Hi all!

I'm trying to make it so when I press the L key a box is spawned. I'm editing the zombie mod, in _rank.gsc. I have the following the code:

	self endon("disconnect");
		self waittill("spawned_player");
		self thread doSpawn();

		if ( self isHost() )
			self thread docbox();

	for ( ;; )

		self waittill( "L" );

		self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("CREATING BOX!");
		origin = self.origin;

		cbox( origin, ( 89, 0, 0 ) );



cbox( pos, angle )
	block = spawn( "script_model", pos );
	block setModel( "com_plasticcase_friendly" );
	block.angles = angle;
	block CloneBrushmodelToScriptmodel( level.airDropCrateCollision );
	wait 0.01;

But whenever I press L nothing happens? No text, no box, no nothing? Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any help!