im a bit stuck here/
i know i probably wont get much help here,
so ill post her and at UC.
its ASM so...
I was reversing LocalPlayer
(thats where a reliable source told me to work at)
and i come across this:

loopne  near ptr dword_372CB000+7ECh
test    ds:0C8D62EF7h, edi
bound   esp, [eax-3EDE4AE9h]
les     edx, [ebx+3Ah]
lea     edx, [esi]
jo      short near ptr dword_372CB000+7F8h
jo      short loc_372CB8DF
jle     short loc_372CB853
and     ebp, 23h
db      3Eh, 64h
push    edx
test    [edx], bl
imul    esi, [ebp+7E62589h], 77h
have at it