
I tired of the game, so i will stop playing with League of Legends. I have a nice account, but i don't need it.


- Champions:

Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,B rand,Cho'Gath,Dr.Mundo,Evelynn,Fiddlesticks,Galio, Gankplank,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Irelia, Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kenne n,Kog'Maw,Lee sin, Leona,Lux,Malphite,Mai,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne ,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Ru mble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Shyvana,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Son a,Soraka,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndramere, Twisted Fate,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean


-Longhorn Alistar
-Pharaoh Amumu
-Loch Ness Cho'Gath
-Totemic Mai
-Waterloo Miss Fortune
-Legendary Nunu bot skin
-Bloodfury Renekton
-Yellow Jacket Shen
-Shyvana all skins (Champion skin bundle)
-Lumberjack Sion
-Muse Sona
-Bloodstone Taric
-Highland Tryndramere
-Tundra Hunter Warwick
-Shurima Desert Zilean

- Normal Wins: ~1100
- Season 1 Elo: 1384
- Season 2 Elo: 1900

- Infulence Points: 2564
- Riot Points: 442 ( I won 2516 Riot Points on ESL but i haven't got the prize. So i will get in 2-3 weeks.)

- 4 runepages

Marks Runes:

-Tier 2:
9x crit dmg, 9x health, 1x manareg

-Tier 3:
9x Attack speed, 9x Magic Pen. 9x crit chace, 9x mana reg/5, 9x armor and 9x physical dmg

Seals Runes:

-Tier 2:
8x Health

-Tier 3:
3x gold/sec, 9x mana reg / 5 at lvl18, 3x Coldoown,1x health, 9x Critical Chance, 9x Ability power, 9x armor, 9x Physical dmg, 7x Attack speed,


-Tier 2:
9x health, 3x Ability power

-Tier 3:
9x Attack speed, 9x Mana reg / 5 at lvl18, 9x Cooldown, 5x Health, 6x mana, 6x Ability Power, 1x Magic resist at lvl18, 1x Attack dmg, 9x Magic Resist

-Tier 3:
3x Health, 3x Armor pen, 3x Gold per 10, 3x Cooldown, 3x Crit Chance, 3x Ability Power, 3x Physical dmg, 3x Movement speed

It's about 200 euro.

Payment: Paypal

Contact: PM or Skype: balu3666