hey guis, i have windows7 64bit and CShell.dll dump on my pc don t realy work xD why, i dont know,

no a new crossfire version is out, name: eterniagames crossfire (private server)
you can download and register here : cf.eterniagames.com

what i need from you that you can win 5$ wallie card,

- uncrypt the CShell.dll for me and upload it!
- Search the LTClient addie and the CShell addie and pm me!

this i mean:
  DWORD *LTClient = ( DWORD* )( (dwCShell + 0xaddie) );
  void* CONoff = ( void* )*( DWORD* )( *LTClient + 0xaddie );
the first who make this get the 5$ wallie card! (if the infos are true and no fake! >>> i will check it! with a test hack )

good luck!