What is the most embarrassing moment/situation you have ever been in, or someone you know has been in?

This happened to my cousin when we went to the same school:

This all happened in 9th when we were in math class and everyone was just sitting around quietly or sitting with their head down on the desk, because it was the end of the year and we were all relaxing. Everything was quiet when my cousin bent over because I had dropped the pencil I was doodling with. The second he bends over to pick up my pencil he takes the largest fart in the world. All of a sudden everyone was looking in my direction. My cousin being a asshole blames it on me and everyone believed him. First he was laughing with everyone else,but when he started laughing an even louder fart came out and he looks at me with a shocked face. No one heard that one with all the laughing going on, but he got up to pass me the pencil and everyone started laughing at him. When he had farted not just gas had come out, and now it was all over the back of his grey shorts.
He shitted himself in class and the teacher had to call the nurse to help him move because he said that if he moved he would shit again.