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  1. #1
    Jorndel's Avatar
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    VB.Net | C# | C++ {Post your Codes/Snippets}

    Post your cods/snippets used for Modern Warfare 3

    How to keep this clean:
    First mark your thread with the language used. (Also name the title like: VB.Net - Write to Memory)
    Put the code in the: [code ] *Put code here* [/code ] (Without the space)

    Other post will be DELETED

    Contributor 01.27.2012 - N/A
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  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Jorndel For This Useful Post:

    distiny (03-03-2012),Geometrical (12-13-2012),Silent (06-23-2015),Skinksteek (11-07-2012)

  3. #2
    aIW|Convery's Avatar
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    C++, Getting the entry point.

    I suppose I can contribute with some basic memory editing..

    Some people wondered why programs like cheat engine gives you an address like 'iw5mp.exe + 0x22311' instead of the direct address and also how one would add the 'iw5mp.exe' part in code..

    Function for the example:
    BYTE* GetEntryPoint(DWORD MW3_PID)
    	MODULEENTRY32 iw5mp;
    	BYTE* ModuleBase = NULL;
    	HANDLE hSnapShot = NULL;
    	if(MW3_PID == 0) return 0; 
    	iw5mp.dwSize = sizeof(iw5mp);
    	hSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, MW3_PID);
    	ModuleBase = iw5mp.modBaseAddr;
    	return ModuleBase;
    MW3 example:
    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <tlhelp32.h> 
    #include <process.h>
    BYTE* GetEntryPoint(DWORD MW3_PID);
    void Do_stuff(void*);
    int main()
    	while(!(MW3_HWND = FindWindow(NULL,"Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 Multiplayer")))
    	while(!(MW3_HANDLE = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false,MW3_PID)))
    	_beginthread(Do_stuff, 0, 0);
    	while(MW3_HWND = FindWindow(NULL,"Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 Multiplayer"))
        return 0;
    void Do_stuff(void*)
    	// Let's use DWORDs for the sake of clarity..
    	DWORD Base = (DWORD)GetEntryPoint(MW3_PID);
    	DWORD Address = Base + 0x22311; // iw5mp.exe + 0x22311
    	BYTE temp = 0;
    		// Wait for input..
    		// Then do whatever you want to the address..
    		WriteProcessMemory(MW3_HANDLE, (PVOID)Address, &temp, 1, NULL);
    Note From @master131
    Just a note @aIW|Convery, using 'Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 Multiplayer' can cause some problems with people who have the ® symbol appear as a question mark. The foolproof method would be to use the window's class name which is 'IW5'.

    eg. FindWindow("IW5", NULL);
    Last edited by Jorndel; 03-03-2012 at 02:37 AM. Reason: Fixed?

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to aIW|Convery For This Useful Post:

    Anonymous.. (03-15-2012),Eidolon (03-06-2012)

  5. #3
    master131's Avatar
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    Here is a little compilation of code snippets from @cardoow, you can find some updated addies at the bottom of this post.

    World2Radar: (offsets for 1.4.382, just a note that 0x8FF100 refers to CG_T, CRadarHud struct can be found under 'Engine Radar Overlay').
    Quote Originally Posted by cardoow
    For my external radar i totally reversed the fullmap radar, so im sharing it because
    it might be usefull for some of you.

    CRadarVecs * GetRadarInfo(CRadarHud * radarhud, CRadarSize radarSize)
    	float v15, v19;
    	CRadarVecs * radarvecs;
    	float v14 = radarhud->w / radarhud->h;
    	float v25 = *(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487708) / *(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487712);
    	float v22 = radarSize.VecA + radarhud->x;
    	float v23 = radarSize.Vecb + radarhud->y;
    	float v13 = v25;
    	float v12 = v14;
    	if ( v14 >= v25 )
    		float v27 = (v13 / v12) * radarhud->w;
    		float v17 = (radarhud->w * 0.5) + v22;
    		radarvecs->w = v17 - (0.5 * v27);
    		radarvecs->h = v23;
    		radarvecs->x = v27;
    		v15 = radarhud->h;		
    		float v16 = (radarhud->h * 0.5) + v23;
    		float v26 = (v12 / v13) * radarhud->h;
    		radarvecs->w = v22;		
    		radarvecs->h = v16 - (0.5 * v26);
    		radarvecs->x = radarhud->w;
    		v15 = v26;
    	radarvecs->y = v15;
    	float v28 = *(float *)(*(DWORD*)(0x8F16D0) + 0xC);
    	float v18 = radarvecs->x * 0.25;
            if ( v28 <= v18 )
    		v19 = v28;
    		v19 = v18;
            float v20 = 0.25 * radarvecs->y;
            if ( v20 < v19 )
    		v19 = v20;
    	radarvecs->w = radarvecs->w + v19;
    	radarvecs->h = radarvecs->h + v19;
    	float v21 = v19 + v19;
    	radarvecs->x = radarvecs->x - v21;
    	radarvecs->y = radarvecs->y - v21;
    	return radarvecs;
    float * GetRadarPos(CRadarVecs * radarvecs, Vec3 vTarget)
    	Vec3 vOrigin;
    	float pos[2];
            vOrigin[0] = vTarget[0] - *(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487700);
            vOrigin[1] = vTarget[1] - *(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487704);
            float v18 = (*(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487692) * vOrigin[0]) - (*(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487688) * vOrigin[1]);
            float v19 = (vOrigin[1] * -*(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487692)) - (vOrigin[0] * *(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487688));
    	float v20 = (v18 / *(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487708)) - 0.5;
            float v21 = (v19 / *(float *)(0x8FF100 + (DWORD)487712)) - 0.5;
    	pos[0] = radarvecs->x * v20;	
    	pos[1] = radarvecs->y * v21;	
    	return pos;
    void ShowRadarPos(CRadarHud * radarhud, CRadarSize radarSize, Vec3 vTarget, int Shader)
    	float * fPos;
    	CRadarVecs * radarvecs = GetRadarInfo(radarhud, radarSize);
    	fPos = GetRadarPos(radarvecs, vTarget);	
    	float v20 = radarhud->x + (radarhud->w * 0.5f) + fPos[0];
    	float v10 = radarhud->y + (radarhud->h * 0.5f) + fPos[1];
    	DrawPic(v20, v10, 20, 20, cWhite, Shader);
    example code on how to use it
    DrawStretchPic(radarhud.x, radarhud.y, radarhud.w, radarhud.h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, cWhite, *(DWORD*)0x976210);
    for(int i=0; i<1024; i++)
    	CEntity * pEnt = GetEntityByIndex(i);
    	if(!(pEnt->isAlive & 1))
    	if(pEnt->eType == ET_MISSILE)
    		char * szShader = GetWeaponShader(pEnt->WeaponNum);
    			ShowRadarPos(&radarhud, radarsize, pEnt->vOrigin, RegisterShader(szShader, 7));
    ************************************************** **********

    Engine Radar Overlay: (offsets for 1.4.368 I think)
    Quote Originally Posted by cardoow
    Cypher Presents showed a method on how to draw your own radar

    class CRadarHud
        float x; //0x0000
        float y; //0x0004
        float w; //0x0008
        float h; //0x000C
        char _0x0010[12];
    CRadarHud radarhud;
    radarhud.x = x;
    radarhud.y = y;
    radarhud.w = w;
    radarhud.h = h;
    DrawEngineRadar( 0 , 0 , 0 , &radarhud, &whiteshader, color);
    Well what he did was recreating the overlay by using drawrotatedpic
    and i thought by myself this could be done easier. So here it is.

    typedef void (__cdecl* DrawEngineRadar_ )( int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* radar, int shader, Vec4 color );
    DrawEngineRadar_ DrawEngineRadar = ( DrawEngineRadar_ )0x4DE9C0;
    typedef void (__cdecl* OverlayPackage_ )( int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* radar, int shader, Vec4 color );
    OverlayPackage_ OverlayPackage = ( OverlayPackage_ )0x4450A0;
    typedef void (*OverlayEnemy_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Vec4 col);
    OverlayEnemy_ OverlayEnemy = (OverlayEnemy_)0x47F690;
    typedef void (*OverlayFriendly_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Vec4 col);
    OverlayFriendly_ OverlayFriendly = (OverlayFriendly_)0x508B40;
    typedef void (*OverlayTurret_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Vec4 col);
    OverlayTurret_ OverlayTurret = (OverlayTurret_)0x4A5270;
    typedef void (*OverlayHeli_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Vec4 col);
    OverlayHeli_ OverlayHeli = (OverlayHeli_)0x459130;
    typedef void (*OverlayLocal_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Vec4 col);
    OverlayLocal_ OverlayLocal = (OverlayLocal_)0x417570;
    typedef void (*OverlayPlane_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Vec4 col);
    OverlayPlane_ OverlayPlane = (OverlayPlane_)0x4906C0;
    DrawEngineRadar(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, Register.White, cWhite);
    OverlayPackage(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, Register.White, cWhite);	
    OverlayEnemy(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, cWhite);
    OverlayFriendly(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, cWhite);	
    OverlayLocal(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, cWhite);
    OverlayHeli(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, cWhite);
    OverlayPlane(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, cWhite);
    OverlayTurret(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, cWhite);

    King Orgy aka heimwerker
    ************************************************** **********

    Thermal Overlay: (this is for 1.4.368 I think)
    Quote Originally Posted by cardoow
    make sure a1 is true then you will have thermal overlay at all time.
    int __cdecl sub_426F80(char a1, int a2)
      int result; // eax@1
      byte_5F8FFC0 = a1;
      result = a2;
      if ( a2 )
        dword_5F8FFC4 = a2;
        dword_5F8FFC4 = dword_5F8F6E0;//glow
      return result;

    ************************************************** **********

    Advanced UAV: (this is for 1.4.368 I think)
    Quote Originally Posted by cardoow
    Well since the radar is drawn locally you can manipulate it like a boss, saw people draw their own radar + use rotatedpic, but i personally like to use the engine to achieve my wishes. So since its almost christmas i have some Advanced UAV code for you guys.

    this function does it all
    void __cdecl sub_47F690(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5)
    it loops trough a struct of 18 big, as far as i know its not clientinfo or entity, feel free to reverse it
    v7 = (char *)&unk_8F2938 + 3640 * a1;
        v52 = 18;
          v7 += 140; //see here the struct size = 0x8C = 140 dec
        while ( v52-- != 1 );
    now we're heading to some more important stuff
    at the bottom of the function we see a call to drawrotatedpic
    sub_40D420(v51, v55, v56, v48, v47, *(_BYTE *)(a4 + 16), *(_BYTE *)(a4 + 17), v44, (int)&v58, v31);
    and we see that v31 holds the shader.

    if we scroll up a bit we see this piece of code
    if ( dword_8FF284 || v10 ) // 0x8FF080 is cg_t, means cg_t + 0x204 holds the advanced uav value
        if ( !v45 || !dword_A041F8 || (v31 = dword_A041F8, sub_4F5920(dword_A041F8)) )
        v31 = dword_A04184; // here v31 will hold compassping_enemyfacingdirection
    so we now know where to toggle the advanced uav, but now we only see the shaders when people shoot. We want those shaders at all time.
    Now if we take a look at the top of the function we will find this
    if ( v7[56] & 1 )//guess here they check for isalive
            v8 = *((_DWORD *)v7 + 16);
            v10 = (unsigned __int16)((_WORD)v8 >> 16);
            v9 = (*((_DWORD *)v7 + 16) >> 17) & 1;
            if ( v43 || v9 || (_WORD)v8 >> 16 || (unsigned __int16)(v8 & 0x8000) ) 
              //we need to make sure this if is true
              //we can do hard stuff with shifts or bitwise ands, or just take the easy way and pick v43
              v12 = dword_96A1DC;
              v11 = 1;
              if ( *(_DWORD *)v7 > LODWORD(dword_96A1DC) )
                *(_DWORD *)v7 = 0;
              if ( *(_DWORD *)v7 < LODWORD(v12) - 500 )
                goto LABEL_71;
              v11 = 0;
    if we look something above that code we will find this
    v43 = *(_BYTE *)(dword_1C2C39C + 12);
    hey! that looks like a cvar! + 0xC is the value, hmm lets make it have a value! (this is g_compassShowEnemies)

    void AdvancedUAV()
    	cg_t->uav = 1;	//the 0x8FF284 we found before in cg_t
    	*(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(0x1C2C39C) + 0xC) = 1;	// the cvar		
    call this every frame and you will have advanced uav at all time, have fun!

    void __cdecl sub_47F690(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5)
      int *v5; // edi@1
      int v6; // eax@1
      char *v7; // edi@4
      int v8; // eax@6
      int v9; // ebx@6
      int v10; // ebp@6
      signed int v11; // esi@10
      float v12; // eax@11
      int v13; // ecx@14
      double v14; // st6@14
      char v15; // dl@16
      char v16; // al@19
      int v17; // ecx@20
      double v18; // st7@20
      int v19; // eax@31
      double v20; // st7@33
      int v21; // eax@35
      double v22; // st7@36
      double v23; // st7@40
      double v24; // st7@43
      float v25; // ST3C_4@44
      float v26; // ST3C_4@45
      double v27; // st7@46
      float v28; // ST3C_4@47
      float v29; // ST3C_4@48
      float v30; // ST24_4@49
      int v31; // esi@54
      int v32; // edx@70
      int v33; // eax@70
      int v35; // [sp+4h] [bp-94h]@27
      int *v36; // [sp+8h] [bp-90h]@27
      float *v37; // [sp+Ch] [bp-8Ch]@27
      float *v38; // [sp+10h] [bp-88h]@27
      float *v39; // [sp+14h] [bp-84h]@27
      int v40; // [sp+18h] [bp-80h]@27
      int v41; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-7Ch]@27
      float *v42; // [sp+20h] [bp-78h]@27
      char v43; // [sp+37h] [bp-61h]@4
      float v44; // [sp+38h] [bp-60h]@50
      int v45; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-5Ch]@1
      float v46; // [sp+40h] [bp-58h]@1
      float v47; // [sp+44h] [bp-54h]@31
      float v48; // [sp+48h] [bp-50h]@31
      float v49; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-4Ch]@14
      signed int v50; // [sp+50h] [bp-48h]@14
      int v51; // [sp+54h] [bp-44h]@4
      int v52; // [sp+58h] [bp-40h]@4
      float v53; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-3Ch]@4
      float v54; // [sp+60h] [bp-38h]@4
      float v55; // [sp+64h] [bp-34h]@27
      float v56; // [sp+68h] [bp-30h]@31
      float v57; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-2Ch]@1
      int v58; // [sp+74h] [bp-24h]@4
      float v59; // [sp+78h] [bp-20h]@4
      float v60; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-1Ch]@4
      float v61; // [sp+80h] [bp-18h]@4
      float v62; // [sp+84h] [bp-14h]@4
      float v63; // [sp+88h] [bp-10h]@4
      float v64; // [sp+8Ch] [bp-Ch]@4
      float v65; // [sp+90h] [bp-8h]@4
      v6 = sub_4B9000();
      v45 = (unsigned __int8)sub_534780(v6);
      v5 = &dword_9FC6C8[344 * dword_8FF1D0];
      sub_469FE0((int)&dword_8FF080, COERCE_FLOAT(&v57));
      v46 = sub_4134A0(a1, dword_9761A4, a2);
      if ( 0.0 != v46 && *v5 && v5[7] != 3 )
        sub_4568C0((char)v5, a2, (int)&dword_8FF080, a3, a4, (int)&v62, (int)&v63, (int)&v64, (int)&v65);
        v53 = v64 * 0.5 + v62;
        v54 = 0.5 * v65 + v63;
        *(float *)&v58 = *(float *)a5;
        v59 = *(float *)(a5 + 4);
        v60 = *(float *)(a5 + 8);
        v61 = *(float *)(a5 + 12);
        v51 = (int)sub_519480();
        v43 = *(_BYTE *)(dword_1C2C39C + 12);
        v7 = (char *)&unk_8F2938 + 3640 * a1;
        v52 = 18;
          if ( v7[56] & 1 )
            v8 = *((_DWORD *)v7 + 16);
            v10 = (unsigned __int16)((_WORD)v8 >> 16);
            v9 = (*((_DWORD *)v7 + 16) >> 17) & 1;
            if ( v43 || v9 || (_WORD)v8 >> 16 || (unsigned __int16)(v8 & 0x8000) )
              v12 = dword_96A1DC;
              v11 = 1;
              if ( *(_DWORD *)v7 > LODWORD(dword_96A1DC) )
                *(_DWORD *)v7 = 0;
              if ( *(_DWORD *)v7 < LODWORD(v12) - 500 )
                goto LABEL_71;
              v11 = 0;
            v13 = *((_DWORD *)v7 + 11);
            LODWORD(v49) = *((_DWORD *)v7 + 11);
            *(float *)&v50 = (double)SLODWORD(dword_96A1DC);
            v14 = *(float *)&v50;
            v15 = *(float *)(dword_8F15D4 + 12) * 1000.0 + (double)SLODWORD(v49) > *(float *)&v50 && v13;
            if ( v11 )
              v16 = 1;
              v17 = *((_DWORD *)v7 + 12);
              v18 = 1000.0 * *(float *)(dword_8F1598 + 12);
              v50 = *((_DWORD *)v7 + 12);
              v16 = v14 < v18 + (double)v50 && v17;
            if ( v15 || v16 )
              if ( v11 )
                v42 = &v55;
                v41 = 0;
                v40 = (int)(v7 + 4);
                v39 = &flt_96A218;
                v38 = &v57;
                v37 = &v62;
                v36 = &dword_8FF080;
                v35 = a2;
                v42 = &v55;
                v41 = 0;
                v40 = (int)(v7 + 16);
                v39 = &flt_96A218;
                v38 = &v57;
                v37 = &v62;
                v36 = &dword_8FF080;
                v35 = a2;
              if ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_4F6860(v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42) || *(_BYTE *)(dword_8F15E4 + 12) )
                sub_4D4A40(a2, &v48, &v47);
                v19 = *((_DWORD *)v7 + 12);
                v55 = v53 - v48 * 0.5 + v55;
                v56 = v54 - 0.5 * v47 + v56;
                if ( v19 >= LODWORD(dword_96A1DC) || v11 )
                  v20 = 1.0;
                  v50 = LODWORD(dword_96A1DC) - v19;
                  v20 = 1.0 - (double)(LODWORD(dword_96A1DC) - v19) / (*(float *)(dword_8F1598 + 12) * 1000.0);
                v21 = *((_DWORD *)v7 + 11);
                v49 = v20;
                if ( v21 < LODWORD(dword_96A1DC) )
                  v50 = LODWORD(dword_96A1DC) - v21;
                  v22 = 1.0 - (double)(LODWORD(dword_96A1DC) - v21) / (*(float *)(dword_8F15D4 + 12) * 1000.0);
                  v22 = 1.0;
                *(float *)&v50 = v22;
                if ( dword_8FF284 || v10 )
                  if ( a2 || !*(_BYTE *)(dword_8F15F4 + 12) )
                    v27 = flt_976184;
                    if ( v11 )
                      v28 = v27 - *((float *)v7 + 9);
                      v23 = v28;
                      v29 = v27 - *((float *)v7 + 7);
                      v23 = v29;
                    v24 = flt_96ED30;
                    if ( v11 )
                      v25 = v24 - *((float *)v7 + 9);
                      v23 = v25;
                      v26 = v24 - *((float *)v7 + 7);
                      v23 = v26;
                  v30 = v23;
                  v23 = 0.0;
                v44 = v23;
                if ( v9 )
                  v44 = 0.0;
                  if ( v45 && dword_A0423C && !sub_4F5920(dword_A0423C) )
                    v31 = dword_A0423C;
                    v31 = dword_A041C8;
                  if ( dword_8FF284 || v10 )
                    if ( !v45 || !dword_A041F8 || (v31 = dword_A041F8, sub_4F5920(dword_A041F8)) )
                      v31 = dword_A04184;
                    v44 = 0.0;
                    if ( v45 && dword_A041F4 && !sub_4F5920(dword_A041F4) )
                      v31 = dword_A041F4;
                      v31 = dword_A04180;
                if ( v49 >= 0.0 )
                  v61 = v49 * v46;
                  sub_40D420(v51, v55, v56, v48, v47, *(_BYTE *)(a4 + 16), *(_BYTE *)(a4 + 17), v44, (int)&v58, v31);
                if ( *(float *)&v50 >= 0.0 )
                  v32 = *(_BYTE *)(a4 + 17);
                  v33 = *(_BYTE *)(a4 + 16);
                  v61 = *(float *)&v50 * v46;
                  sub_40D420(v51, v55, v56, v48, v47, v33, v32, v44, (int)&v58, v31);
          v7 += 140;
        while ( v52-- != 1 );

    0047F690   $ 83EC 64        SUB ESP,64
    0047F693   . 53             PUSH EBX
    0047F694   . 56             PUSH ESI
    0047F695   . 8B7424 70      MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+70]
    0047F699   . 57             PUSH EDI
    0047F69A   . 56             PUSH ESI
    0047F69B   . E8 60990300    CALL iw5mp.004B9000
    0047F6A0   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047F6A1   . E8 DA500B00    CALL iw5mp.00534780
    0047F6A6   . 8B3D D0F18F00  MOV EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[8FF1D0]
    0047F6AC   . 69FF 60050000  IMUL EDI,EDI,560
    0047F6B2   . 8D4C24 4C      LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4C]
    0047F6B6   . 0FB6C0         MOVZX EAX,AL
    0047F6B9   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F6BA   . 68 80F08F00    PUSH iw5mp.008FF080
    0047F6BF   . 894424 24      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+24],EAX
    0047F6C3   . 81C7 C8C69F00  ADD EDI,iw5mp.009FC6C8
    0047F6C9   . E8 12A9FEFF    CALL iw5mp.00469FE0
    0047F6CE   . 8B9C24 8800000>MOV EBX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+88]
    0047F6D5   . 8B15 A4619700  MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[9761A4]
    0047F6DB   . 53             PUSH EBX
    0047F6DC   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047F6DD   . 56             PUSH ESI
    0047F6DE   . E8 BD3DF9FF    CALL iw5mp.004134A0
    0047F6E3   . D95C24 34      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+34]
    0047F6E7   . 83C4 1C        ADD ESP,1C
    0047F6EA   . D9EE           FLDZ
    0047F6EC   . D85C24 18      FCOMP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047F6F0   . DFE0           FSTSW AX
    0047F6F2   . F6C4 44        TEST AH,44
    0047F6F5   . 0F8B C8040000  JPO iw5mp.0047FBC3
    0047F6FB   . 833F 00        CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EDI],0
    0047F6FE   . 0F84 BF040000  JE iw5mp.0047FBC3
    0047F704   . 837F 1C 03     CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+1C],3
    0047F708   . 0F84 B5040000  JE iw5mp.0047FBC3
    0047F70E   . 55             PUSH EBP
    0047F70F   . 8D4424 6C      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+6C]
    0047F713   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047F714   . 8D4C24 6C      LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+6C]
    0047F718   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F719   . 8B8C24 8C00000>MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8C]
    0047F720   . 8D5424 6C      LEA EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+6C]
    0047F724   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047F725   . 8B9424 8C00000>MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8C]
    0047F72C   . 8D4424 6C      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+6C]
    0047F730   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047F731   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F732   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047F733   . 68 80F08F00    PUSH iw5mp.008FF080
    0047F738   . 53             PUSH EBX
    0047F739   . E8 8271FDFF    CALL iw5mp.004568C0
    0047F73E   . D98424 8800000>FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+88]
    0047F745   . DD05 E8B78000  FLD QWORD PTR DS:[80B7E8]
    0047F74B   . 8B8424 A800000>MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+A8]
    0047F752   . DCC9           FMUL ST(1),ST
    0047F754   . 56             PUSH ESI
    0047F755   . D98424 8400000>FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+84]
    0047F75C   . DEC2           FADDP ST(2),ST
    0047F75E   . D9C9           FXCH ST(1)
    0047F760   . D95C24 5C      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+5C]
    0047F764   . D88C24 9000000>FMUL DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+90]
    0047F76B   . D88424 8800000>FADD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+88]
    0047F772   . D95C24 60      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+60]
    0047F776   . D900           FLD DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
    0047F778   . D95C24 74      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+74]
    0047F77C   . D940 04        FLD DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+4]
    0047F77F   . D95C24 78      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+78]
    0047F783   . D940 08        FLD DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8]
    0047F786   . D95C24 7C      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+7C]
    0047F78A   . D940 0C        FLD DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C]
    0047F78D   . D99C24 8000000>FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+80]
    0047F794   . E8 E79C0900    CALL iw5mp.00519480
    0047F799   . 69F6 380E0000  IMUL ESI,ESI,0E38
    0047F79F   . 894424 54      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+54],EAX
    0047F7A3   . A1 9CC3C201    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[1C2C39C]
    0047F7A8   . 8A48 0C        MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+C]
    0047F7AB   . 83C4 24        ADD ESP,24
    0047F7AE   . 81C6 38298F00  ADD ESI,iw5mp.008F2938
    0047F7B4   . 884C24 13      MOV BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+13],CL
    0047F7B8   . 8BFE           MOV EDI,ESI
    0047F7BA   . C74424 34 1200>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+34],12
    0047F7C2   . EB 0C          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F7D0
    0047F7C4   . 8DA424 0000000>LEA ESP,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
    0047F7CB   . EB 03          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F7D0
    0047F7CD     8D49 00        LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]
    0047F7D0   > F647 38 01     TEST BYTE PTR DS:[EDI+38],1
    0047F7D4   . DD05 201B7F00  FLD QWORD PTR DS:[7F1B20]
    0047F7DA   . 0F84 CF030000  JE iw5mp.0047FBAF
    0047F7E0   . 8B47 40        MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+40]
    0047F7E3   . 8BE8           MOV EBP,EAX
    0047F7E5   . 8BD8           MOV EBX,EAX
    0047F7E7   . C1ED 10        SHR EBP,10
    0047F7EA   . C1EB 11        SHR EBX,11
    0047F7ED   . 83E5 01        AND EBP,1
    0047F7F0   . 83E3 01        AND EBX,1
    0047F7F3   . 807C24 13 00   CMP BYTE PTR SS:[ESP+13],0
    0047F7F8   . 75 13          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F80D
    0047F7FA   . 85DB           TEST EBX,EBX
    0047F7FC   . 75 0F          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F80D
    0047F7FE   . 85ED           TEST EBP,EBP
    0047F800   . 75 0B          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F80D
    0047F802   . A9 00800000    TEST EAX,8000
    0047F807   . 75 04          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F80D
    0047F809   . 33F6           XOR ESI,ESI
    0047F80B   . EB 21          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F82E
    0047F80D   > A1 DCA19600    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[96A1DC]
    0047F812   . 3907           CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EDI],EAX
    0047F814   . BE 01000000    MOV ESI,1
    0047F819   . 7E 06          JLE SHORT iw5mp.0047F821
    0047F81B   . C707 00000000  MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI],0
    0047F821   > 05 0CFEFFFF    ADD EAX,-1F4
    0047F826   . 3907           CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EDI],EAX
    0047F828   . 0F8C 81030000  JL iw5mp.0047FBAF
    0047F82E   > DB05 DCA19600  FILD DWORD PTR DS:[96A1DC]
    0047F834   . 8B15 D4158F00  MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[8F15D4]
    0047F83A   . 8B4F 2C        MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+2C]
    0047F83D   . 894C24 28      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+28],ECX
    0047F841   . D95C24 2C      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C]
    0047F845   . D94424 2C      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C]
    0047F849   . D942 0C        FLD DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+C]
    0047F84C   . D8CA           FMUL ST,ST(2)
    0047F84E   . DA4424 28      FIADD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+28]
    0047F852   . D8D9           FCOMP ST(1)
    0047F854   . DFE0           FSTSW AX
    0047F856   . F6C4 41        TEST AH,41
    0047F859   . 75 08          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F863
    0047F85B   . 85C9           TEST ECX,ECX
    0047F85D   . 74 04          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047F863
    0047F85F   . B2 01          MOV DL,1
    0047F861   . EB 02          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F865
    0047F863   > 32D2           XOR DL,DL
    0047F865   > 85F6           TEST ESI,ESI
    0047F867   . 74 08          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047F871
    0047F869   . DDD8           FSTP ST
    0047F86B   . B0 01          MOV AL,1
    0047F86D   . DDD8           FSTP ST
    0047F86F   . EB 2A          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F89B
    0047F871   > A1 98158F00    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[8F1598]
    0047F876   . 8B4F 30        MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+30]
    0047F879   . D940 0C        FLD DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C]
    0047F87C   . DECA           FMULP ST(2),ST
    0047F87E   . 894C24 2C      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C],ECX
    0047F882   . DB4424 2C      FILD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C]
    0047F886   . DEC2           FADDP ST(2),ST
    0047F888   . DED9           FCOMPP
    0047F88A   . DFE0           FSTSW AX
    0047F88C   . F6C4 05        TEST AH,5
    0047F88F   . 7A 08          JPE SHORT iw5mp.0047F899
    0047F891   . 85C9           TEST ECX,ECX
    0047F893   . 74 04          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047F899
    0047F895   . B0 01          MOV AL,1
    0047F897   . EB 02          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F89B
    0047F899   > 32C0           XOR AL,AL
    0047F89B   > 84D2           TEST DL,DL
    0047F89D   . 75 08          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F8A7
    0047F89F   . 84C0           TEST AL,AL
    0047F8A1   . 0F84 0A030000  JE iw5mp.0047FBB1
    0047F8A7   > 85F6           TEST ESI,ESI
    0047F8A9   . 74 29          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047F8D4
    0047F8AB   . 8D4C24 40      LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+40]
    0047F8AF   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F8B0   . 6A 00          PUSH 0
    0047F8B2   . 8D57 04        LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+4]
    0047F8B5   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047F8B6   . 8B9424 8800000>MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+88]
    0047F8BD   . 68 18A29600    PUSH iw5mp.0096A218
    0047F8C2   . 8D4424 58      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+58]
    0047F8C6   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047F8C7   . 8D4C24 74      LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+74]
    0047F8CB   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F8CC   . 68 80F08F00    PUSH iw5mp.008FF080
    0047F8D1   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047F8D2   . EB 27          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F8FB
    0047F8D4   > 8D4424 40      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+40]
    0047F8D8   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047F8D9   . 6A 00          PUSH 0
    0047F8DB   . 8D4F 10        LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+10]
    0047F8DE   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F8DF   . 8B8C24 8800000>MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+88]
    0047F8E6   . 68 18A29600    PUSH iw5mp.0096A218
    0047F8EB   . 8D5424 58      LEA EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+58]
    0047F8EF   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047F8F0   . 8D4424 74      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+74]
    0047F8F4   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047F8F5   . 68 80F08F00    PUSH iw5mp.008FF080
    0047F8FA   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F8FB   > E8 606F0700    CALL iw5mp.004F6860
    0047F900   . 83C4 20        ADD ESP,20
    0047F903   . 84C0           TEST AL,AL
    0047F905   . 74 10          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047F917
    0047F907   . 8B15 E4158F00  MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[8F15E4]
    0047F90D   . 807A 0C 00     CMP BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+C],0
    0047F911   . 0F84 9A020000  JE iw5mp.0047FBB1
    0047F917   > 8B5424 7C      MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+7C]
    0047F91B   . 8D4424 20      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+20]
    0047F91F   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047F920   . 8D4C24 28      LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+28]
    0047F924   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F925   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047F926   . E8 15510500    CALL iw5mp.004D4A40
    0047F92B   . D94424 30      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+30]
    0047F92F   . DD05 E8B78000  FLD QWORD PTR DS:[80B7E8]
    0047F935   . 8B47 30        MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+30]
    0047F938   . DCC9           FMUL ST(1),ST
    0047F93A   . 8B0D DCA19600  MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[96A1DC]
    0047F940   . D9C9           FXCH ST(1)
    0047F942   . 83C4 0C        ADD ESP,0C
    0047F945   . 3BC1           CMP EAX,ECX
    0047F947   . D86C24 38      FSUBR DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+38]
    0047F94B   . D84424 40      FADD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+40]
    0047F94F   . D95C24 40      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+40]
    0047F953   . D94424 20      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+20]
    0047F957   . DEC9           FMULP ST(1),ST
    0047F959   . D86C24 3C      FSUBR DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+3C]
    0047F95D   . D84424 44      FADD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+44]
    0047F961   . D95C24 44      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+44]
    0047F965   . 7D 26          JGE SHORT iw5mp.0047F98D
    0047F967   . 85F6           TEST ESI,ESI
    0047F969   . 75 22          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F98D
    0047F96B   . 8BD1           MOV EDX,ECX
    0047F96D   . 2BD0           SUB EDX,EAX
    0047F96F   . A1 98158F00    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[8F1598]
    0047F974   . 895424 2C      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C],EDX
    0047F978   . DB4424 2C      FILD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C]
    0047F97C   . D940 0C        FLD DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C]
    0047F97F   . DC0D 201B7F00  FMUL QWORD PTR DS:[7F1B20]
    0047F985   . DEF9           FDIVP ST(1),ST
    0047F987   . D9E8           FLD1
    0047F989   . DEE1           FSUBRP ST(1),ST
    0047F98B   . EB 02          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F98F
    0047F98D   > D9E8           FLD1
    0047F98F   > 8B47 2C        MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+2C]
    0047F992   . D95C24 28      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+28]
    0047F996   . 3BC1           CMP EAX,ECX
    0047F998   . 7C 04          JL SHORT iw5mp.0047F99E
    0047F99A   . D9E8           FLD1
    0047F99C   . EB 1F          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047F9BD
    0047F99E   > 2BC8           SUB ECX,EAX
    0047F9A0   . 894C24 2C      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C],ECX
    0047F9A4   . DB4424 2C      FILD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C]
    0047F9A8   . 8B0D D4158F00  MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[8F15D4]
    0047F9AE   . D941 0C        FLD DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+C]
    0047F9B1   . DC0D 201B7F00  FMUL QWORD PTR DS:[7F1B20]
    0047F9B7   . DEF9           FDIVP ST(1),ST
    0047F9B9   . D9E8           FLD1
    0047F9BB   . DEE1           FSUBRP ST(1),ST
    0047F9BD   > 833D 84F28F00 >CMP DWORD PTR DS:[8FF284],0
    0047F9C4   . D95C24 2C      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C]
    0047F9C8   . 75 08          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F9D2
    0047F9CA   . 85ED           TEST EBP,EBP
    0047F9CC   . 75 04          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047F9D2
    0047F9CE   . D9EE           FLDZ
    0047F9D0   . EB 66          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FA38
    0047F9D2   > 837C24 7C 00   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+7C],0
    0047F9D7   . 75 31          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047FA0A
    0047F9D9   . 8B15 F4158F00  MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[8F15F4]
    0047F9DF   . 807A 0C 00     CMP BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+C],0
    0047F9E3   . 74 25          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FA0A
    0047F9E5   . D905 30ED9600  FLD DWORD PTR DS:[96ED30]
    0047F9EB   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047F9EC   . 85F6           TEST ESI,ESI
    0047F9EE   . 74 0D          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047F9FD
    0047F9F0   . D867 24        FSUB DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+24]
    0047F9F3   . D95C24 18      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047F9F7   . D94424 18      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047F9FB   . EB 30          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FA2D
    0047F9FD   > D867 1C        FSUB DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+1C]
    0047FA00   . D95C24 18      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047FA04   . D94424 18      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047FA08   . EB 23          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FA2D
    0047FA0A   > D905 84619700  FLD DWORD PTR DS:[976184]
    0047FA10   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047FA11   . 85F6           TEST ESI,ESI
    0047FA13   . 74 0D          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FA22
    0047FA15   . D867 24        FSUB DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+24]
    0047FA18   . D95C24 18      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047FA1C   . D94424 18      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047FA20   . EB 0B          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FA2D
    0047FA22   > D867 1C        FSUB DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+1C]
    0047FA25   . D95C24 18      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047FA29   . D94424 18      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
    0047FA2D   > D91C24         FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
    0047FA30   . E8 6B620A00    CALL iw5mp.00525CA0
    0047FA35   . 83C4 04        ADD ESP,4
    0047FA38   > D95C24 14      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14]
    0047FA3C   . 85DB           TEST EBX,EBX
    0047FA3E   . 74 33          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FA73
    0047FA40   . 837C24 18 00   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18],0
    0047FA45   . D9EE           FLDZ
    0047FA47   . D95C24 14      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14]
    0047FA4B   . 74 1E          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FA6B
    0047FA4D   . A1 3C42A000    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[A0423C]
    0047FA52   . 85C0           TEST EAX,EAX
    0047FA54   . 74 15          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FA6B
    0047FA56   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047FA57   . E8 C45E0700    CALL iw5mp.004F5920
    0047FA5C   . 83C4 04        ADD ESP,4
    0047FA5F   . 84C0           TEST AL,AL
    0047FA61   . 75 08          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047FA6B
    0047FA63   . 8B35 3C42A000  MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[A0423C]
    0047FA69   . EB 70          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FADB
    0047FA6B   > 8B35 C841A000  MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[A041C8]
    0047FA71   . EB 68          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FADB
    0047FA73   > 833D 84F28F00 >CMP DWORD PTR DS:[8FF284],0
    0047FA7A   . 75 36          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047FAB2
    0047FA7C   . 85ED           TEST EBP,EBP
    0047FA7E   . 75 32          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047FAB2
    0047FA80   . D9EE           FLDZ
    0047FA82   . D95C24 14      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14]
    0047FA86   . 396C24 18      CMP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18],EBP
    0047FA8A   . 74 1E          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FAAA
    0047FA8C   . A1 F441A000    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[A041F4]
    0047FA91   . 85C0           TEST EAX,EAX
    0047FA93   . 74 15          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FAAA
    0047FA95   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047FA96   . E8 855E0700    CALL iw5mp.004F5920
    0047FA9B   . 83C4 04        ADD ESP,4
    0047FA9E   . 84C0           TEST AL,AL
    0047FAA0   . 75 08          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047FAAA
    0047FAA2   . 8B35 F441A000  MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[A041F4]
    0047FAA8   . EB 31          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FADB
    0047FAAA   > 8B35 8041A000  MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[A04180]
    0047FAB0   . EB 29          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FADB
    0047FAB2   > 837C24 18 00   CMP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18],0
    0047FAB7   . 74 1C          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FAD5
    0047FAB9   . A1 F841A000    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[A041F8]
    0047FABE   . 85C0           TEST EAX,EAX
    0047FAC0   . 74 13          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FAD5
    0047FAC2   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047FAC3   . E8 585E0700    CALL iw5mp.004F5920
    0047FAC8   . 8B35 F841A000  MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[A041F8]
    0047FACE   . 83C4 04        ADD ESP,4
    0047FAD1   . 84C0           TEST AL,AL
    0047FAD3   . 74 06          JE SHORT iw5mp.0047FADB
    0047FAD5   > 8B35 8441A000  MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[A04184]
    0047FADB   > D9EE           FLDZ
    0047FADD   . D94424 28      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+28]
    0047FAE1   . D8D1           FCOM ST(1)
    0047FAE3   . DFE0           FSTSW AX
    0047FAE5   . DDD9           FSTP ST(1)
    0047FAE7   . F6C4 01        TEST AH,1
    0047FAEA   . 75 58          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047FB44
    0047FAEC   . D84C24 1C      FMUL DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+1C]
    0047FAF0   . 56             PUSH ESI
    0047FAF1   . 8D4424 54      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+54]
    0047FAF5   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047FAF6   . 8B8424 8C00000>MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8C]
    0047FAFD   . D95C24 64      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+64]
    0047FB01   . 0FB650 10      MOVZX EDX,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+10]
    0047FB05   . D94424 1C      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+1C]
    0047FB09   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047FB0A   . 0FB648 11      MOVZX ECX,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+11]
    0047FB0E   . D91C24         FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
    0047FB11   . D94424 2C      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C]
    0047FB15   . 8B4424 3C      MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+3C]
    0047FB19   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047FB1A   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047FB1B   . 83EC 10        SUB ESP,10
    0047FB1E   . D95C24 0C      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+C]
    0047FB22   . D94424 48      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+48]
    0047FB26   . D95C24 08      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8]
    0047FB2A   . D94424 68      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+68]
    0047FB2E   . D95C24 04      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
    0047FB32   . D94424 64      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+64]
    0047FB36   . D91C24         FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
    0047FB39   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047FB3A   . E8 E1D8F8FF    CALL iw5mp.0040D420
    0047FB3F   . 83C4 28        ADD ESP,28
    0047FB42   . EB 02          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FB46
    0047FB44   > DDD8           FSTP ST
    0047FB46   > D9EE           FLDZ
    0047FB48   . D94424 2C      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+2C]
    0047FB4C   . D8D1           FCOM ST(1)
    0047FB4E   . DFE0           FSTSW AX
    0047FB50   . DDD9           FSTP ST(1)
    0047FB52   . F6C4 01        TEST AH,1
    0047FB55   . 75 58          JNZ SHORT iw5mp.0047FBAF
    0047FB57   . D84C24 1C      FMUL DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+1C]
    0047FB5B   . 8B8424 8400000>MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+84]
    0047FB62   . 0FB650 11      MOVZX EDX,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+11]
    0047FB66   . 0FB640 10      MOVZX EAX,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+10]
    0047FB6A   . D95C24 5C      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+5C]
    0047FB6E   . D94424 14      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14]
    0047FB72   . 56             PUSH ESI
    0047FB73   . 8D4C24 54      LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+54]
    0047FB77   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047FB78   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047FB79   . 8B4C24 3C      MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+3C]
    0047FB7D   . D91C24         FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
    0047FB80   . 52             PUSH EDX
    0047FB81   . D94424 30      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+30]
    0047FB85   . 50             PUSH EAX
    0047FB86   . 83EC 10        SUB ESP,10
    0047FB89   . D95C24 0C      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+C]
    0047FB8D   . D94424 48      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+48]
    0047FB91   . D95C24 08      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8]
    0047FB95   . D94424 68      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+68]
    0047FB99   . D95C24 04      FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
    0047FB9D   . D94424 64      FLD DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+64]
    0047FBA1   . D91C24         FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
    0047FBA4   . 51             PUSH ECX
    0047FBA5   . E8 76D8F8FF    CALL iw5mp.0040D420
    0047FBAA   . 83C4 28        ADD ESP,28
    0047FBAD   . EB 02          JMP SHORT iw5mp.0047FBB1
    0047FBAF   > DDD8           FSTP ST
    0047FBB1   > 81C7 8C000000  ADD EDI,8C
    0047FBB7   . 836C24 34 01   SUB DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+34],1
    0047FBBC   .^0F85 0EFCFFFF  JNZ iw5mp.0047F7D0
    0047FBC2   . 5D             POP EBP
    0047FBC3   > 5F             POP EDI
    0047FBC4   . 5E             POP ESI
    0047FBC5   . 5B             POP EBX
    0047FBC6   . 83C4 64        ADD ESP,64
    0047FBC9   . C3             RETN
    ************************************************** **********

    MW3 Reversings: (this is for 1.2.358 for I think)
    Quote Originally Posted by cardoow
    i saw that the addys from uc where posted here so here are some functions u can use
    in combination with the posted offsets(i guess these are all outdated)

    class w2s_t
    	char unknown[0xDC];

    typedef bool (*w2s_)(int unknown, w2s_t * w2scalc, Vec3 vPoint, float Screen[2]);
    w2s_ w2s = (w2s_)0x514820;
    typedef w2s_t *(*GetCalc_)();
    GetCalc_ GetCalc = (GetCalc_)0x4CE3C0;
    typedef bool (*RankIcon_)(int Rank, int Prestige, DWORD ptr);
    RankIcon_ RankIcon = (RankIcon_)0x5330D0;
    void DrawNameTags( CEntity * pEnt, float Alpha )
    	DWORD dwNameTags = 0x580C30;
    		push Alpha
    		push pEnt
    		push 0x0
    		call [dwNameTags]
    		add esp, 0xC
    DWORD GetWeapon(DWORD dwNum)
    	DWORD dwReturn = NULL;
    		mov eax, dwNum
    		and eax, 0FFh
    		mov eax, [eax*4+0x8DAA50]
    		mov dwReturn, eax		
    	return dwReturn;
    char * GetWeaponName(DWORD dwNum)
    	DWORD dwReturn = NULL;
    		mov eax, dwNum
    		and eax, 0FFh
    		add eax, eax
    		add eax, eax
    		mov eax,[eax+0xA011D4]
    		mov dwReturn, eax		
    	return (char*)dwReturn;
    void FixBlindEye()
    	CClientInfo * pLocal = GetLocalClient();
    	for(int i=0; i<32; i++)
    		CClientInfo * pClient = GetClientByIndex(i);
    		if(pClient != pLocal)
    			if(pClient->Perk & 0x20)
    				pClient->Perk = 0x0;
    void ChopperBoxes()
    	DWORD dwCall = 0x5A30C0;
    		push 0x0
    		call [dwCall]
    		add esp, 0x4
    char * GetRankShader(CClientInfo * pClient)
    	DWORD dwShader;
    	RankIcon(pClient->Rank, pClient->Prestige, dwShader);	
    	return (char*)(*(DWORD*)(*(DWORD*)dwShader));
    typedef void (*Wallhack_)();
    Wallhack_ pWallhack;
    void __declspec(naked) nWallhack()
    		cmp DWORD PTR [esp+0x20], 0x4799C2 //player return
    		jne jump		
    		mov [esp+0x30], 0x503
    pWallhack = (Wallhack_)DetourFunction((PBYTE)0x5397F0, (PBYTE)nWallhack);

    ************************************************** **********

    Updated Addresses: (1.5.387)
    #define ADDR_CG 0x008FF420
    #define ADDR_ENTITY 0xA08A28
    #define ADDR_REGISTERSHADER 0x0040D270
    #define ADDR_DRAWSTRETCHPIC 0x0043E160
    #define ADDR_GETWEAPON 0x008DDE50 (refer to notes for gettting the weapon shader)
    #define ADDR_DRAWENGINERADAR 0x00508C10
    #define ADDR_OVERLAYPACKAGE 0x005568D0
    #define ADDR_OVERLAYFRIENDLY 0x0045C8F0
    #define ADDR_OVERLAYTURRET 0x005449C0
    #define ADDR_OVERLAYHELI 0x00563F30
    #define ADDR_OVERLAYLOCAL 0x0044B360
    #define ADDR_OVERLAYPLANE 0x005146E0
    #define ADDR_THERMALOVERLAY 0x00420150
    #define ADDR_ADVANCEDUAV 0x01C29564
    #define ADDR_CLIENTINFO 0x009FCAF8
    I couldn't find the addresses for the MW3 Reversings one because I don't have a copy of the iw5mp.exe executable for 1.2.358.

    LocalClientNum is stored @ CG_T + 0x150.

    Quote Originally Posted by cardoow
    *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(0x1C2C39C) + 0xC) = 1;
    The value '0x1C2C39C' should be replaced with the address defined as ADDR_ADVANCEDUAV.

    To get the weapon shader for a weapon....
    Quote Originally Posted by CypherPresents
    CWeapon* pWeapon = GetWeapon( pEnt->Weapon );

    char* szShader = GetWeaponShader( pWeapon );
    // pWeapon->m_hud->m_icon->szShader
    // Create this wrapper function and then check for invalid ptrs and values to prevent crashes
    Last edited by master131; 03-16-2012 at 04:34 AM.
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  7. #4
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    VB.Net - Left Click Code


    This code allow you to make a left click.
    You can put it in a timer and make it spam left click.

    Or you want to do something else.

    Public Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal dx As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer, ByVal cButtons As Integer, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Integer)
        Public Sub LeftClick()
            mouse_event(&H2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            mouse_event(&H4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        End Sub
    (Yes, this was found on the web, I just made it into a small snippet for you guys.)

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  8. #5
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    Check MW3 + Steam Status:

    Language: C#

    I made this because I haven't seen anyone checking if the Steam process is running.
    This can avoid problems with private versions.
    But I will add a more effective way when I get home and can check

    bool Status()
                System.Diagnostics.Process[] Steam = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("steam");
                System.Diagnostics.Process[] MW3 = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("iw5mp");
                if (Steam.Length != 0)
                    if (MW3.Length != 0)
                        return true;
                    else return false;
                else return false;
    I was inspired by @bocadecao
    Quote Originally Posted by bocadecao View Post
    I tried several ways but the hacker does not change anything: s
    (use MW3 Pirate)
    So thanks
    Last edited by Jorndel; 06-16-2012 at 12:38 PM.

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  10. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jorndel View Post
    Check MW3 + Steam Status:

    Language: C#

    I made this because I haven't seen anyone checking if the Steam process is running.
    This can avoid problems with private versions.
    But I will add a more effective way when I get home and can check
    So thanks
    Hmm Nice idea... merge the 2 if's and you have a shorter code, like:
    if (Steam.Length != 0 && MW3.Length != 0)
           return true;
    else return false;

    A simple solution to most problems... Thanks

    CoD Minion from 09/19/2012 to 01/10/2013

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  12. #7
    Jorndel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Shepherd View Post
    Hmm Nice idea... merge the 2 if's and you have a shorter code, like:
    if (Steam.Length != 0 && MW3.Length != 0)
           return true;
    else return false;

    A simple solution to most problems... Thanks
    Well, if you had thinked a little longer.
    It could check for the steam and you could send a message about that steam was not found.

    And if not. just give the MW3 error

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  13. #8
    rawr im a tiger's Avatar
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    Time to revive this thread.

    Here's what I use for External ESP boxes in C#, you'll have to tweak the numbers for your code
    private Pen friend;
    		private Pen enemy;
    		private Brush enemyb;
    		private Brush friendb;
    		private System.Drawing.Graphics gr;
    		private Font fnt;
    		public overlay(Size siz)
    			this.Size = siz;
    			gr = this.CreateGraphics();
    			enemy = new Pen(Color.Red, 3.0f);
    			friend = new Pen(Color.Green, 3.0f);
    			enemyb = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
    			friendb = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);
    			fnt = new Font("Arial", 10.0f);
    		private void DrawRect(Pen pn, float x, float y, float width, float height)
    			gr.DrawRectangle(pn, x, y, width, height);
    		public void RefreshDraw()
    		private void DrawText(string s, Brush br, Font fnt, float x, float y)
    			gr.DrawString(s, fnt, br, x, y);
    		public void DrawPlayer(string name, float x, float y, int status, float distance, bool friendly)
    			// Statuses: 
    			// 1: Stand
    			// 2: Crouch
    			// 3: Prone
    			float height = 800.0f;
    			float width = 500.0f;
    			switch (status) {
    				case 2:
    					height = 600.0f;
    				case 3:
    					height = 300.0f;
    			height /= distance;
    			width /= distance;
    			if (friendly) {
    				DrawRect(friend, x, y, width, height);
    				DrawText(name, friendb, fnt, x + (width / 2) - (name.Length * 2.5f), y - 20);
    			} else {
    				DrawRect(enemy, x, y, width, height);
    				DrawText(name, enemyb, fnt, x + (width / 2) - (name.Length * 2.5f), y - 20);
    I use it in conjunction with @Jorndel 's C# Trainer Class (
    Last edited by rawr im a tiger; 07-17-2012 at 12:22 AM. Reason: Added linky :3

  14. #9
    Randomsheit's Avatar
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    @rawr im a tiger
    What would you recommend I learn in order to make my own external ESP? I copy pasted yours but I get 'Method Must Have a Return Type" error. But even if that worked flawless I would much rather learn my self and create my own. What things in c# would you say are the best to learn for making a esp?

    p.s. sorry about posting this here. but I cannot pm until 20 posts.
    Quite newb at C# But keen to learn more

  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randomsheit View Post
    @rawr im a tiger
    What would you recommend I learn in order to make my own external ESP? I copy pasted yours but I get 'Method Must Have a Return Type" error. But even if that worked flawless I would much rather learn my self and create my own. What things in c# would you say are the best to learn for making a esp?

    p.s. sorry about posting this here. but I cannot pm until 20 posts.
    I'm not him.. but here's what you should do:
    1-) DO NOT Copy&paste others codes.. you'll not learn doing this and no one likes who do this.
    2-) Learn C++ and DirectX, you can use C# as well, but C++ is better for this. Learn how do draw lines, text, etc etc with DirectX (or GDI.. but GDI is much slower than D3D)
    3-) When you get to the point you can easily do hacks using offsets found by others, its time to learn reverse engineering and find the offsets by yourself.
    4-) Last, google is you best friend when making hacks... search stuff that you don't know how to do (but not copy paste them )

    Well, since this thread got revived, I'm gonna add some snippets too

    GetTagPos, Offsets for 1.4.382 (TeknoMW3 version)
    typedef int(*R_RegisterTag)(char *szName);
    R_RegisterTag GetTagByName = (R_RegisterTag)0x4922E0;
    bool GetTagPos(Entity_T *pEnt,char *szTag,float flOut[3])
    	WORD wTag=GetTagByName(szTag); 
    		return false;
    	DWORD dwCall=0x00571790;
    		MOV ESI,pEnt;
    		MOVZX EDI,wTag;
    		PUSH flOut;
    		CALL dwCall;
    		ADD ESP,0x4
    	return true;
    CG_Trace Offset fo TeknoMW3 as well:
    typedef void ( __cdecl *CG_Trace_t)( trace_t *tr,vec3_t start,vec3_t endpos,int Skip,int mask );
    CG_Trace_t CG_Trace=(CG_Trace_t)0x55A820;
    bool IsVisible(float *Point)
    	trace_t trace;
    	return (trace.Fraction>=0.97f);
    typedef void* ( * tRegisterFont )( char* szName );
    typedef int ( * tDrawEngineText )( char* Text, int NumOfChars, void* Font, float X, float Y, float scaleX, float scaleY, float unk1, float* Color, int unk2 );
    tDrawEngineText DrawEngineText_ = ( tDrawEngineText )0x0042C970;
    void DrawText(float x, float y, void* pFont, float* color, const char *Text, ... )
    	char buf[300] = "";
    	va_list va_alist;
    	va_start( va_alist, Text );
    	vsnprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), Text, va_alist );
    	va_end( va_alist );
    	DrawEngineText_( ( char* )buf, 0x7FFFFFFF, pFont, x, y, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, color, 0 );
    Dont forget to register a font before drawing.. Some fonts:
    #define FONT_SMALL_DEV    "fonts/smallDevFont"
    #define FONT_BIG_DEV    "fonts/bigDevFont"
    #define FONT_CONSOLE    "fonts/consoleFont"
    #define FONT_BIG        "fonts/bigFont"
    #define FONT_SMALL        "fonts/smallFont"
    #define FONT_BOLD        "fonts/boldFont"
    #define FONT_NORMAL        "fonts/normalFont"
    #define FONT_EXTRA_BIG    "fonts/extraBigFont"
    #define FONT_OBJECTIVE    "fonts/objectiveFont"
    Last edited by MarkHC; 08-11-2012 at 11:46 PM.

    CoD Minion from 09/19/2012 to 01/10/2013

  16. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to MarkHC For This Useful Post:

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  17. #11
    rawr im a tiger's Avatar
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    Well thanks @General Shepherd ;p
    @Randomsheit , You'll want to paste that code into a form with no border, set to the size and location of your game window (google "GetWindowRect"), with a transparent background set to the colour you clear with. The error you're getting is due to the constructor function being placed outside of a similarly named form.

  18. #12
    Randomsheit's Avatar
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    @rawr im a tiger Cheers man. I'll look in to it Looking up getwindowrect atm
    Quite newb at C# But keen to learn more

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  20. #13
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    Dead thread D:

    Level flash function:

        Function LevelFlash(ByVal LevelAddress As Integer, ByVal LevelValue As Integer)
    1:      LevelAddress = &H1DBD238
            LevelValue += 1
            WriteMemory(LevelAddress, 1) 'Start from level 1.
            Do Until 0 'Loop, keep adding 1 for next level.
                WriteMemory(LevelAddress, LevelValue)
            If ReadMemory(LevelAddress) = 80 Then 'If level reaches maximum value (80) go to 1 (beggining).
                GoTo 1
            End If
        End Function
    Didn't test it though.
    Last edited by Geometrical; 12-13-2012 at 09:08 AM.

  21. #14
    mwxplayer's Avatar
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    Universal Internal Radar [C++]:
    typedef void (__cdecl* tDrawEngineRadar )( int unk1, int disableRotation, int unk2, CRadarHud* radar, int* shader, Color color );
    typedef void (__cdecl* OverlayPackage_ )( int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* radar, int* shader, Color color );
    typedef void (*OverlayEnemy_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Color col);
    typedef void (*OverlayFriendly_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Color col);
    typedef void (*OverlayTurret_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Color col);
    typedef void (*OverlayHeli_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Color col);
    typedef void (*OverlayPlane_)(int a1, int a2, int a3, CRadarHud* hud, Color col);
    typedef int* ( *R_RegisterShader ) ( char* szName );
    typedef void ( __cdecl* tUiShowList ) ( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4 );
    DWORD OverlayEnemy_OFF , OverlayFriendly_OFF , OverlayLocal_OFF , OverlayPlane_OFF , OverlayHelicopter_OFF , OverlayTurret_OFF , EngineRadar_OFF , OverlayPackage_OFF , RegisterShader_OFF , UiShowList_OFF;
    tDrawEngineRadar DrawEngineRadar; 
    OverlayPackage_ OverlayPackage;
    OverlayEnemy_ OverlayEnemy ;
    OverlayFriendly_ OverlayFriendly; 
    OverlayTurret_ OverlayTurret ;
    OverlayHeli_ OverlayHeli; 
    OverlayPlane_ OverlayPlane;
    R_RegisterShader RegisterShader_;
    tUiShowList UiShowList;
    void Scan()
    	EngineRadar_OFF = FindPattern ( "\x83\xEC\x2C\xA1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x53" , "xxxx????x" );
    	OverlayPackage_OFF = FindPattern ( "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xE4\xF8\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\xA1" , "xxxxxxxx????x" );
    	OverlayEnemy_OFF = FindPattern ( "\x83\xEC\x64\x53\x56\x8B\x74\x24\x70" , "xxxxxxxxx" );
    	OverlayFriendly_OFF = FindPattern ( "\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF7\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x75\x0D" , "xx????xx????????xx" );
    	OverlayTurret_OFF = FindPattern ( "\xA1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x69\xC0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\xEC\x68" , "x????xx????xxx" );
    	OverlayHelicopter_OFF = FindPattern ( "\x83\xEC\x50\x83\x3D" , "xxxxx" );
    	OverlayPlane_OFF = FindPattern ( "\x83\xEC\x54\xA1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x53" , "xxxx????x" );
    	RegisterShader_OFF = FindPattern ( "\x8b\x44\x24\x04\x80\x38\x00\x75\x00", "xxxxxxxx?" ); 
    	DrawEngineRadar = ( tDrawEngineRadar ) EngineRadar_OFF;
    	OverlayPackage = ( OverlayPackage_ ) OverlayPackage_OFF;
    	OverlayEnemy = (OverlayEnemy_) OverlayEnemy_OFF;
    	OverlayFriendly = (OverlayFriendly_) OverlayFriendly_OFF;
    	OverlayTurret = (OverlayTurret_) OverlayTurret_OFF;
    	OverlayHeli = (OverlayHeli_) OverlayHelicopter_OFF;
    	OverlayPlane = (OverlayPlane_) OverlayPlane_OFF;
    	RegisterShader_ = (R_RegisterShader) RegisterShader_OFF;
    	CRadarHud radarhud;
    	radarhud.x = 590;
    	radarhud.y = 5;
    	radarhud.w = 200;
    	radarhud.h = 200;
       static int* whiteshader = RegisterShader_("white");
       if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_F1 ) & 1 ) 
    	   hax = !hax;
       if (hax)
       DrawEngineRadar( 0 , 0 , 0 , &radarhud,whiteshader, WHITE);
       OverlayPackage(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, whiteshader, WHITE);	
       OverlayEnemy(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, RED);
       OverlayFriendly(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, BLUE );	
       OverlayHeli(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, WHITE );
       OverlayPlane(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, GREEN );
       OverlayTurret(0, 0, 0, &radarhud, WHITE); 
    credits : CyberPresents , -InSaNe for Scanner (and UiShowList Pattern) and master131 for 1.4.382 OFFSETS ,King Orgy aka heimwerker , Smoochy and meh for making patterns for rest addresses.
    Last edited by mwxplayer; 02-19-2013 at 10:16 AM.

  22. #15
    arnie12's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    My Mood

    C# | Basic memory editing to mess up the title

    Let's undead this Thread

    Here is some basic memory editing using Jorndel memory class
    Credits to Jorndel:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace TitleDestroyer
        class Memory
            #region Basic Stuff
            private static extern Int32 ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, [In, Out] byte[] buffer, UInt32 size, out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesWritten);
            private static extern Int32 WriteProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, [In, Out] byte[] buffer, UInt32 size, out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesWritten);
            IntPtr pHandel;
            public bool Process_Handle(string ProcessName)
                    Process[] ProcList = Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcessName);
                    if (ProcList.Length == 0)
                        return false;
                        pHandel = ProcList[0].Handle;
                        return true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                { Console.Beep(); Console.WriteLine("Process_Handle - " + ex.Message); return false; }
            private byte[] Read(int Address, int Length)
                byte[] Buffer = new byte[Length];
                IntPtr Zero = IntPtr.Zero;
                ReadProcessMemory(pHandel, (IntPtr)Address, Buffer, (UInt32)Buffer.Length, out Zero);
                return Buffer;
            private void Write(int Address, int Value)
                byte[] Buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(Value);
                IntPtr Zero = IntPtr.Zero;
                WriteProcessMemory(pHandel, (IntPtr)Address, Buffer, (UInt32)Buffer.Length, out Zero);
            //This is the part you want to edit
            #region Write Functions (Integer & String)
            public void WriteInteger(int Address, int Value)
                Write(Address, Value);
            public void WriteString(int Address, string Text)
                byte[] Buffer = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(Text);
                IntPtr Zero = IntPtr.Zero;
                WriteProcessMemory(pHandel, (IntPtr)Address, Buffer, (UInt32)Buffer.Length, out Zero);
            public void WriteBytes(int Address, byte[] Bytes)
                IntPtr Zero = IntPtr.Zero;
                WriteProcessMemory(pHandel, (IntPtr)Address, Bytes, (uint)Bytes.Length, out Zero);
            public void WriteNOP(int Address)
                byte[] Buffer = new byte[] { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 };
                IntPtr Zero = IntPtr.Zero;
                WriteProcessMemory(pHandel, (IntPtr)Address, Buffer, (UInt32)Buffer.Length, out Zero);
            #region Read Functions (Integer & String)
            public int ReadInteger(int Address, int Length = 4)
                return BitConverter.ToInt32(Read(Address, Length), 0);
            public string ReadString(int Address, int Length = 4)
                return new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(Read(Address, Length));
            public byte[] ReadBytes(int Address, int Length)
                return Read(Address, Length);
    And here is some basic memory editing of me

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace TitleDestroyer
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Memory Title = new Memory();
                while (true) {
                    Console.WriteLine("To change your title type 'y',to quit 'q'");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (input.ToLower() == "y")
                        if (Title.Process_Handle("iw5mp") == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("Start your mw3 please");
                    } else if (input.ToLower() == "q")
                        Console.WriteLine("Tool made by Arnie");
                    else if (input.ToLower() == "prestige")
                        Title.WriteInteger(0x1CDBC64, 21);
                        Console.WriteLine("Changed Prestige");
                        Console.WriteLine("Tool made by Arnie");
                        Console.WriteLine("Input could not be reconized");
                Title.WriteString(0x01328D35, "$/%/()%&/(%/(%)&)%%$&$$)=/=&%(%)=&/(%&$&=`?(?(?/²³³{{³²³{{³{");
                Title.WriteString(0x01328D35, "                                                            ");
                while (true) { 
                    Console.WriteLine("Do you want to edit your title and clan tag?");
                    Console.WriteLine("Yes'y' or No'n'");
                    string selection = Console.ReadLine();
                    if(selection.ToLower() == "y")
                        Console.WriteLine("Put your title text in");
                        string TitleText = Console.ReadLine();
                        Title.WriteString(0x01328D35, TitleText);
                        Console.WriteLine("Put your tag text in");
                        string TagText = Console.ReadLine();
                        Title.WriteString(0x01328D54, TagText);
                    else if (selection.ToLower() == "n")
                        Console.WriteLine("Input could not be reconized");
                Console.WriteLine("Changing the title fully completed :)");
                Console.WriteLine("Tool made by Arnie");
    Nvm it's console style

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