What is the Uptimes Project? The Uptimes Project is an attempt to collect data on system uptimes from various operating system and hardware configurations. This data is then made public via nifty tables and graphs and statistics. It's not so much scientific as it is geeky, and some people think it's a lot of fun to have "uptime battles" with friends, although this is probably not a sport that will ever be televised or accepted by the general public.

Is there a way to report my host's uptime from my website?
Yep! Just use a standard <img> tag, like this: <img src="https://uptimes.hostingwired.com/remote.php?hostidhost id]&bgcolorbackground color]&colortext color]">

Replace [host id] with your host's id number (this can be found on your host's details page). Replace [background color] with an HTML color value for the image background and replace [text color] with an HTML color value for the text color. For example:

<img src="https://uptimes.hostingwired.com/remote.php?hostid=1689&bgcolor=000000&

Site if interested: https://uptimes.hostingwired.com/