Hello i'd like to sell my 1500+ elo account,It has 12 rune pages, about 12-20 different kinds of rune types(*9)
Almost 70 champions and many skins like:
Matador ali,
Frost janna,
Pink taric,
Muse sona,
Iron solari leona,
Proffesor/uncle ryze,
Christmas skins for lb, mai, gp
Traditional Lee sin,
Frost brand,
Little Red Riding hood annie,
Jurrasic cho,
Executioner mundo,
Nightblade Irelia,
French maid nidalee,
full metal pantheon,
Sewn Chaos Orianna,
blood moon shen,
frost swain,
legendary tryndamere
legendary vlad skin,
Jadefire Wu,
hyena ww,
Baseball trundle,
undertaker yorick and more
S1 no elo, S2 now 1500+.