Maximum range for seeing a friendly's name
    g_friendlyfireDist                                              Maximum range for disabling fire at a friendly
    g_debugLocHitTime                                               Time duration of g_debugLocHit lines
    g_debugLocHit                                                   Display locational damage info for an entity when the entity is hit
    g_debugLocDamage                                                Display locational damage debug information for an entity
    g_no_script_spam                                                Turn off script debugging info
    g_voteAbstainWeight                                             How much an abstained vote counts as a 'no' vote
    g_oldVoting                                                             Use old voting method
    g_smoothClients                                                 Enable extrapolation between client states
    g_TeamTitleColor_Spectator                              Spectator team color for titles
    g_TeamTitleColor_EnemyTeam                              Enemy team color for titles
    g_TeamTitleColor_MyTeam                                 Player team color for titles
    g_TeamColor_Free                                                Free Team color
    g_TeamColor_Spectator                                   Spectator team color
    /kool/g_TeamColor_MyParty                                             Player team color when in the same party
    /kool/g_TeamColor_Axis                                                Axis team color
    /kool/g_TeamColor_Allies                                              Allies team color
    GAME_AXIS                                                               Axis team name
    GAME_ALLIES                                                             Allied team name
    /kool/g_ScoresColor_Axis                                              Axis team color on scoreboard
    /kool/g_ScoresColor_Allies                                    Allies team color on scoreboard
    g_ScoresColor_Free                                              Free Team color on scoreboard
    g_ScoresColor_Spectator                                 Spectator team color on scoreboard
    g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam                                 Enemy team color on scoreboard
    g_ScoresColor_MyParty                                   Player team color on scoreboard when in the same party
    g_ScoresColor_MyTeam                                    Player team color on scoreboard
    faction_128_arab_red                                    Icon name for the axis scores banner when you're on allies.
    faction_128_usmc_red                                    Icon name for the allied scores banner when you're on axis.
    faction_128_arab_blue                                   Icon name for the axis scores banner when you're on axis.
    faction_128_usmc_blue                                   Icon name for the allied scores banner when you're on allies.
    faction_128_arab                                                Icon name for the axis scores banner
    faction_128_usmc                                                Icon name for the allied scores banner
    g_voiceChatTalkingDuration                              Time after the last talk packet was received that the player is considered by the
    server to still be talking in milliseconds
    g_deadChat                                                              Allow dead players to chat with living players
    g_listEntity                                                    List the entities
    g_allowVote                                                             Enable voting on this server
    g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity                                Maximum velocity in each axis of a cloned player (for death animations)
    g_dropHorzSpeedRand                                             Random component of the initial horizontal speed of a dropped item
    g_dropUpSpeedRand                                               Random component of the initial vertical speed of a dropped item
    g_dropUpSpeedBase                                               Base component of the initial vertical speed of a dropped item
    g_dropForwardSpeed                                              Forward speed of a dropped item
    g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed                             Speed at which to push intersecting players away from each other
    g_motd                                                                  The message of the day
    ufoHitsTriggers                                                 ufo/noclip will hit triggers when enabled
    /kool/g_inactivity                                                    Time delay before player is kicked for inactivity
    /kool/g_maxDroppedWeapons                                             Maximum number of dropped weapons
    /kool/g_knockback                                                             Maximum knockback
    g_speed                                                                 Player speed
    dedicated                                                               Dedicated server
    g_banIPs                                                                IP addresses to ban from playing
    g_password                                                              Password
    g_sunFogScaleReadOnly                                   Distance scale in the sun fog direction that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogEndFadeAngleReadOnly                    Angle from the sun direction to end fade away from the sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogBeginFadeAngleReadOnly                  Angle from the sun direction to start fade away from the sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogDirReadOnly                                             Sun fog direction that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogColorReadOnly                                   Sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_sunFogEnabledReadOnly                                 Sun fog was enabled in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_fogMaxOpacityReadOnly                                 Fog max opacity that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_fogStartDistReadOnly                                  Fog start distance that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_fogColorReadOnly                                              Fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
    g_dobjdump                                                              DObj debugging info for the given character number
    g_dumpAnims                                                             Animation debugging info for the given character number
    pickupPrints                                                    Print a message to the game window when picking up ammo, etc.
    g_spawnDebug                                                    Turn on debug lines for spawning traces
    radius_damage_debug                                             Turn on debug lines for radius damage traces
    melee_debug                                                             Turn on debug lines for melee traces
    g_entinfo_maxdist                                               Maximum distance of an entity from the camera at which to show entity information
    g_entinfo                                                               Display entity information
    g_vehicleDebug                                                  Turn on debug information for vehicles
    g_vehicleDrawPath                                               Turn on debug information for vehicle paths
    shieldDebug                                                             Show debug info for riot shields
    g_debugBullets                                                  Show debug information for bullets
    g_debugDamage                                                   Show debug information for damage
    g_logSync                                                               Enable synchronous logging
    g_log                                                                   Log file name
    scr_%s_roundlimit                                               script round limit
    scr_%s_scorelimit                                               script score limit
    grenadeBounceRestitutionMax                             Cap to keep code from increasing bounce restitution too high.
    grenadeCurveMax                                                 Largest rolling curvature (will be random between +/- this value)
    grenadeWobbleSideDamp                                   The rate at which the amount of side-to-side wobbling decreases as overall grenade speed increases
    grenadeWobbleSideMag                                    The distance to wobble left and right
    grenadeWobbleFwdMag                                             The forward rolling speed will oscillate +/- this amount
    grenadeWobbleFreq                                               Wobble cycles per inch of rolling distance (approx)
    grenadeBumpMax                                                  Maximum upward speed of a bump (inches/sec)
    grenadeBumpMag                                                  Size of bumps (as a fraction of the grenade's current speed)
    grenadeBumpFreq                                                 How likely (per server frame) a bump will occur
    grenadeFrictionMaxThresh                                The speed threshold that determines whether to use grenadeFrictionLow/High
    grenadeFrictionHigh                                             The amount of friction (0 to 1) for fast-moving grenades
    grenadeFrictionLow                                              The amount of friction (0 to 1) for slower/rolling grenades
    grenadeRollingEnabled                                   Enables the new "rolling" grenade behavior
    grenadeRestThreshold                                    The speed threshold below which grenades will come to rest
    missileMacross                                                  Swarmy goodness.
    missileExplosionLiftDistance                    Distance to lift the explosion off the surface for "big explosion" weapons
    missileRemoteSpeedDown                                  Remote-controlled missile slowdown-factor.
    missileRemoteSpeedUp                                    Remote-controlled missile speedup-factor.
    missileRemoteSpeedTargetRange                   Remote-controlled missile speeds.
    missileWaterMaxDepth                                    If a missile explodes deeper under water than this, they explosion effect/sound will not play.
    missileJavDuds                                                  If true, javelins that impact before their booster ignites will not explode, they will play their dud effects instead.
    missileJavSpeedLimitDescend                             Rocket's speed limit when descending towards target.
    missileJavSpeedLimitClimb                               Rocket's speed limit when climbing.
    missileJavAccelDescend                                  Rocket acceleration when descending towards target.
    missileJavAccelClimb                                    Rocket acceleration when climbing.
    missileJavTurnRateTop                                   In top-fire mode, how sharp the rocket can turn, in angles/sec.
    missileJavTurnRateDirect                                In direct-fire mode, how sharp the rocket can turn, in angles/sec.
    missileJavClimbCeilingTop                               In top-fire mode, how high the missile needs to reach before it descends.
    missileJavClimbCeilingDirect                    In direct-fire mode, how high the missile needs to reach before it descends.
    missileJavClimbAngleTop                                 In top-fire mode, the minimum angle between the rocket and target until the rocket stops climbing.  Smaller angles make for higher climbs.
    missileJavClimbAngleDirect                              In direct-fire mode, the minimum angle between the rocket and target until the rocket stops climbing.  Smaller angles make for higher climbs.
    missileJavClimbHeightTop                                In top-fire mode, how far above the target the rocket will aim for when climbing.
    missileJavClimbHeightDirect                             In direct-fire mode, how far above the target the rocket will aim for when climbing.
    missileHellfireUpAccel                                  The rate at which the hellfire missile curves upward
    missileHellfireMaxSlope                                 This limits how steeply the hellfire missile can turn upward when climbing
    missileGlassShatterVel                                  Velocity needed by a grenade or missile to shatter glass instead of bouncing off.
    missileDebugAttractors                                  Draw the attractors and repulsors.  Attractors are green, and repulsors are yellow.
    missileDebugText                                                Print debug missile info to console.
    missileDebugDraw                                                Draw guided missile trajectories.
    band_18players                                                  18 player bandwidth req'd
    band_12players                                                  12 player bandwidth req'd
    band_8players                                                   8 player bandwidth req'd
    band_4players                                                   4 player bandwidth req'd
    band_2players                                                   2 player bandwidth req'd
    ezpatch                                                                 Enable ez patch
    playlistFilename                                                Playlist filename
    popupText                                                               Menu popup text
    widePopupText                                                   Menu popup uses wide text
    com_errorResolveCommand                                 Command to run when they close the error box
    com_cinematicEndInWhite                                 Set by script. True if cinematic ends with a white screen.
    wideScreen                                                              True if the game video is running in 16x9 aspect, false if 4x3.
    hiDef                                                                   True if the game video is running in high-def.
    com_animCheck                                                   Check anim tree
    intro                                                                   Intro movie should play
    com_filter_output                                               Use console filters for filtering output.
    sv_running                                                              Server is running
    useSvMapPreloading                                              Whether to start loading the map before starting the server
    useMapPreloading                                                Whether to start loading the map before connecting to server
    sv_paused                                                               Pause the client/server
    com_maxFrameTime                                                Time slows down if a frame takes longer than this many milliseconds
    fixedtime                                                               Use a fixed time rate for each frame
    com_timescale                                                   Scale time of each frame
    com_statmon                                                             Draw stats monitor
    logfile                                                                 Write to log file - 0 = disabled, 1 = async file write, 2 = Sync every write
    developer_script                                                Enable developer script comments
    xenonGame                                                               True if running on XBox 360
    consoleGame                                                             True if running on a console
    com_maxfps                                                              Cap frames per second
    migration_dvarErrors                                    Whether to check for illegal script dvar changes.
    shortversion                                                    Short game version
    version                                                                 Game version
    com_attractmodeduration                                 Time when controller is unused before attract mode is enabled
    com_attractmode                                                 Run attract mode
    msg_hudelemspew                                                 Debug hudelem fields changing
    msg_dumpEnts                                                    Print snapshot entity info
    msg_printEntityNums                                             Print entity numbers
    net_lanauthorize                                                Authorise CD keys when using a LAN
    net_showprofile                                                 Show network profiling display
    net_profile                                                             Profile network performance
    packetDebug                                                             Enable packet debugging information
    showdrop                                                                Show dropped packets
    showpackets                                                             Show packets
    g_serverHunkUser                                                Maximum amount of clients on the server
    sv_hugeSnapshotDelay                                    How long to wait before building a new snapshot after a 'huge' snapshot is sent
    sv_hugeSnapshotSize                                             Size of a snapshot to be considered 'huge'
    sv_clientArchive                                                Have the clients archive data to save bandwidth on the server
    sv_network_fps                                                  Number of times per second the server checks for net messages
    sv_debugReliableCmds                                    Enable debugging information for 'reliable' commands
    sv_debugRate                                                    Enable snapshot rate debugging info
    sv_mapRotationCurrent                                   Current map in the map rotation
    sv_mapRotation                                                  List of maps for the server to play
    sv_kickBanTime                                                  Time in seconds for a player to be banned from the server after being kicked
    sv_showAverageBPS                                               Show average bytes per second for net debugging
    sv_packet_info                                                  Enable packet info debugging information
    sv_allowedClan1                                                 Allow this clan to join the server
    sv_padPackets                                                   add nop bytes to messages
    sv_reconnectlimit                                               minimum seconds between connect messages
    sv_zombietime                                                   seconds to sync messages after disconnect
    sv_connectTimeout                                               seconds without any message when a client is loading
    sv_timeout                                                              seconds without any message
    sv_floodProtect                                                 Prevent malicious lagging by flooding the server with commands
    sv_maxPing                                                              Maximum ping allowed on the server
    sv_minPing                                                              Minimum ping allowed on the server
    sv_maxRate                                                              Maximum bit rate
    sv_clientSideBullets                                    If true, clients will synthesize tracers and bullet impacts
    CoD4Host                                                                Host name of the server
    badhost_debug                                                   Bad host debugging
    badhost_minPercentClientsUnhappyToSuck  What percentage of clients need to have a ping higher than sv_maxHappyPingTime before it aborts
    badhost_minTotalClientsForHappyTest             Minimum number of clients before it does the 'suck as host' test
    badhost_maxDoISuckFrames                                Max lagged frames need to end match
    badhost_endGameIfISuck                                  End the match if most of the players are lagged out
    badhost_maxHappyPingTime                                Max ping that a player can have that we consider acceptable when calculating if the server is swamped
    sv_privateClients                                               Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server
    testClients_watchKillcam                                Testclients will not press buttons during killcam.
    testClients_doCrouch                                    Testclients will use the crouch button.
    testClients_doReload                                    Testclients will use the reload button.
    testClients_doMove                                              Testclients will use the movement.
    testClients_doAttack                                    Testclients will use the attack button.
    migration_verboseBroadcastTime                  time in milliseconds between verbose migration state broadcasts
    migration_timeBetween                                   milliseconds between migration_limit dvar's value of migrations.
    migration_limit                                                 maximum number of migrations within migration_timeBetween dvar's value in milliseconds.
    migration_msgtimeout                                    timeout time in ms of migration messages
    migration_blocksperframe                                Number of blocks to send out each server frame.  A value of 0 means base it off our tested bandwidth.
    loc_warningsAsErrors                                    Throw an error for any unlocalized string
    loc_warningsUI                                                  Enable localization warnings for UI
    loc_warnings                                                    Enable localization warnings
    loc_translate                                                   Enable translations
    loc_forceEnglish                                                Force english localized strings
    loc_language                                                    Language
    ui_sliderSteps                                                  The number of steps for a slider itemdef
    ui_textScrollFadeTime                                   Text scrolling takes this long (seconds) to fade out at the end before restarting
    ui_textScrollPauseEnd                                   Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) at the end before restarting
    ui_textScrollPauseStart                                 Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) before starting
    ui_textScrollSpeed                                              Speed at which text scrolls vertically
    ui_allow_teamchange                                             Whether the UI should allow changing team
    ui_allow_classchange                                    Whether the UI should allow changing class
    ui_hud_hardcore                                                 Whether the HUD should be suppressed for hardcore mode
    ui_debugMode                                                    Draw ui debug info on the screen.
    ui_drawCrosshair                                                Whether to draw crosshairs.
    ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor                   Glow color applied to the mode and map name strings on the connect screen.
    ui_cinematicsTimestamp                                  Shows cinematics timestamp on subtitle UI elements.
    ui_borderLowLightScale                                  Scales the border color for the lowlight color on certain UI borders
    lobby_animationTilesHigh                                How many animation tiles high is the searching_for_player texture
    lobby_animationTilesWide                                How many animation tiles wide is the searching_for_player texture
    lobby_animationSpeed                                    How long each frame of the animation should draw, in milliseconds
    lobby_numAnimationFrames                                How many animation tiles are in the searching_for_player texture
    ui_partyFull                                                    True if the current party is full.
    lobby_searchingPartyColor                               The color to show that we're searching for that slot when shown in lobbies
    ui_playerPartyColor                                             The local player's font color when shown in lobbies and parties
    ui_showMenuOnly                                                 If set, only menus using this name will draw.
    ui_showList                                                             Show onscreen list of currently visible menus
    ui_buildSize                                                    Font size to use for the build number
    ui_buildLocation                                                Where to draw the build number
    ui_serverStatusTimeOut                                  Time in milliseconds before a server status request times out
    ui_currentFeederMapIndex                                Currently selected map
    ui_currentMap                                                   Current map index
    ui_extraBigFont                                                 Extra big font scale
    ui_bigFont                                                              Big font scale
    ui_smallFont                                                    Small font scale
    ui_netSource                                                    The network source where: 0:Local 1:Internet 2:Favourites
    ui_customClassName                                              Custom Class name
    ui_customModeEditName                                   Name to give the currently edited custom game mode when editing is complete
    ui_customModeName                                               Custom game mode name
    xblive_playEvenIfDown                                   Allow people to play online even if Live is down
    xblive_ec_lastupdatems                                  MS since last update required to early out qos
    xblive_ec_firstupdatems                                 MS to wait before deciding to early out qos
    xblive_ec_minpercent                                    Minimum percentage of probe results required before early outing qos
    xblive_ec_minprobes                                             Minimum probe results required before early outing qos
    party_simulateLongQoS                                   simulate a real QoS which takes around 30 seconds
    xblive_mappacks                                                 0 = original maps only, 1 = new maps only, 2 = both original and new
    xblive_privatepartyclient                               true only if we're in a party and not the host
    xblive_hostingprivateparty                              true only if we're hosting a party
    xblive_privatematch                                             Current game is a private match
    partyChatDisconnectTimer                                Time to wait after user responds to Party Chat dialog before kicking (msec)
    partyChatDisallowed                                             Whether to disallow Xbox Live Party Chat
    session_nonblocking                                             Non-blocking Session code
    disconnectOnSignOut                                             If true, the player will be kicked back to the main menu if they sign out of their profile
    xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSecForServer    Max voice packets per second the server will send
    xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSec                             Max voice packets per second a client will send
    xenon_voiceDegrade                                              Degrade voice quality
    xenon_voiceDebug                                                Debug voice communication
    xblive_loggedin                                                 User is logged into xbox live
    net_port                                                                Network port
    net_ip                                                                  Network IP address
    physVeh_jump                                                    Set to 1 to make a vehicle jump.
    physVeh_collideWithClipOnly                             Physics vehicles will only collide with vehicle clip when true
    physVeh_pathConstraintCfm                               The constraint cfm for path-constrained vehicles
    physVeh_explodeSpinScale                                The max (random) offset from the center of mass at which splash damage applies its force
    physVeh_explodeForce                                    The force applied to physics vehicles due to explosions
    physVeh_slideReductionForHighSpeed              A larger value makes it harder to slip when moving faster than the max speed
    physVeh_minImpactMomentum                               The minimum collision momentum needed to register an impact
    physVeh_StepsPerFrame                                   The number of physics timesteps that the server frame will be divided into.
    phys_jointPullThreshold                                 If joints are farther apart than sqrt(this distance), they will be pulled together.
    phys_narrowObjMaxLength                                 If a geom has a dimension less than this, then extra work will be done to prevent it from falling into cracks (like between the wall and the floor)
    phys_gravityChangeWakeupRadius                  The radius around the player within which objects get awakened when gravity changes
    phys_jitterMaxMass                                              Maximum mass to jitter - jitter will fall off up to this mass
    phys_minImpactMomentum                                  The minimum momentum required to trigger impact sounds
    phys_dragAngular                                                The amount of angular drag, applied globally
    phys_dragLinear                                                 The amount of linear drag, applied globally
    phys_frictionScale                                              Scales the amount of physics friction globally.
    phys_joint_stop_erp                                             Physics error reduction magic parameter for joints at their limits.
    phys_joint_stop_cfm                                             Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for joints at their limits.
    phys_joint_cfm                                                  Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for joints.
    phys_contact_erp                                                Physics error reduction magic parameter for contacts.
    phys_contact_cfm                                                Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for contacts.
    phys_autoDisableFastAngular                             Auto disable settings that make bodies go to sleep faster (i.e., they don't have to slow down as much first).  (deg/sec)
    phys_autoDisableFastLinear                              Auto disable settings that make bodies go to sleep faster (i.e., they don't have to slow down as much first).
    phys_autoDisableTime                                    The amount of time a body must be idle for it to go to sleep.
    phys_autoDisableAngular                                 A body must have angular velocity less than this to be considered idle. (deg/sec)
    phys_autoDisableLinear                                  A body must have linear velocity less than this to be considered idle.
    phys_collUseEntities                                    Disable to turn off testing for collision against entities
    phys_noIslands                                                  Make all contacts joints between an object and the world: no object-object contacts
    phys_reorderConst                                               ODE solver reorder constraints
    phys_drawDebugInfo                                              Print info about the physics objects
    phys_drawAwake                                                  Debug draw a box indicating which bodies are disabled
    phys_drawCollisionObj                                   Debug draw collision geometry for each physics object
    phys_drawCollisionWorld                                 Debug draw collision brushes and terrain triangles
    phys_drawcontacts                                               Debug draw contact points
    phys_qsi                                                                Number of iterations that QuickStep performs per step.
    phys_du***ontacts                                               Set to true to dump all constraints in next physics frame.
    phys_bulletSpinScale                                    Scale of the effective offset from the center of mass for the bullet impacts.
    phys_bulletUpBias                                               Up Bias for the direction of the bullet impact.
    phys_gravity_ragdoll                                    Physics gravity used by ragdolls in units/sec^2.
    phys_gravity                                                    Physics gravity in units/sec^2.
    phys_csl                                                                Physics contact surface level magic parameter.
    phys_mcv_vehicle                                                Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter (for vehicles).
    phys_mcv_ragdoll                                                Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter (for ragdoll).
    phys_mcv                                                                Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter.
    phys_erp                                                                Physics error reduction magic parameter.
    phys_cfm                                                                Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter.
    ragdoll_idle_min_velsq                                  Minimum squared speed a ragdoll body needs to be moving before it will shut down due to time
    ragdoll_stretch_iters                                   Iterations to run the alternate limb solver
    ragdoll_max_stretch_pct                                 Force ragdoll limbs to not stretch more than this percentage in one frame
    ragdoll_dump_anims                                              Dump animation data when ragdoll fails
    ragdoll_self_collision_scale                    Scale the size of the collision capsules used to prevent ragdoll limbs from interpenetrating
    ragdoll_jitter_scale                                    Scale up or down the effect of physics jitter on ragdolls
    ragdoll_rotvel_scale                                    Ragdoll rotational velocity estimate scale
    ragdoll_jointlerp_time                                  Default time taken to lerp down ragdoll joint friction
    ragdoll_baselerp_time                                   Default time ragdoll baselerp bones take to reach the base pose
    ragdoll_bullet_upbias                                   Upward bias applied to ragdoll bullet effects
    ragdoll_bullet_force                                    Bullet force applied to ragdolls
    ragdoll_exploding_bullet_upbias                 Upwards bias applied to ragdoll from explosive bullets
    ragdoll_exploding_bullet_force                  Force applied to ragdolls from explosive bullets
    ragdoll_explode_upbias                                  Upwards bias applied to ragdoll explosion effects
    ragdoll_explode_force                                   Explosive force applied to ragdolls
    ragdoll_max_simulating                                  Max number of simultaneous active ragdolls
    ragdoll_max_life                                                Max lifetime of a ragdoll system in msec
    ragdoll_fps                                                             Ragdoll update frames per second
    ragdoll_debug                                                   Draw ragdoll debug info (bitflags)
    ragdoll_enable                                                  Turn on ragdoll death animations
    vehHelicopterTiltMomentum                               The amount of rotational momentum the helicopter has with regards to tilting.
    vehHelicopterHeadSwayDontSwayTheTurret  If set, the turret will not fire through the crosshairs, but straight ahead of the vehicle, when the player is not freelooking.
    vehHelicopterJitterJerkyness                    Specifies how jerky the tilt jitter should be
    vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw_VelAtMaxTilt     The forward speed (as a fraction of top speed) at which the tilt due to yaw reaches is maximum value.
    vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw                  The amount of roll caused by yawing while moving forward.
    vehHelicopterTiltFromControllerAxes             The amount of tilt caused by the desired velocity (i.e., the amount of controller stick deflection)
    vehHelicopterTiltFromVelocity                   The amount of tilt caused by the current velocity
    vehHelicopterTiltFromDeceleration               The amount of tilt caused by deceleration
    vehHelicopterTiltFromAcceleration               The amount of tilt caused by acceleration
    vehHelicopterTiltSpeed                                  The rate at which the player helicopter's tilt responds
    vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick                             The yaw speed created by the left stick when pushing the stick diagonally (e.g., moving forward and strafing slightly).
    vehHelicopterInvertUpDown                               Invert the altitude control on the player helicopter.
    vehHelicopterDecelerationSide                   Set the side-to-side deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration).  So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration.
    vehHelicopterDecelerationFwd                    Set the deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration) in the direction the chopper is facing.  So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration.
    vehHelicopterSoftCollisions                             Player helicopters have soft collisions (slow down before they collide).
    vehHelicopterScaleMovement                              Scales down the smaller of the left stick axes.
    vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone                             Dead-zone so that you can fly straight forward easily without accidentally strafing (and thus rolling).
    vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone                 Dead-zone for the axes of the right thumbstick.  This helps to better control the two axes separately.
    vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold                The speed below which the player helicopter begins to jitter the tilt, for hovering
    vehHelicopterLookaheadTime                              How far ahead (in seconds) the player helicopter looks ahead, to avoid hard collisions.  (Like driving down the highway, you should keep 2 seconds distance between you and the vehicle in front of you)
    vehHelicopterMaxRoll                                    Maximum roll of the player helicopter
    vehHelicopterMaxPitch                                   Maximum pitch of the player helicopter
    vehHelicopterMaxYawAccel                                Maximum yaw acceleration of the player helicopter
    vehHelicopterMaxYawRate                                 Maximum yaw speed of the player helicopter
    vehHelicopterMaxAccelVertical                   Maximum vertical acceleration of the player helicopter (in *** per second)
    vehHelicopterMaxAccel                                   Maximum horizontal acceleration of the player helicopter (in *** per second)
    vehHelicopterMaxSpeedVertical                   Maximum vertical speed of the player helicopter (in ***)
    vehHelicopterMaxSpeed                                   Maximum horizontal speed of the player helicopter (in ***)
    veh_aiOverSteerScale                                    Scaler used to cause ai vehicles to over steer
    veh_thirdPersonCam                                              Enable 3rd person switching
    vehAudio_spawnVolumeTime                                Seconds it takes for spawned vehicles to reach full volume.
    vehAudio_inAirPitchDownLerp                             Rate at which the pitch lerps down
    vehAudio_inAirPitchUpLerp                               Rate at which the pitch lerps up
    vehCam_zOffsetMode                                              Camera offset mode for Z axis
    vehCam_yawClamp                                                 Yaw clamp for user adjustment
    vehCam_yawTurnRate                                              Yaw turn rate for user adjustment
    vehCam_pitchClamp                                               Pitch clamp for user adjustment
    vehCam_pitchTurnRate                                    Pitch turn rate for user adjustment
    vehCam_speedInfluence                                   Controls how much the vehicle's speed effects the camera.
    vehCam_radius                                                   Camera radius from vehicle
    vehCam_offset                                                   Focus offset from vehicle origin
    vehCam_angles                                                   Camera angles from vehicle
    vehCam_editMode                                                 Enables camera edit mode via dvars
    vehCam_freeLook                                                 Enables free look mode
    veh_boneControllerLodDist                               Distance at which bone controllers are not updated.
    lb_maxrows                                                              Maximum number of rows to fetch
    lb_filter                                                               Filter applied to the leaderboard display: ('none','friends')
    lb_minrefresh                                                   Minimum time (in seconds) between leaderboard fetches
    session_advertiseFailedSearchCount              Failed search count at which we list ourselves with matchmaking
    ping_default_min                                                Minimum ping for the initial set of searches
    ping_increment                                                  Number of milliseconds to increase min ping after each set of searches
    ping_searches_per                                               Number of searches at each min ping value
    session_immediateDeleteTinySessions             Whether to immediately delete sessions with 1 user
    iwnet_sessionHeartbeat                                  How often to send a heartbeat msg
    matchmaking_debug                                               Enable matchmaking debugging information
    sentry_placement_trace_min_normal               Minimum normal to accept a sentry position
    sentry_placement_trace_pitch                    Pitch used for the trace axis
    sentry_placement_trace_dist                             Distance along the trace axis where the sentry will attempt to position itself
    sentry_placement_trace_radius_canon_safety      Extra radius used in the forward direction to compensate for the canon length
    sentry_placement_trace_radius                   Radius of the bound used for the placement trace
    sentry_placement_feet_trace_dist_z              Max distance for a foot to be considered touching the ground
    sentry_placement_feet_offset                    Position of the feet from the center axis.
    sentry_placement_debug                                  Enables sentry placement debug lines
    iwnet_debug                                                             turn on iwnet debugging
    iwnet_maxResendTime                                             maximum resend time for iwnet commands
    iwnet_minResendTime                                             minimum resend time for iwnet commands
    iwnet_allclientsauthed                                  True if all local clients are authed and playable
    lsp_debug                                                               Whether to print lsp debug info
    snd_cinematicVolumeScale                                Scales the volume of Bink videos.
    snd_levelFadeTime                                               The amout of time in milliseconds for all audio to fade in at the start of a level
    snd_draw3D                                                              Draw the position and info of world sounds
    snd_enableEq                                                    Enable equalization filter
    snd_enableReverb                                                Enable sound reverberation
    snd_enableStream                                                Enable streamed sounds
    snd_enable3D                                                    Enable 3D sounds
    snd_enable2D                                                    Enable 2D sounds
    snd_slaveFadeTime                                               The amount of time in milliseconds for a 'slave' sound
    to fade its volumes when a master sound starts or stops
    snd_volume                                                              Game sound master volume
    snd_errorOnMissing                                              Cause a Com_Error if a sound file is missing.
    r_atlasAnimFPS                                                  Speed to animate atlased 2d materials
    r_sun_from_dvars                                                Set sun flare values from dvars rather than the level
    r_outdoorFeather                                                Outdoor z-feathering value
    r_pixelShaderGPRReallocation                    Number of general purpose registers to the pixel shader
    r_dof_bias                                                              Depth of field bias as a power function (like gamma); less than 1 is sharper
    r_dof_farEnd                                                    Depth of field far end distance, in inches
    r_dof_farStart                                                  Depth of field far start distance, in inches
    r_dof_nearEnd                                                   Depth of field near end distance, in inches
    r_dof_nearStart                                                 Depth of field near start distance, in inches
    r_dof_viewModelEnd                                              Depth of field viewmodel end distance, in inches
    r_dof_viewModelStart                                    Depth of field viewmodel start distance, in inches
    r_dof_tweak                                                             Use dvars to set the depth of field effect; overrides r_dof_enable
    r_dof_enable                                                    Enable the depth of field effect
    r_desaturation                                                  Desaturation adjustment
    r_brightness                                                    Brightness adjustment
    r_contrast                                                              Contrast adjustment
    r_filmAltShader                                                 Use alternate shader (with middle tint and dark desat) for film color.
    r_filmUseTweaks                                                 Overide film effects with tweak dvar values.
    r_glow_allowed_script_forced                    Force 'allow glow' to be treated as true, by script.
    r_glow_allowed                                                  Allow glow.
    r_distortion                                                    Enable distortion
    r_blur                                                                  Dev tweak to blur the screen
    r_halfParticles                                                 0 force off, 1 force on, 2 use script controlled.
    r_screenFilterQuads                                             If non-zero, uses this many quads instead of two triangles for full screen effects
    sm_qualitySpotShadow                                    Fast spot shadow
    sm_fastSunShadow                                                Fast sun shadow
    sm_spotDistCull                                                 Distance cull spot shadows
    sm_strictCull                                                   Strict shadow map cull
    sm_sunShadowScale                                               Sun shadow scale optimization
    sm_sunShadowCenter                                              Sun shadow center, 0 0 0 means don't override
    sm_sunSampleSizeNear                                    Shadow sample size
    sm_polygonOffsetBias                                    Shadow map offset bias
    sm_polygonOffsetScale                                   Shadow map offset scale
    sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac                   When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance to a point this fraction of the light's radius along it's shadow direction.
    sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist                    When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance from a point this far in front of the camera.
    sm_spotShadowFadeTime                                   How many seconds it takes for a primary light shadow map to fade in or out
    sm_minSpotLightScore                                    Minimum score (based on intensity, radius, and position relative to the camera) for a spot light to have shadow maps.
    sm_maxLights                                                    Limits how many primary lights can have shadow maps
    sm_spotLimit                                                    Limit number of spot shadows from script
    sm_spotEnable                                                   Enable spot shadow mapping from script
    sm_sunEnable                                                    Enable sun shadow mapping from script
    sm_enable                                                               Enable shadow mapping
    r_forceLod                                                              Force all level of detail to this level
    r_lowestLodDist                                                 Distance for lowest level of detail
    r_lowLodDist                                                    Distance for low level of detail
    r_mediumLodDist                                                 Distance for medium level of detail
    r_highLodDist                                                   Distance for high level of detail
    r_showFloatZDebug                                               Show float z buffer used to eliminate hard edges on particles near geometry
    r_showFbColorDebug                                              Show front buffer color debugging information
    r_portalMinRecurseDepth                                 Ignore r_portalMinClipArea for portals with fewer than this many parent portals.
    r_portalMinClipArea                                             Don't clip child portals by a parent portal smaller than this fraction of the screen area.
    r_portalWalkLimit                                               Stop portal recursion after this many iterations.  Useful for debugging portal errors.
    r_singleCell                                                    Only draw things in the same cell as the camera.  Most useful for seeing how big the current cell is.
    r_portalBevelsOnly                                              Use screen-space bounding box of portals rather than the actual shape of the portal projected onto the screen
    r_portalBevels                                                  Helps cull geometry by angles of portals that are acute when projected onto the screen, value is the cosine of the angle
    r_skipPvs                                                               Skipt the determination of what is in the potentially visible set (disables most drawing)
    r_lockPvs                                                               Lock the viewpoint used for determining what is visible to the current position and direction
    r_drawWater                                                             Enable water animation
    r_spotLightExponent                                             Exponent for spot light to control falloff away from the center
    r_spotLightMaxLength                                    Maximum length of the spot light used to light geo.  The will limit the length set in the effect.
    r_spotLightBrightness                                   Brightness scale for spot light to get overbrightness from the 0-1 particle color range.
    r_spotLightEntityShadows                                Enable entity shadows for spot lights.
    r_spotLightSModelShadows                                Enable static model shadows for spot lights.
    r_spotLightShadows                                              Enable shadows for spot lights.
    r_spotLightEndRadius                                    Radius of the circle at the end of the spot light in inches.
    r_spotLightStartRadius                                  Radius of the circle at the start of the spot light in inches.
    r_spotLightFovInnerFraction                             Relative Inner FOV angle for the dynamic spot light. 0 is full fade 0.99 is almost no fade.
    r_dlightLimit                                                   Maximum number of dynamic lights drawn simultaneously
    r_dpvsFilterDebug                                               Filter all entities to all cells (debug)
    r_clearColor2                                                   Color to clear every second frame to (for use during development)
    r_clearColor                                                    Color to clear the screen to when clearing the frame buffer
    r_clear                                                                 Controls how the color buffer is cleared
    r_vsync                                                                 Enable v-sync before drawing the next frame to avoid 'tearing' artifacts.
    r_cmdbuf_worker                                                 Process command buffer in a separate thread
    r_smp_worker                                                    Process renderer front end in a separate thread
    r_smp_backend                                                   Process renderer back end in a separate thread
    r_scaleViewport                                                 Scale 3D viewports by this fraction.  Use this to see if framerate is pixel shader bound.
    r_envMapSunIntensity                                    Max sun specular intensity intensity with env map materials.
    r_envMapExponent                                                Reflection exponent.
    r_envMapMaxIntensity                                    Max reflection intensity based on glancing angle.
    r_envMapMinIntensity                                    Min reflection intensity based on glancing angle.
    r_lightCacheLessFrequentMaxDistance             Adjust the distance fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) move before immediately being relit
    r_lightCacheLessFrequentPeriod                  Adjust how frequently fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) get relit on average (1 is every frame, 8 is every 8th frame)
    r_heroLighting                                                  Enable hero-only lighting
    r_lightGridContrast                                             Adjust the contrast of light color from the light grid
    r_lightGridIntensity                                    Adjust the intensity of light color from the light grid
    r_lightGridUseTweakedValues                             Use tweaked values instead of default
    r_lightGridEnableTweaks                                 Enable tweaks of the light color from the light grid
    r_cacheModelLighting                                    Speed up model lighting by caching previous results
    r_cacheSModelLighting                                   Speed up static model lighting by caching previous results
    r_showMissingLightGrid                                  Use rainbow colors for entities that are outside the light grid
    r_showLightGrid                                                 Show light grid debugging information (2: detailed, 3: detailed for this box only)
    r_vc_showlog                                                    Show this many rows of light grid points for the vis cache
    r_vc_makelog                                                    Enable logging of light grid points for the vis cache.  1 starts from scratch, 2 appends.
    r_debugLineWidth                                                Width of server side debug lines
    r_resampleScene                                                 Upscale the frame buffer with sharpen filter and color correction.
    r_diffuseColorScale                                             Globally scale the diffuse color of all point lights
    r_specularColorScale                                    Set greater than 1 to brighten specular highlights
    r_specularMap                                                   Replace all specular maps with pure black (off) or pure white (super shiny)
    r_normalMap                                                             Replace all normal maps with a flat normal map
    r_detailMap                                                             Replace all detail maps with an image that effectively disables them
    r_colorMap                                                              Replace all color maps with pure black or pure white
    r_lightMap                                                              Replace all lightmaps with pure black or pure white
    r_polygonOffsetBias                                             Offset bias for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
    r_polygonOffsetScale                                    Offset scale for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
    r_fog                                                                   Set to 0 to disable fog
    r_zfar                                                                  Change the distance at which culling fog reaches 100% opacity; 0 is off
    r_znear_depthhack                                               Viewmodel near clip plane
    /kool/r_znear                                                                 Things closer than this aren't drawn.  Reducing this increases z-fighting in the distance.
    r_subwindow                                                             subwindow to draw: left, right, top, bottom
    r_debugShader                                                   Enable shader debugging information
    r_fullbright                                                    Toggles rendering without lighting
    r_texFilterMipBias                                              Change the mipmap bias
    r_texFilterMipMode                                              Forces all mipmaps to use a particular blend between levels (or disables mipping.)
    r_texFilterAnisoMin                                             Minimum anisotropy to use for texture filtering (overridden by max)
    r_texFilterDisable                                              Disables all texture filtering (uses nearest only.)
    r_texFilterAnisoMax                                             Maximum anisotropy to use for texture filtering
    r_blacklevel                                                    Black level (negative brightens output)
    r_ignorehwgamma                                                 Ignore hardware gamma
    r_gamma                                                                 Gamma value
    r_fullscreen                                                    Display game full screen
    r_ignore                                                                used for debugging anything
    r_sun_fx_position                                               Position in degrees of the sun effect
    r_sunglare_fadeout                                              time in seconds to fade glare from 100% to 0%
    r_sunglare_fadein                                               time in seconds to fade glare from 0% to 100%
    r_sunglare_max_lighten                                  0-1 fraction for how white the world is at max glare
    r_sunglare_max_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees inside which glare is minimum
    r_sunglare_min_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees inside which glare is maximum
    r_sunblind_fadeout                                              time in seconds to fade blind from 100% to 0%
    r_sunblind_fadein                                               time in seconds to fade blind from 0% to 100%
    r_sunblind_max_darken                                   0-1 fraction for how black the world is at max blind
    r_sunblind_max_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees inside which blinding is max
    r_sunblind_min_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees outside which blinding is 0
    r_sunflare_fadeout                                              time in seconds to fade alpha from 100% to 0%
    r_sunflare_fadein                                               time in seconds to fade alpha from 0% to 100%
    r_sunflare_max_alpha                                    0-1 vertex color and alpha of sun at max effect
    r_sunflare_max_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees inside which effect is max
    r_sunflare_max_size                                             largest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480
    r_sunflare_min_angle                                    angle from sun in degrees outside which effect is 0
    r_sunflare_min_size                                             smallest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480
    r_sunflare_shader                                               name for flare effect; can be any material
    r_sunsprite_size                                                diameter in pixels at 640x480 and 80 fov
    r_sunsprite_shader                                              name for static sprite; can be any material
    Last edited by AZUMIKKEL; 07-27-2010 at 08:11 AM.

  5. #20
    Neekokeen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by Insane View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by stoshy
    Thanks dude! but since im a noob at gsc modding... do i place this in the dvar section of the script?

    That would be correct /yea
    Actually it doesn't matter.
    You could put it directly under on connect, or onplayerspawned or even create a thread called doFuckall.

    Click on the banners to take a look at my mods.

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