Thread: Y so stubborn?

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  1. #16
    Tupac Shakur's Avatar
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    wow that took time

  2. #17
    Skyline.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parade View Post
    We all know Battlefield 3 is the better game. CoD fanboys hate large maps cause they don't know how to use vehicles.
    they are not large, their fucking small for me. and that's a lame excuse to use against "CoD" fans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartview View Post
    If one game used the IWX engine, and the next game used the Unreal engine, there would be major difference between the games which would cause a big damper on fans of the series.

    afaik no game out there currently does.

    Not one new article dealing with BF3 or MW3 doesnt have a slew of comments from BF3 fanboys droning on with their usual drivel: "HUURRRR YEAHHHHH BATTLE FEEEEEELLLLD YEAHHHHHH COD SUCKS BF3 ALL DAY HURRRRRRRRRRR YEAHHHHHHH" with drool flying from their mouths while hitting themselves with any nearby hard objects.
    let me inform you on little side info's/note.

    if CoD were to expand to a new BETTER engine, they would have a lot more fans, i mean close-more than what battlefield have today. but the fact that they keep the simple basic and expand engine, it doesn't feed the players needs anymore, thus giving it less supporters through out the world. and the new unreal engine coming out soon...."WOW!", it would shit both on bf & cod. but then again thats my Opinion. =)

    ~ there is 1-2 full destructible games out there.

    let me inform you a bit on bf3 players, ( i have played both like crazy) so i can understand these mixed comments, and quite frankly everyone is all over the place and wrong. if you go play bf now, lets say Bad Company 2;

    a. people don't bitch,
    b. WAY less hackers which = more less bitching,
    c. older men/players that don't complain about when they die, because they know they will re spawn soon,
    d. its better team based, which leaves out the "n00b camper" or "spawn camper".

    now i see more complaining on CoD servers today than what i see on BF:BC2, but maybe on another forum/game server its different,

    also, i have about over 2000 hours gaming time of both franchises, and they both have their Advantages and their Disadvantages, so NO one is allowed to bitch about it until they realize "oh hang on..there are stupid similarities", which means both games are shit at times and both games are great at times. it all depends on little things that fuck up people's opinions about other games, apart from the fact that their cock bastards.

    (@Heartview, my reply is partly towards your's but the swearing is generalizing both franchises, so don't think im just targeting you.)

    NOW saying this, everyone harden the fuck up, qq and happy fragging.....BOTH games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tupac Shakur View Post
    wow that took time
    ^ Eat a dick cunt.

    EDIT: oh and another thing..i am a fan boy of both games, what does that make me?..
    Last edited by Skyline.; 08-03-2011 at 08:15 AM.

  3. #18
    Heartview's Avatar
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    See what a lot of people don't know is, is that I do enjoy battlefield games, and respect them in all that they do. The only reason I bash on it is when fanboys and ignorant keyboard warriors that have no real experience of gaming (at least not FPS games anyways) outside of this current generations of casual console shooters come in and start talking shit on another franchise, simply because they dont like it. Its like playing the devil's advocate here. True I have a gravitation more towards CoD, but its not like I will hesitate from pointing out its flaws either.

    I have no problem with either game, what I have a problem with is ignorant people (like OP, any other BF fanboy, even the irritating children that comprise the CoD fanboy base) who come online and bash on other games for no reason whatsoever, for the sole reason that it is not their game. That would be like Canada rolling into Brazil and starting a war. No reason at all, just because Brazil is not part of Canada, so Canada has to start killing them. Or a more relevant example would be the Mario and Sonic comparison I keep making. They may be the same genre of side scrolling arcade games, but that doesnt mean they have any other similarities. You dont see mario fans bashing on sonic fans online or vice versa do you?

    And CoD has no reason to change it's engine, and frankly, I don't want it to. Fuck the Unreal Engine. Fuck any other engine out there for CoD. Changing shit around to satisfy a bunch of whining kids on the internet who dont know the first thing about what is actually in the engine (like these kids that go around talking about how amazing the frostbite 2.0 engine is, and they have no idea what is even different) would mean that the serious fanbase that actually plays the game without acting so immature online will be let down, and the franchise will be sucked even deeper into this downward spiral of C+P crap it keeps releasing simply to extort more money out of the ignorant peasant console race. ()

    Full destructibility does not exist. People think that because you can blow up solid buildings and trees that it is full destruction, but there is a hell of a lot more that gets factored in to an environment than just that.

    And your comparison about how BF players are more mature is unfair (and wrong) seeing as how I know plenty of people who I can start up a private match with and have a plenty good time. There is plenty of people out there who are plenty mature and well mannered, you just dont notice them because usually you dont hear them over the children that play, or they choose simply not to talk because of the children that play. And trust, I have played enough BF to know that there is enough immature people playing that you can't even use that argument.

    So long story short, believe it or not, I enjoy both games just the same, seeing as how I am somehow able to know that the two games are completely different, and fun in their own ways. There is fanboys for every series out there, and they always make their representative game look bad, and even OP finally figured that out (or gave up on his campaign to be just as ignorant and annoying as the CoD fanboys). Each game has flaws, and each game has strong points. If you enjoy one, fine, but that gives you no right to hate on another game, simply because you dont like it.
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  4. #19
    Skyline.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartview View Post
    And CoD has no reason to change it's engine, and frankly, I don't want it to. Fuck the Unreal Engine. Fuck any other engine out there for CoD. Changing shit around to satisfy a bunch of whining kids on the internet who dont know the first thing about what is actually in the engine (like these kids that go around talking about how amazing the frostbite 2.0 engine is, and they have no idea what is even different) would mean that the serious fanbase that actually plays the game without acting so immature online will be let down, and the franchise will be sucked even deeper into this downward spiral of C+P crap it keeps releasing simply to extort more money out of the ignorant peasant console race. ()

    Full destructibility does not exist. People think that because you can blow up solid buildings and trees that it is full destruction, but there is a hell of a lot more that gets factored in to an environment than just that.

    well comparing other engines against CoD, makes it look very outdated, they are just greedy people that want our money, its stupid, this is why i don't play the latest call of duty titles, blops/mw2 and soon to be mw3, its the same shit over and over...repetitive crap. mw3 = mw2 PART 2. fans want something new, something different...something.. unique.

    and there are full destructibility games, for example 'Fracture' a game released in 08', which allowed you to manipulate/destruct the environment to gain a tactical advantage over someone else.

    also heres another list of partial + fully desctruble enviroments,

    List of Destructible Environment Games - Giant Bomb (<old and new games). 328 search result.

  5. #20
    knightlvx's Avatar
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    Lol it's always the same You bf3 Fans always come put ur opinion here in mw3 section go to ur own section! I know Battlefield 3 Will be a Great game maybe even better than mw3 but, I prefer COD because thats the only game i can play for 1 year and BF just for only 2 weeks till i get bored.

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  6. #21
    Karleo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightlvx View Post
    Lol it's always the same You bf3 Fans always come put ur opinion here in mw3 section go to ur own section! I know Battlefield 3 Will be a Great game maybe even better than mw3 but, I prefer COD because thats the only game i can play for 1 year and BF just for only 2 weeks till i get bored.
    Let me guess, you love to quickscope, and think hardscoping is for noob fags?

  7. #22
    master131's Avatar
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    This is never going to end is it?

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