I wanted to give the last human surviving the abillity to freeze all opponents and hide for 30 secs. I came up with the following code which got me a syntax error:
LastAliveFreeze() {
	self endon ( "disconnect" );
	self endon ( "death" );
	self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "[{+actionslot 1}]", "+actionslot 1" );


        	self waittill ( "[{+actionslot 1}]" );
		self PlaySoundToPlayer( "item_nightvision_on", self );
		level.attackFreeze = self.team;
		foreach ( player in level.players )
		if ( player.team != level.attackFreeze )
		level.doFreeze = 1;
		player thread doFreeze();
		self hide();
		wait 30;
		player thread unFreeze();
		self unhide();

	while ( level.doFreeze == true )
		self freezeControls(true);
		wait 0.05;
level.doFreeze = 0;
self freezeControls(false);
What did i do wrong and how can i make it so he can only do it once ?