I, a Soldier Front Veteran to this Section, will resign from being a peer and/or helper to you members located, posting, making threads in this section. I may return from time to time to check what you've all been doing to try make the section a live again. I am resigning due to the fact that IJJI's Reactor has failed once again to update my client. This update is unknown to be resolved and I've been frustrated and tried fixing it myself for the past 5months. If you know what I can do with Error Code [10005], please PM me and I'll reply A.S.A.P. Please do not PM me about deleting the u_sf folder and/or restarting my Reactor, as I have already tried that.

Name : Jade Nguyen

Status : Resigning

DOS(Date of Service) to Soldier Front Sub-Forum : April 23, 2010 ~ October 3, 2011.

Reason : Unable to follow up on Soldier Front services and repair client to play.

I will come back, soon enough as when to my client is repaired and have full access to my accounts and services. Until then, I hope that whoever is replacing my position/part of service will fulfill your needs/requests. If anyone wants to speak with me, Private Message, Visitor Message me or find me in the Cross Fire Sub-Forum.

Have a nice Soldier Front Game Day.