When I first joined mpgh, I was a choob, literally. My first fps was ca so that's why I joined mpgh. Later on, I learned how to make ca mods and etc. By may 2011, I was sick of ca cause there are too many hackers and the game itself was pretty boring by then. So I left ca and mpgh and went on to do other stuff. One day, someone told me about runescape, so I created my first account. Two days later, I found out about powerbot and botted my first account to around lvl 60 combat. By november, we have obtained many levels and over 140m runescape gold. At december, I was hacked so i quitted runescape for a while. During my time at powerbot forums, I learned how to obtain membership pins for free and obtained massive profits (over $300 in paypal) When the "free trade" update came out, i was able to gain 400m for my account thru pin selling. Sometimes, I sold the gold for some rl cash. When pb almost died because the client got infected, i left for rsbuddy, a new bot client. As I waited there for the "market" (which was the main reason) I was the best troller/contributor to the site, giving advice on vps and offering runescape guides. When I got bored of rsbuddy, I decided to play a different fps, crossfire. I personally knew quite a bit about crossfire because i played it in china. But i never played crossfire na, so i sort of left rsbuddy and pb and decided to come back to mpgh

I'm still active on pb, somewhat active on rsbuddy, and I still bot runescape heavily. But I don't play ca anymore.

the end.