(got every champion except the following)

Skins: 78

stinger akali ( legacy )
unchained alister
pharaoh amumu ( legacy )
goth annie ( rare )
frostfire annie
amethyst ashe
definitely not blitzcrank ( legacy )
cyrocore brand
artic warefare caitlyn
gentleman cho gath ( legendary )
urfrider corki
corporate mundo ( legendary )
nottingham ezreal ( legacy )
fiddle me timbers
surprise party fiddlesticks
nightraven fiora
artlantean fizz
tundra fizz
enchanted galio
gatekeeper galio ( legendary )
minuteman gangplank
sanguine garen
dreadknight garen
gragas, esq.
hired gun graves
mafia graves
snowmerdinger ( limited )
frostblade irelia
darkforge jarvan IV
angler jax ( legacy )
judgement kayle ( limited )
swamp master kennen ( legacy )
artic ops kennen
lion dance kogmaw
deep sea kogmaw
mistletoe leblanc ( limited )
dragon fist lee sin
marble malphite
overlord malzahar
totemic mai
assasin master yi
ionia master yi
lord mordekaiser
galactic nasus
dreadknight nasus
french maid nidalee
frozen terror nocturn
haunting nocturn ( limited )
brolaf ( legendary )
ninja rammus
bloodfury renekton
rune wards renekton
battlebunny riven
professor ryze
royal shaco
asylum shaco
yellow jacket shen ( legacy )
boneclaw shyvana
warmonger sion
astronaut teemo ( legendary )
riot girl tristana
demonblade tryndamere ( legendary )
museketeer tf
gangster twitch
black belt udyr
primal udyr
battlecast urgot
dragonslayer vayne
veigar greybeard
blood lord vladimir ( legendary )
northern storm volibear
tundra hunter ww
feral ww ( legacy )
hyena ww
battlecast xerath
imperial xin zhao
mad scientist ziggs
time machine zilean ( legacy )

Elo: 1250/ 500+ ranked games played.

RP: none, IP: 6000

Rune Pages: 4

Marks: apen * 9, mpen * 9, AP * 9, AD * 9, Aspeed * 9
Seals: AP * 9, Mregen/level * 9, Armor * 9
Glyphs: Aspeed * 9, AP/level * 9, ARmor * 9 , AD * 9, MR/level * 9
Quints: AD * 3, APen * 3, Health *3, AP * 3

(they're all 3rd tier)

I only accept Paypal. I expect to you go first, but you can hire a REAL middleman if you desire so. You will pay the fees.

No low-ballers. Serious offers only. Post your offers here with skype name or add me on skype yourself: dannylee101

My vouches on a different forum: https://www.elit********file/4478767